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Development of an Intelligent Robotic Manipulator
The presence of hazards to human health in chemical process plant and nuclear waste stores leads to the use of robots and more specifically manipulators in unmanned spaces. Rapid and accurate performance of robotic arm movement and positioning, coupled with a reliable manipulator gripping mechanism for variable orientation and a range of deformable and/or geometric and coloured products, will lead to smarter/intelligent operation of high precision equipment. The aim of the research is to design a more effective robot arm manipulator for use in a glovebox environment utilising control kinematics together with image processing / object recognition algorithms and in particular the work is aimed at improving the movement of the robot arm in the case of unresolved kinematics, seeking improved speed and performance of object recognition along with improved sensitivity of the manipulator gripper mechanism A virtual robot arm and associated workspace was designed within the LabView 2009 environment and prototype gripper arms were designed and analysed within the Solidworks 2009 environment. Visual information was acquired by barrel cameras. Field research determines the location of identically shaped objects, and the object recognition algorithms establish the difference between them. A touch/feel device installed within the gripper arm housing ensures that the applied force is adequate to securely grasp the object without damage, but also to adapt to any slippage whilst the manipulator moves within the robot workspace. The research demonstrates that complex operations can be achieved without the expense of specialised parts/components; and that implementation of control algorithms can compensate for any ambiguous signals or fault conditions that occur through the operation of the manipulator. The results show that system performance is determined by the trade-off between speed and accuracy. The designed system can be further utilised for control of multifunctional robots connected within a production line. The Graphic User Interface illustrated within the thesis can be customised by the supervisor to suit operational needs.
Industrial Robot and Automation
This research paper focuses mainly on robotics and industrial level automation respect to the mathematical modelling and programming with simulation. Where the accuracy requirement is nearly 100%, the human resources cannot handle the workload and unable to achieve the required accuracy in less time; hence the industrial robots are used. The research paper mainly focused on the industrial robot and automation design and calculation. The advanced mathematical formula, mechanical & electrical component, and the programming language come together to prepare the required industrial robot. The 6-axis robot is a well-known standard robot, which is commonly used by all kinds of MNCs for heavy and accurate work. When selecting a robot properly, it is necessary to consider the different properties of the robot, including how the robot links are connected and controlled at each joint. Next, a thorough evaluation of robotic kinematics, dynamics, and control strategies, together with all the diagnosis of deep neural networks, will describe recent efforts to accelerate the advancement of intelligent control systems for robotic systems.
Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2008
Most robots today can trace their origin to early industrial robot designs. Much of the technology that makes robots more human-friendly and adaptable for different applications has emerged from manufacturers of industrial robots. Industrial robots are by far the largest commercial application of robotics technology today. All the important foundations for robot control were initially developed with industrial applications in mind. These applications deserve special attention in order to understand the origin of robotics science and to appreciate many unsolved problems that still prevent the wider use of robots in manufacturing. In this chapter we present a brief history and descriptions of typical industrial robotics applications. We show how robots with different mechanisms fit different applications. Even though robots are well established in large-scale manufacturing, particularly in automobile and related component assembly, there are still many challenging problems to solve. The range of feasible applications could significantly increase if robots were easier to install, to integrate with other manufacturing processes, 42.
Overview of intelligent control an industrial robot
technologies, and programmable machines such as industrial robots, are used to increase productivity and quality for competitiveness on a global market. Development of increasingly flexible manufacturing systems has resulted in an increasing importance of software aspects, both on a system level and for efficient interaction with human operators. Trends toward providing customized products increase the need for flexibility, which implies a need to build modular systems that are flexible enough to handle frequent changes in production operations and product designs.One of the basic elements of the robot is a robot control, which is defined as all the technology needed to control the electromechanical system of industrial robots. Modeling, identification and model-based control can reduce the cost of the robot, to increase efficiency. It is possible to increase the resolution of requests from new concepts and new automation application process. Modelbased management, compensation, fault kinematics, optimal power management means a lot to use robots in industry. In the future, is expected to increase the importance of different sensors and thus increase intelligence of robot and its work in an industrial environment.
Advanced manufacturing technologies, and programmable machines such as industrial robots, are used to increase productivity and quality for competitiveness on a global market. Development of increasingly flexible manufacturing systems has resulted in an increasing importance of software aspects, both on a system level and for efficient interaction with human operators. Trends toward providing customized products increase the need for flexibility, which implies a need to build modular systems that are flexible enough to handle frequent changes in production operations and product designs.One of the basic elements of the robot is a robot control, which is defined as all the technology needed to control the electromechanical system of industrial robots. Modeling, identification and model-based control can reduce the cost of the robot, to increase efficiency. It is possible to increase the resolution of requests from new concepts and new automation application process. Model-based manag...
Kybernetes, 1979
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Advanced Applications of Industrial Robotics: New Trends and Possibilities
Applied Sciences, 2021
This review is dedicated to the advanced applications of robotic technologies in the industrial field. Robotic solutions in areas with non-intensive applications are presented, and their implementations are analysed. We also provide an overview of survey publications and technical reports, classified by application criteria, and the development of the structure of existing solutions, and identify recent research gaps. The analysis results reveal the background to the existing obstacles and problems. These issues relate to the areas of psychology, human nature, special artificial intelligence (AI) implementation, and the robot-oriented object design paradigm. Analysis of robot applications shows that the existing emerging applications in robotics face technical and psychological obstacles. The results of this review revealed four directions of required advancement in robotics: development of intelligent companions; improved implementation of AI-based solutions; robot-oriented design ...
A Comprehensive Survey on Robotics and Automation in Various Industries
IEEE Explore , 2022
Automation is the process of doing a work with motor or machines through a control architecture. Robotics is an advanced process of automation that makes the machine and motor to take decision with the virtual intelligence available in their control unit. Also the robotic equipment are incorporated with various sensors and monitoring units to observe its operation regularity and effectiveness. Nowadays the robotic systems are added with a neural network based algorithms for making the machine to analyze more complex problems same as like of human beings. The motive of this survey work is to analyze the recent attainments and effectives of the robotic based automation systems on various applications and industries. The discussion section included in the paper also projects the research gaps identified from the present robotic applications.
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2020
Zezwala się na korzystanie z artykułu na warunkach licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 1. Introduction The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) reported that globally, in 2018, the value of sales of robots increased to USD 16.5 billion, which corresponds to the use of 422,000 robots and an annual increase of 6%. In just 5 years, from 2013, the number of machines installed annually increased by as much as 135%. These values, despite the currently visible economic recession, are also to remain in 2019 and then increase until 2022 even at double-digit rate. At the same time, it should be noted that in 2018 as much as 74% of new robot applications were made in the industries of only five countries: China, Japan, South Korea, the USA and Germany. In this group, however, China's industry is by far the largest recipient of robots-in 2018, 154,000 were installed in it new machines, it is also the largest user in the world-it has completed as much as 36% of all global robotization installations in production processes. All this confirms the aforementioned thesis about the global importance of robotics and its place as currently the main tool for rationalizing production processes on a global scale [33, 46, 54]. In the last few year the density of robotization has been adopted as a modern indicator of just technical rationalization