Impact of Employee Engagement on Organization Citizenship Behaviour

This article is commissioned to study the level of Engagement in a construction organization located in Chennai, India and its impact on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. It is highly important to know the level of Engagement in an Organization and act upon the results for growth of the Organization. Engagement is often related to productivity and Turnover. But less importance is given to the Behavioural impact of Employee Engagement. Therefore this study focuses on the impact of Employee Engagement on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. A sample of 194 Respondents were chosen from the total Population using simple random sampling. Statistical tools like Regression and Correlation were used and Percentage Analysis was done. It was found that Employee Engagement has a very significant impact on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Key words: Employee Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Impact of Job Engagement and Job Satisfaction on Employee's Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Empirical Study on Private Universities in Bangladesh

Human resource is considering the fuel for any organization. Competitive world is choosing the new technology though the need of skill manpower in inevitable. To achieve the competitive advantage through employee's voluntary involvement, the organizations need the to ensure the job engagement and job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the impact of job engagement and job satisfaction on employee's organizational citizenship behavior. The research sample is collected from 5 private universities in Bangladesh and the number of respondents was 100 university faculties. By using the convenience sampling technique, the responses were collected and analyzed. The research model analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with SMART PLS Ver 3.0 software. Empirical findings prove that job satisfaction has a positive impact on employee's organizational citizenship behavior, while job satisfaction is independent. And also, employee engagement positively affects employee's organizational citizenship behavior. The research findings will help managerial implications, in increasing high employee involvement, motivation needs to be encouraged to be more active and innovative, and facilitate the achievement of the desired results.


Conscientia Beam., 2020

Organizations have long been concerned on how management can facilitate Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and employee engagement (EE) which can result in higher performance and productivity. This study attempted to test the mediating role of demographic attributes on the relationship between employee engagement and organizational citizenship behavior in the context of local enterprises in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The authors administered 524 participants along with on employee engagement scale (5 factors) and organizational citizenship scale (5 factors). After the validation of the model only 3 factors from OCB and 4 factors from EE have been retained. The study finally reveals the Employee Engagement (EE) has a positively significant impact on OCB. However, in mediating effect the demographic attributes (Experience) partially mediates the relationship on OCB factors but do not mediate on EE. Rest of the mediating effect of gender and age were not supported the hypothesis.

The Effect of Employee Engagement and Job satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

Proceedings of the 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018), 2019

This study aims to see the effect of employee attachment and job satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on lecturers at Universitas Negeri Padang. The populations in this study were 905 UNP lecturers with civil servant status. The sample in this study amounted to 30 people who were determined as respondents. The analysis tool used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that (1) the attachment of employees has no significant effect on OCB, (2) the attachment of employees has a significant effect on job satisfaction, (3) job satisfaction has a significant effect on OCB, and (4) the attachment of employees has a significant effect on OCB through job satisfaction.

The The Effect of Employee Engagement on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Ocb) In Employees Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan East Java

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management

An effective way to retain employees is to maintain and foster a harmonious relationship between the organization and its employees. Good treatment of the company to its employees, will form a positive perception in the minds of its employees so that it arises in the name of engagement or employee engagement. Employees who have an attachment to the company will certainly have a sense of job satisfaction. Employee management must be directed to the ability to elevate Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) through the job satisfaction of its employees, this is mainly because of the employee engagement function that provides a set of values ​​for setting company priorities. The problem of employee engagement is essential for a company, because it will always be related to life in the company. The population of this research is all 557 permanent employees in East Java. The sample in this study was selected using the multistage sampling method. After mapping, eight offices were netted...

An Exploration of Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and its Significant Link to Employee Engagement

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is presumed as one of the emerging management concepts that are being emphasized for the organizational effectiveness. This study aims to explore OCB and its significance for the organizations in present scenario particularly banking sector. Key predictors of OCB are identified through comprehensive literature review whereas qualitative research method is employed to explore the association. A model has presented by the researchers elaborating organizational citizenship behavior and its significant relation with Job satisfaction and commitment, employee engagement and human resource development climate (HRDC). It is proposed that well established predictors of OCB may lead to promote required behaviors among employees for improved performance and negative voluntary intentions.

An Exploration of Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and its Significant Link to Employee Engagement

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is presumed as one of the emerging management concepts that are being emphasized for the organizational effectiveness. This study aims to explore OCB and its significance for the organizations in present scenario particularly banking sector. Key predictors of OCB are identified through comprehensive literature review whereas qualitative research method is employed to explore the association. A model has presented by the researchers elaborating organizational citizenship behavior and its significant relation with Job satisfaction and commitment, employee engagement and human resource development climate (HRDC). It is proposed that well established predictors of OCB may lead to promote required behaviors among employees for improved performance and negative voluntary intentions.

The Effect of Employee Engagement as a mediator variable on the Relationship between Job Characteristics & Organizational Citizenship Behaviors with application on Joint-venture Companies at the Egyptian Petroleum Sector

Thesis Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Doctoral Degree in Business Administration - Faculty of Business - Ain Shams University, 2023

The issue of employee engagement has represented a great interest for human resource practitioners and researchers because of the effect it has on the development and accomplishment of organization’s vision, mission and objectives. This study explores the mediating role of employee engagement on the relationship between job characteristics and the organizational citizenship behaviors of employees in the Egyptian Petroleum Sector. The study relies on the Sociotechnical Systems theory related to work design by Hackman and Oldham (1975) and the organizational citizenship behaviors introduced by Williams and Anderson (1991). The researcher studied the relationship between the five dimensions of job characteristics “skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback” and the organizational citizenship behaviors including its two types of behaviors; OCBO which means the behaviors directed to the organization, and OCBI which refers to those types of citizenship behaviors directed to the individuals working in the organization. The present study add a new contribution to the realm of business literature, as the researcher investigates the impact of employee engagement as a mediator on the relationship between independent construct (job characteristics) and dependent construct (OCB). The present study introduces a new framework of the original Job Characteristics Model initiated by Hackman and Oldham (1975) as an attempt to better understand the relationship between job characteristics and an extra behavioral outcome represented in OCB rather than an actual improvement in task performance of individuals. Additionally the researcher replaced the original critical psychological states proposed as a mediator with employee engagement construct to better deploy the role of mediator in this relationship. This study used a survey research methodology and drew on previously developed instruments connected to the study's main constructs. The study collected data from 319 permanent university graduates employees working on 41 upstream oil and gas companies in Egypt. The study's findings demonstrated the significant positive relationship between Job Characteristics and employee engagement, the significant positive relationships between employee engagement and OCB, the significant positive relationships between job characteristics and OCB. Additionally, the findings indicated the positive impact of employee engagement on the relationship between job characteristics and OCB. Although the study revealed the positive impact of mediator role regarding OCBI dimension, the study findings reject that mediating role regarding the OCBO dimension. Keywords: job characteristics, job design, employee engagement, organizational citizenship behaviors, skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback, OCBO, OCBI.

The relationship between employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour in Thailand

Human Resource Development International, 2012

The goal of the study is to examine the effect of Employee Engagement (EE) as an independent variable on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) as a dependent variable. The study was carried out in an Egyptian public university (Ain Shams University). The data was collected through questionnaires distributed to faculty members. The sample consisted of 318 questionnaires valid for statistical analysis. The methodology used was regression analysis, and structured equation model (path analysis). The study found a positive direct effect of EE on OCB.