IX.3 CROSS-CRAFT STRATEGIES IN RAW MATERIAL PROCUREMENT: CERAMICS, MUD BRICKS AND OTHER CLAY-BASED ARTEFACTS, in: F. Balossi Restelli, Arslantepe Period VII. The Development of a cerimonial/political centre in the first half of the fourth millennium BCE (LC3-4) (original) (raw)

Crafting pottery in Bronze Age Europe: the archaeological background of the CRAFTER project

Katarina Dmitrovic, Roberto Risch, Eva Celdrán Beltrán, János Dani, María Inés F Fregeiro Morador, Vesna Vuckovic, Vojislav Filipovic, Carla Garrido García, aleksandar bulatovic, Viktória Kiss, Vajk Szeverényi, Jovan D . Mitrović, D. Gómez-gras, Gabriella Kulcsar, Petar Milojević, Vojislav Djordjević, Carlos Velasco Felipe, Marija Ljustina, Gucsi László

Crafting pottery in Bronze Age Europe: the archaeological background of the CRAFTER project, 2021

Ceramica din aşezarea romană/The pottery from the Roman settlement

S. Mustaţă, F. Gogâltan, A, Ursuţiu, S. Cociş (ed.), Cercetări arheologice preventive la Floreşti - Polus Center, jud. Cluj (2007) / Rescue excavations at Floreşti - Polus Center, Cluj County (2007), Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum 1, Cluj-Napoca 2009, 243-278.