Temporal response of ganglion cells of the macaque retina to cone-specific modulation (original) (raw)
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Responses to pulses and sinusoids in macaque ganglion cells
The goal of the study was to compare pulse respomx~ with sinusoidal temporal responsivity. The response of macaque ganglion eetls was measured to brief luminance and chromatic pulses and to fuminance or chromatic sin~oidal m~u~ation. To make both positive and negative lobes of the pulse response visible, responses to pulses of opposite polarity were combined to yield a linearized pulse response. Tests of superposition were used to evaluate the linearized pulse response to different combinations of pulse duration and Weber contrast. A prediction of the pulse response was derived using sinusoidal responsivity functions and Fourier synthesis. For ganglion ceils of the parvocellular (PC) pathway, shape and absolute amplitude of linearized pulse respomes corresponded weif to the predicted responses over a range of pulse durations at 0.5 and 1.0 Weber contrast for both tumiuance and chromatic modulation.
Specificity of Cone Inputs to Macaque Retinal Ganglion Cells
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2005
The specificity of cone inputs to ganglion cells has implications for the development of retinal connections and the nature of information transmitted to higher areas of the brain. We introduce a rapid and precise method for measuring signs and magnitudes of cone inputs to visual neurons. Colors of stimuli are modulated around circumferences of three color planes in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. For each neuron, the projection of the preferred vector in each plane was estimated by averaging the response phases to clockwise and counterclockwise modulation. The signs and weights of cone inputs were derived directly from the preferred vectors. The efficiency of the method enables us to measure cone inputs at different temporal frequencies and short-wavelength-sensitive (S) cone adaptation levels. The results show that S-cone inputs to the parvocellular and magnocellular ganglion cells are negligible, which implies underlying connectional specificity in the retinal circuitry.
Rod inputs to macaque ganglion cells and their temporal dynamics
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 1996
The strength of rod inputs to ganglion cells was assessed in the macaque retina at retinal positions within 3-15 deg eccentricity. The experimental paradigm used temporally modulated heterochromatic Hghts whose relative phase was varied. This paradigm provided a sensitive test to detect rod input. In parvocellular (PC) pathway cells, the gain of the cone-driven signal decreased with decrease in luminance. At 2 td a weak rod response, of a few impulses per second for 100% rod modulation, was revealed in about 60% of cells. For blue-on cells, the cone-driven response also decreased with retinal illuminance, but no rod response could be found. In magnocellular (MC) pathway cells, rod input was much more apparent. Responses became rod dominated at and below 20 td; we cannot exclude rod intrusion at higher retinal illumlnances. Responsivity was maintained even at low retinal illuminances. Temporal-frequency dependent rod-cone interactions were observed in MC-pathway cells. Rod responses were of longer latency than cone responses, but there was no evidence of any difference in rod latency between parvocellular and magnocellular pathways.
Specificity of Cone Inputs to Macaque Retinal Ganglion
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2010
The specificity of cone inputs to ganglion cells has implications for the development of retinal connections and the nature of information transmitted to higher areas of the brain. We introduce a rapid and precise method for measuring signs and magnitudes of cone inputs to visual neurons. Colors of stimuli are modulated around circumferences of three color planes in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. For each neuron, the projection of the preferred vector in each plane was estimated by averaging the response phases to clockwise and counterclockwise modulation. The signs and weights of cone inputs were derived directly from the preferred vectors. The efficiency of the method enables us to measure cone inputs at different temporal frequencies and short-wavelength-sensitive (S) cone adaptation levels. The results show that Scone inputs to the parvocellular and magnocellular ganglion cells are negligible, which implies underlying connectional specificity in the retinal circuitry. If a cell receives only M-and L-cone inputs, its null plane should pass through the constant Land M-cone axis. Derrington et al. found that the null planes of lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) neurons in both parvocellular (PC) and magnocellular (MC) layers showed some scatter around this axis. This could be caused by measurement uncertainty or actual Scone
The electroretinogram (ERG) is a complex retinal response to visual stimuli that contains receptoral and post-receptoral components. Here, data are presented using stimuli that isolate the responses of L (long wavelength sensitive)- or M (middle wavelength sensitive)-cones or that stimulate the two simultaneously. The data show that at a temporal frequency of 12 Hz, ERG responses are L- to M-cone opponent with little inter-individual variability. Furthermore, the ratio of L- to M-cone-driven response strengths in the ERGs is about unity. These are also properties of the L- and M-cone opponent chromatic channel mediated by parvocellular activity. Similar to the parvocellular-mediated temporal sensitivity, the ERG response is robust to moderate changes in state of cone adaptation. Thus, the 12-Hz ERG shares distinct characteristics with the post-receptoral red-green sensitive parvocellular pathway. At higher temporal frequencies, the responses are not cone opponent, the inter-individual variability is larger, the mean L/M ratio is larger than unity, and the responses change more strongly when the state of cone adaptation is altered. These properties are reminiscent of the magnocellular non-opponent channel. The data suggest that under well-controlled conditions, the ERG can be used to study post-receptoral processes of the visual system.
Spatiotemporal frequency responses of cat retinal ganglion cells
The Journal of General Physiology, 1987
Spatiotemporal frequency responses were measured at different levels of light adaptation for cat X and Y retinal ganglion cells. Stationary sinusoidal luminance gratings whose contrast was modulated sinusoidally in time or drifting gratings were used as stimuli . Under photopic illumination, when the spatial frequency was held constant at or above its optimum value, an X cell's responsivity was essentially constant as the temporal frequency was changed from 1 .5 to 30 Hz. At lower temporal frequencies, responsivity rolled off gradually, and at higher ones it rolled off rapidly. In contrast, when the spatial frequency was held constant at a low value, an X cell's responsivity increased continuously with temporal frequency from a very low value at 0.1 Hz to substantial values at temporal frequencies higher than 30 Hz, from which responsivity rolled off again . Thus, 0 cycles -deg' became the optimal spatial frequency above 30 Hz. For Y cells under photopic illumination, the spatiotemporal interaction was even more complex. When the spatial frequency was held constant at or above its optimal value, the temporal frequency range over which responsivity was constant was shorter than that of X cells . At lower spatial frequencies, this range was not appreciably different . As for X cells, 0 cycles deg ' was the optimal spatial frequency above 30 Hz . Temporal resolution (defined as the high temporal frequency at which responsivity had fallen to 10 impulses -s') for a uniform field was^-95 Hz for X cells and^-120 Hz for Y cells under photopic illumination . Temporal resolution was lower at lower adaptation levels. The results were interpreted in terms of a Gaussian centersurround model . For X cells, the surround and center strengths were nearly equal at low and moderate temporal frequencies, but the surround strength exceeded the center strength above 30 Hz . Thus, the response to a spatially uniform stimulus at high temporal frequencies was dominated by the surround. In addition, at temporal frequencies above 30 Hz, the center radius increased .
Spectral and Temporal Sensitivity of Cone-Mediated Responses in Mouse Retinal Ganglion Cells
The Journal of Neuroscience, 2011
The retina uses two photoreceptor types to encode the wide range of light intensities in the natural environment. Rods mediate vision in dim light, whereas cones mediate vision in bright light. Mouse photoreceptors include only 3% cones, and the majority of these coexpress two opsins (short- and middle-wavelength sensitive, S and M), with peak sensitivity to either ultraviolet (360 nm) or green light (508 nm). The M/S-opsin ratio varies across the retina but has not been characterized functionally, preventing quantitative study of cone-mediated vision. Furthermore, physiological and behavioral measurements suggested that mouse retina supports relatively slow temporal processing (peak sensitivity, ∼2–5 Hz) compared to primates; however, past studies used visible wavelengths that are inefficient at stimulating mouse S-opsin. Here, we measured the M/S-opsin expression ratio across the mouse retina, as reflected by ganglion cell responsesin vitro, and probed cone-mediated ganglion cell ...
Retinal bipolar cells: Temporal filtering of signals from cone photoreceptors
Visual Neuroscience, 2007
The temporal dynamics of the response of neurons in the outer retina were investigated by intracellular recording from cones, bipolar, and horizontal cells in the intact, light-adapted retina of the tiger salamander~Ambystoma tigrinum!, with special emphasis on comparing the two major classes of bipolars cells, the ON depolarizing bipolars Bd! and the OFF hyperpolarizing bipolars~Bh!. Transfer functions were computed from impulse responses evoked by a brief light flash on a steady background of 20 cd0m 2. Phase delays ranged from about 89 ms for cones to 170 ms for Bd cells, yielding delays relative to that of cones of about 49 ms for Bh cells and 81 ms for Bd cells. The difference between Bd and Bh cells, which may be due to a delay introduced by the second messenger G-protein pathway unique to Bd cells, was further quantified by latency measurements and responses to white noise. The amplitude transfer functions of the outer retinal neurons varied with light adaptation in qualitative agreement with results for other vertebrates and human vision. The transfer functions at 20 cd0m 2 were predominantly low pass with 10-fold attenuation at about 13, 14, 9.1, and 7.7 Hz for cones, horizontal, Bh, and Bd cells, respectively. The transfer function from the cone voltage to the bipolar voltage response, as computed from the above measurements, was low pass and approximated by a cascade of three low pass RC filters~"leaky integrators"!. These results for conerbipolar transmission are surprisingly similar to recent results for rodrbipolar transmission in salamander slice preparations. These and other findings suggest that the rate of vesicle replenishment rather than the rate of release may be a common factor shaping synaptic signal transmission from rods and cones to bipolar cells.
Do magnocellular and parvocellular ganglion cells avoid short-wavelength cone input?
Visual Neuroscience, 2006
We recently developed a new technique to measure cone inputs to visual neurons and used this technique to seek short-wavelength-sensitive (S) cone inputs to parasol, magnocellular (MC) and midget, parvocellular (PC) ganglion cells. Here, we compare our physiological measurements of S-cone weights to those predicted by a random wiring model that assumes cells' receptive fields receive input from mixed cone types. The random wiring model predicts the average weights of S-cone input to be similar to the total percentage of S-cones but with considerable scatter, and the S-cone input polarity to be consistent with that of PC cells' surround and of MC cells' center. This is not consistent with our physiological measurements. We suggest that the ganglion cells' receptive fields may have a mechanism to avoid S-cone inputs, as is the case in the H1 horizontal cells. Previous reports of S-cone inputs, in particular substantial input to MC cells, are likely to reflect variation...