Brazilian Contemporary Poetry: An Overview (original) (raw)
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Revista Letras Raras, 2019
Este trabalho aborda dinâmicas de tradução, circulação, e (auto)divulgação da produção poética dos escritores brasileiros Angélica Freitas, Ricardo Domeneck e Érica Zíngano no espaço de língua alemã, observando as condições e estratégias através das mídias impressas e digitais. Enfocamos o papel desempenhado pelos tradutores, suas motivações determinantes de seleção, assim como as dinâmicas de recepção e divulgação dessa poesia e de suas traduções no mercado editorial, destacando aspectos globais e locais. Mostram-se através desses três poetas as complexas dinâmicas de trânsitos e trocas numa rede contemporânea de poetas, tradutores e agentes culturais e literários na qual a atividade de traduzir passou a ter um papel relevante na publicação de blogs pessoais e de sites internacionais dedicados à poesia do mundo com a proliferação das plataformas de publicação eletrônica.
Song of Exile: A Cultural History of Brazil's Most Popular Poem, 1846-2018
Monograph with Purdue University Press, available Open Access: Description: Song of Exile: A Cultural History of Brazil’s Most Popular Poem, 1846–2018 is the first comprehensive study of the influence of Antônio Gonçalves Dias’s “Canção do exílio.” Written in Coimbra, Portugal, in 1843 by a homesick student longing for Brazil, “Song of Exile” has inspired thousands of parodies and pastiches, and new variations continue to appear to this day. Every generation of Brazilian writers has adapted the poem’s Romantic verses to glorify the wonders of the nation or to criticize it via parody, exposing a litany of issues that have plagued the country’s progress over the years. Based on a core of five hundred texts painstakingly gathered over a five-year span, this book catalogs the networks of the poem’s reinvention as pastiche and parody in Brazilian print culture from nineteenth-century periodicals to new media. Mapping the reoccurrences of the original’s keywords and phrases over time, the book uncovers how the poem has been used by successive generations to write and rewrite the nation’s history. This process of reinvention has guaranteed the permanency of “Song of Exile” in Brazilian culture, making it not only the nation’s most popular poem, but one of the most imitated in the world. About the Author: Joshua Alma Enslen is Associate Professor of Portuguese at West Point, where he directs the Portuguese program. He holds a PhD in Romance Languages from the University of Georgia and a Postdoctoral Certificate of Studies from the Materialities of Literature program at the University of Coimbra. His visual literary studies on “Song of Exile,” created in collaboration with the artist Alaina Enslen, have been featured in solo exhibitions at the University of Coimbra’s historic Museum of Science; at FOLIO 2016 in Óbidos, Portugal; and at the University of Lisbon’s Caleidoscópio.
Translating brazilian poetry: a blueprint for a dissenting canon and cross-cultural anthology
With the aim of creating a new anthology in English of canonical and contemporary Brazilian poetry from 1922 to the present day, this thesis investigates both the Brazilian poetic canon and the cross-cultural Anglo-Brazilian poetic canon. It examines the formation and selection criteria of anthologies in both literary cultures, and strategies and approaches for poetry translation. Finally it discusses three of the poets and their poems chosen for the project, analyses the translations, and evaluates the finished product.
Poetic Improvisation in the Brazilian Northeast
This study concerns the singing called repente or cantoria, a modality of improvised sung poetry, practiced in the Northeast region of Brazil. Its practitioners are called repentistas, cantadores or violeiros, and they Always sing in duets, alternating in the composition of strophes according to strict parameters of meter, rhyme and thematic coherence. There is a set of rules formulated for this purpose, but the repentistas improvise their verses on a practical basis, such as the poetic rhythm incorporated. The improvisation places the repentista in relation to aesthetic models, such as the rhythm of the poetry, the melodic patterns and the singing rules, at the same time it puts him into a dialogue with the other singer and with the expectations and reactions of the audience. The improvisation, therefore, is not only the poetic creation, but also the unfolding of a game of interaction between the poets and the other participants in the singing situation.
Contemporary Brazilian literature
Introduction to special issue of Romance Quarterly (2016) on contemporary Brazilian literature. The volume includes essays by Regina Zilberman, Regina Dalcastagnè, Luiz Fernando Valente, Rex Nielsen, Rogério Lima and Cristina Ferreira Pinto-Bailey.
Esta coletânea foi realizada por muitas mãos e inspirada por muitas pessoas, e a elas gostaríamos de agradecer o trabalho que permitiu a existência deste livro. Não poderíamos iniciar esta lista de agradecimentos sem referendar o Mulherio das Letras-Brasil e a importância da presença, no campo literário, da escritora Maria Valéria Rezende que, ao perguntar "Onde estão as mulheres?", plantou a semente da qual germinou o primeiro Mulherio, hoje um rizoma literário a espalhar-se por diversos países. Gostaríamos de agradecer também à escritora Cristiane Sobral, madrinha do Mulherio das Letras-Estados Unidos, que nos inspirou a inspirar outras mulheres a repetirem alto e sem constrangimento a frase "sou escritora!", ocupando lugares antes restritos. Agradecemos à escritora marginal e articuladora cultural Karine Bassi que acreditou neste livro e nos orientou em tantas etapas. É com orgulho que hoje fazemos parte do catálogo da Venas Abiertas, uma editora criada por ela e que publica uma literatura potente e transformadora. Expressamos nossa gratidão, ainda, à artista plástica e escritora Deborah Dornellas que abrilhantou o projeto com suas belas ilustrações. Agradecemos às tradutoras e aos tradutores que, de forma voluntária e durante um ano pandêmico-que nos obrigou a viver sob tantas pressões e desafios imagináveis talvez apenas na ficção-, traduziram ao inglês os poemas desta coletânea: