THE EFFECTS OF THE “ETUDE WRITING MODEL AND “ORIGINAL ETUDES” COMPOSED VIA THIS MODEL ON THE SUCCESSFUL TRAINING OF FLUTE STUDENTS IN TRADITIONAL TURKISH MUSIC This study was carried out in order to create a model for performing works of traditional Turkish music that can be a source in flute training. The research alsodetermines the effects of these original etudes that are composed via this model onstudents’ success.The study consists of two main parts: “Creating Etude Writing Model” and“Determining the Effects of Original Etudes Composed via This Model on StudentSuccess.” While descriptive methods were used to create the Etude Writing Method, anexperimental method was used in the process of applying the model.The “Etude Writing Model” was formed by taking the Taba-Tyler CurriculumDevelopment Model as the basis. Essentially, Etude Writing Model is composed of diagnosing of needs, setting objectives, choosing and arranging content, determiningand arranging learning experiences, testing etudes, evaluating and reporting stages.A prepared questionnaire form was used to register the opinions of universityflute instructors regarding the current flute training program and Turkish music pedagogy. The respondents in this stage consist of 20 flute instructors working in musiceducation programs of fine arts departments in Turkish universities. Frequency and percentage distributions of obtained data are presented in tables and graphics.In the scope of the study, in order to offer etudes in the experimental stage; four works in Sabâ, Hüseynî, Hicâz and Râst maqam and in Devr-i Hindi, Aksak and Aksak Semai patterns were selected from traditional Turkish music. These four works wereanalyzed to determine their identity information, sound space, course features, patternstructures, forms and technical difficulty masses. According to data obtained from the viianalysis, etudes were written in determined maqams and tempi at three different levels:easy, medium and difficult. Likewise, in the experimental stage, a course was written ineach mode in order to introduce the maqams.An experimental pattern with pretest-posttest control group design was used inthe experimental stage of the study. The study sampling is comprised of fourteenfreshmen and sophomore flute students enrolled at Gazi University Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Teaching, Music Teaching Program during the2009–2010 academic year. The first step of the experimental stage was to constituteexperimental and control groups which were equally successful in terms of traditionalTurkish musical performance. A pretest was applied to the experimental and controlgroups in each maqam. One course written in each maqam and etudes at three differentlevels were studied with the experimental group for two weeks. In this process, onlymaqam and pattern information were given to the control group. At the end of the study, posttest performances of the experimental and control groups were recorded again.Pretest-posttest records were evaluated and assessed by three specialized educators. Inanalyzing data related to pretest-posttest results, two-way ANOVA test was used for complex measurements.In statistical analysis of data collected in relation to sub-problems created withinthe framework of the objective and main problem of the study, SPSS 15.0 package program was used.The study concluded that the “Etude Writing Model” developed for performingworks of traditional Turkish music, which can be source in flute training, and “OriginalEtudes” composed via this model had considerably positive effects on students’technical and musical success. The students performed works of traditional Turkishmusic very well.