Diffeotopically trivial periodic diffeomorphisms (original) (raw)

Concentrated cyclic actions of high periodicity

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1991

The class of concentrated periodic diffeomorphisms g : M → M g:M \to M is introduced. A diffeomorphism is called concentrated if, roughly speaking, its normal eigenvalues range in a small (with respect to the period of g g and the dimension of M M ) arc on the circle. In many ways, the cyclic action generated by such a g g behaves on the one hand as a circle action and on the other hand as a generic prime power order cyclic action. For example, as for circle actions, Sign ⁡ ( g , M ) = Sign ⁡ ( M g ) \operatorname {Sign} (g,M) = \operatorname {Sign} ({M^g}) , provided that the left-hand side is an integer; as for prime power order actions, g g cannot have a single fixed point if M M is closed. A variety of integrality results, relating to the usual signatures of certain characteristic submanifolds of the regular neighbourhood of M g {M^g} in M M to Sign ⁡ ( g , M ) \operatorname {Sign} (g,M) via the normal g g -representations, is established.

On the projective derivative cocycle for circle diffeomorphisms

arXiv: Dynamical Systems, 2020

We study the projective derivative as a cocycle of Mobius transformations over groups of circle diffeomorphisms. By computing precise expressions for this cocycle, we obtain several results about reducibility and almost reducibility to a cocycle of rotations. We also introduce an extension of this cocycle to the diagonal action on the 3-torus for which we generalize the previous results.

Reduction of cocycles and groups of diffeomorphisms of the circle


We prove two theorems of reduction of cocycles taking values in the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle. They generalise previous results obtained by the author concerning rigidity for smooth actions on the circle of Kazhdan's groups and higher rank lattices. Subject classification AMS (2000): primary 57S20; secondary 37A20.

On the ergodic theory of free group actions by real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms

Inventiones mathematicae, 2017

We consider finitely generated groups of real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms. We show that if such a group admits an exceptional minimal set (i.e., a minimal invariant Cantor set), then its Lebesgue measure is zero; moreover, there are only finitely many orbits of connected components of its complement. For the case of minimal actions, we show that if the underlying group is (algebraically) free, then the action is ergodic with respect to the Lebesgue measure. This provides first answers to questions due toÉ. Ghys, G. Hector and D. Sullivan.

Periodic maps on R7 without fixed points

Mathematical Proceedings of The Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2002

In this paper we prove that R 7 admits smooth periodic maps with no fixed points for every period that is not a prime power. Results of P. A. Smith show that such examples do not exist in any lower dimensions.

On Uniformly Quasisymmetric Groups of Circle Diffeomorphisms


This article deals with the conjugacy problem of uniformly quasisymmetric groups of circle homeomorphims to groups of Mobius transformations. We prove that if the involved maps have some degree of regularity and the uniform quasisymmetry can be detected by some natural L 1 -cocycle associated to the action, then the conjugacy is, in fact, smooth.

On conjugacy of homeomorphisms of the circle possessing periodic points

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007

We give a necessary and sufficient condition for topological conjugacy of homeomorphisms of the circle having periodic points. As an application we get the following theorem on the representation of homeomorphisms. The homeomorphism F : S 1 → S 1 has a periodic point of period n iff there exist a positive integer q < n relatively prime to n and a homeomorphism Φ : S 1 → S 1 such that the lift of Φ −1 • F • Φ restricted to [0, 1] has the form

The nontriviality of the first rational homology group of some connected invariant subsets of periodic transformations

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1983

This note was inspired by some results of P. A. Smith [S], One proves that for any periodic map of a manifold M and any codimension two invariant submanifold P of M containing part of the stationary point set, connected invariant subsets of the complement of P must carry nontrivial one-dimensional rational cycles, provided that M satisfies some simple homological conditions (Theorem A). This fact has interesting consequences in transformation group theory. 0. Introduction. If m > 2 is a positive integer let Zm-Zm be the cyclic group of order m and if m = oo let Z", resp. Zm be the infinite cyclic group, respectively, 5' = {z G C||z| = 1}. We also denote by Gm ", m, n-2,3,4,..., bo, a semidirect product Z", X rZ" for t: Z"-» AutZm. Such a semidirect product has the inclusion zm ■* Gm,"> tne projection Gmn-Z" and the section s: Z"-» Gmn (tt ° s = id) as part of the data. Clearly if n-oo, Gmn = Zm X Sl. The groups Gm " are regarded as compact Lie groups. Given a compact Lie group G, p: G X M-> M a topological action, N an invariant submanifold, and x E M, then the action /x: G X (M, N)-> (M, N) is called locally smooth at x if there exists a smooth action ß: G X V-» V, an invariant submanifold W E V, and an invariant neighborhood % of x G M together with an equivariant homeomorphism ^(%, % D JV)-* (F, W7). The main result of this note is the following: Theorem A. Let p: Zm X M"-* M" fte a smooth (topological) orientation preserving action, pn~2 c M" an invariant smooth (locally flat) closed oriented submanifold whose orientation is also invariant. Assume that HX(M) is torsion prime to m,H2(M;Q) = 0,and (i) MZm ¥= 02 and P f) Mz-# 0 is a union of connected components of Mz™, (ii) if p is a topological action then there exists y E P n MZm so that p: Zm X (M, P)-> (M, P) is locally smooth aty.

Towards the solution of some fundamental questions concerning group actions on the circle and codimension-one foliations

We consider finitely generated groups of real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms. We show that if such a group admits an exceptional minimal set (i.e., a minimal invariant Cantor set), then its Lebesgue measure is zero; moreover, there are only finitely many orbits of connected components of its complement. For the case of minimal actions, we show that if the underlying group is (algebraically) free, then the action is ergodic with respect to the Lebesgue measure. This provides first answers to questions due toÉ. Ghys, G. Hector and D. Sullivan.