From Outcomes to Acts: A Non-Standard Axiomatization of the Expected Utility Principle (original) (raw)
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An axiomatic approach to choice under uncertainty with catastrophic risks
Resource and Energy Economics, 2000
This paper analyses decision under uncertainty with catastrophic risks, and is motivated by problems emerging from global environmental risks. These are typically low-probability events with major irreversible consequences. For such risks, the Von Neumann-Morgens-Ž . tern NM axioms for decision making under uncertainty are not appropriate, since they are shown here to be insensitive to low-probability events. The paper introduces an alternative set of axioms requiring sensitivity to both low-and large-probability events. Through a new representation theorem in functional analysis, the results characterize all the operators whose maximization leads to the fulfillment of these axioms. They involve a convex combination of expected utility and a criterion based on the desire to avoid low probability and potentially catastrophic events. It is shown that the new axioms help resolve the Allais paradox. Open questions about risk aversion, games under uncertainty and calculus of variations are discussed. q
Expected utility theory does not directly deal with the utility of chance. It has been suggested in the literature ) that this can be remedied by an approach which explicitly models the emotional consequences which give rise to the utility of chance. We refer to this as the elaborated outcomes approach. It is argued that the elaborated outcomes approach destroys the possibility of deriving a representation theorem based on the usual axioms of expected utility theory. This is shown with the help of an example due to Markowitz. It turns out that the space of conceivable lotteries over elaborated outcomes is too narrow to permit the application of the axioms. Moreover it is shown that a representation theorem does not hold for the example.
Axiomatic Theory of Probabilistic Decision Making under Risk
This paper analyzes individual decision making under risk. It is assumed that an individual does not have a preference relation on the set of risky lotteries. Instead, the primitive of choice is a choice probability that captures the likelihood of one lottery being chosen over the other. Choice probabilities have a stochastic utility representation if they can be written as a non-decreasing function of the difference in expected utilities of the lotteries. Choice probabilities admit a stochastic utility representation if and only if they are complete, strongly transitive, continuous, independent of common consequences and interchangeable. Axioms of stochastic utility are consistent with systematic violations of betweenness and a common ratio effect but not with a common consequence effect. Special cases of stochastic utility include the Fechner model of random errors, Luce choice model and a tremble model of Harless and Camerer (1994).
Decision under Risk: The Classical Expected Utility Model
Decision-making Process, 2009
Ce chapitre d'ouvrage collectif a pour but de présenter les bases de la modélisation de la prise de décision dans un univers risqué. Nous commençons par dé…nir, de manière générale, la notion de risque et d'accroissement du risque et rappelons des dé…nitions et catégorisations (valables en dehors de tout modèle de représentation) de comportements face au risque. Nous exposons ensuite le modèle classique d'espérance d'utilité de von Neumann et Morgenstern et ses principales propriétés. Les problèmes posés par ce modèle sont ensuite discutés et deux modèles généralisant l'espérance d'utilité brièvement présentés. Mots clé: risque, aversion pour le risque, espérance d'utilité, von Neumann et Morgenstern, Paradoxe d'Allais. JEL: D81
Non-Classical Expected Utility Theory
In this paper we extend Savage's theory of decision-making under uncertainty from a classical environment into a non-classical one. We formulate the corresponding axioms and provide representation theorems for qualitative measures and expected utility.
An axiomatic theory of conjoint, expected risk
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1988
This paper presents an axiomatization of subjective risk judgments that leads to a representation of risk in terms of seven free parameters. This is shown to have considerable predictive ability for risk judgments made by 10 subjects. The risk function retains many of the features of the expectation modeIs--e.g., a constant number of parameters independent of the number of outcomes-but it also allows for asymmetric effects of transformations on positive and negative outcomes. This arises by axiomatizing independently the behavior with respect to gambles having entirely positive outcomes and those with entirely negative outcomes. Complex gambles are decomposed into these, and zero outcomes, using the expected risk property. The resulting risk function compares favorable with other functions previously suggested. It is also demonstrated that preference judgments are distinct from risk judgments, and that the theory does not apply as well to the former.
The impossibility of compromise: some uniqueness properties of expected utility preferences
Economic Theory, 2000
We focus on the following uniqueness property of expected utility preferences: Agreement of two preferences on one interior indifference class implies their equality. We show that, besides expected utility preferences under (objective) risk, this uniqueness property holds for subjective expected utility preferences in Anscombe-Aumann's (partially subjective) and Savage's (fully subjective) settings, while it does not hold for subjective expected utility preferences in settings without rich state spaces. Indeed, when it holds the uniqueness property is even stronger than described above, as it needs only agreement on binary acts. The extension of the uniqueness property to the subjective case is possible because beliefs in the mentioned settings are shown to satisfy an analogous property: If two decision makers agree on a likelihood indifference class, they must have identical beliefs.