Microscopic theory of energy dissipation and decoherence in open systems: A quantum Fermi's golden rule (original) (raw)

Dissipation and decoherence in nanodevices: a generalized Fermi's golden rule

Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2009

We shall revisit the conventional adiabatic or Markov approximation, which-contrary to the semiclassical case-does not preserve the positive-definite character of the corresponding density matrix, thus leading to highly non-physical results. To overcome this serious limitation, originally pointed out and partially solved by Davies and co-workers almost three decades ago, we shall propose an alternative more general adiabatic procedure, which (i) is physically justified under the same validity restrictions of the conventional Markov approach, (ii) in the semiclassical limit reduces to the standard Fermi's golden rule, and (iii) describes a genuine Lindblad evolution, thus providing a reliable/robust treatment of energy-dissipation and dephasing processes in electronic quantum devices. Unlike standard master-equation formulations, the dependence of our approximation on the specific choice of the subsystem (that include the common partial trace reduction) does not threaten positivity, and quantum scattering rates are well defined even in case the subsystem is infinitely extended/has continuous spectrum.

From nonequilibrium Green's functions to quantum master equations for the density matrix and out-of-time-order correlators: Steady-state and adiabatic dynamics

Physical review, 2021

We consider a finite quantum system under slow driving and weakly coupled to thermal reservoirs at different temperatures. We present a systematic derivation of the quantum master equation for the density matrix and the out-of-time-order correlators. We start from the microscopic Hamiltonian and we formulate the equations ruling the dynamics of these quantities by recourse to the Schwinger-Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's function formalism, performing a perturbative expansion in the coupling between the system and the reservoirs. We focus on the adiabatic dynamics, which corresponds to considering the linear response in the ratio between the relaxation time due to the system-reservoir coupling and the time scale associated to the driving. We calculate the particle and energy fluxes. We illustrate the formalism in the case of a qutrit coupled to bosonic reservoirs and of a pair of interacting quantum dots attached to fermionic reservoirs, also discussing the relevance of coherent effects.

Dissipation in adiabatic quantum computers: lessons from an exactly solvable model

New Journal of Physics, 2017

We introduce and study the adiabatic dynamics of free-fermion models subject to a local Lindblad bath and in the presence of a time-dependent Hamiltonian. The merit of these models is that they can be solved exactly, and will help us to study the interplay between non-adiabatic transitions and dissipation in many-body quantum systems. After the adiabatic evolution, we evaluate the excess energy (average value of the Hamiltonian) as a measure of the deviation from reaching the target final ground state. We compute the excess energy in a variety of different situations, where the nature of the bath and the Hamiltonian is modified. We find a robust evidence of the fact that an optimal working time for the quantum annealing protocol emerges as a result of the competition between the non-adiabatic effects and the dissipative processes. We compare these results with matrix-product-operator simulations of an Ising system and show that the phenomenology we found applies also for this more realistic case.

Communication: Partial linearized density matrix dynamics for dissipative, non-adiabatic quantum evolution

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2011

An approach for treating dissipative, non-adiabatic quantum dynamics in general model systems at finite temperature based on linearizing the density matrix evolution in the forward-backward path difference for the environment degrees of freedom is presented. We demonstrate that the approach can capture both short time coherent quantum dynamics and long time thermal equilibration in an application to excitation energy transfer in a model photosynthetic light harvesting complex. Results are also presented for some nonadiabatic scattering models which indicate that, even though the method is based on a "mean trajectory" like scheme, it can accurately capture electronic population branching through multiple avoided crossing regions and that the approach offers a robust and reliable way to treat quantum dynamical phenomena in a wide range of condensed phase applications.

Coupled-Trajectory Quantum-Classical Approach to Electronic Decoherence in Nonadiabatic Processes

Physical Review Letters, 2015

We present a novel quantum-classical approach to non-adiabatic dynamics, deduced from the coupled electronic and nuclear equations in the framework of the exact factorization of the electronnuclear wave function. The method is based on the quasi-classical interpretation of the nuclear wave function, whose phase is related to the classical momentum and whose density is represented in terms of classical trajectories. In this approximation, electronic decoherence is naturally induced as effect of the coupling to the nuclei and correctly reproduces the expected quantum behaviour. Moreover, the splitting of the nuclear wave packet is captured as consequence of the correct approximation of the time-dependent potential of the theory. This new approach offers a clear improvement over Ehrenfest-like dynamics. The theoretical derivation presented in the Letter is supported by numerical results that are compared to quantum mechanical calculations.

Natural approach to quantum dissipation

Physical Review A

We introduce a class of Markovian quantum master equations, able to describe the dissipative dynamics of a quantum system weakly coupled to one or several heat baths. The dissipative structure is driven by an entropic operator, the so called modular Hamiltonian, which makes it nonlinear. The generated Modular Dynamical Semigroup (MDS) is not, in general, a Quantum Dynamical Semigroup (QDS), whose dynamics is of the popular Lindblad type. The MDS has a robust thermodynamic structure, which guarantees for the positivity of the time evolved state, the correct steady state properties, the positivity of the entropy production, a positive Onsager matrix and Onsager symmetry relations (arising from Green-Kubo formulas). We show that the celebrated Davies generator, obtained through the Born and the secular approximations, generates a MDS. By unravelling the modular structure of the former, we provide a different and genuinely nonlinear MDS, not of QDS type, which is free from the severe spectral restrictions of the Davies generator, while still being supported by a weak coupling limit argument. With respect to the latter, the present work is a substantial extension of [1, 2].

Decoherence of adiabatically steered quantum systems

Physical Review B, 2010

We study the effect of Markovian environmental noise on the dynamics of a two-level quantum system which is steered adiabatically by an external driving field. We express the master equation taking consistently into account all the contributions to the lowest non-vanishing order in the coupling to the Markovian environment. We study the master equation numerically and analytically and we find that, in the adiabatic limit, a zero-temperature environment does not affect the ground state evolution. As a physical application, we discuss extensively how the environment affects Cooper pair pumping. The adiabatic ground state pumping appears to be robust against environmental noise. In fact, the relaxation due to the environment is required to avoid the accumulation of small errors from each pumping cycle. We show that neglecting the non-secular terms in the master equation leads to unphysical results, such as charge non-conservation. We discuss also a possible way to control the environmental noise in a realistic physical setup and its influence on the pumping process.

Models for local Ohmic quantum dissipation

Physical Review A, 1993

We propose a family of master equations for local quantum dissipation. The master equations are constructed in the form of Lindblad generators, with the constraints that the dissipation be strictly linear (i.e. ohmic), isotropic and translationally invariant. The resulting master equations are given in both the Schrödinger and Heisenberg forms. We obtain fluctuation-dissipation relations, and discuss the relaxation of average kinetic energy to effective thermal equilibrium values. We compare our results for one dimension to the Dekker master equation [H. Dekker, Phys. Rep. 80, 1 (1981)], which can be interpreted as a low length scale approximation of our model, as well as the Caldeira-Leggett master equation [A. O. Caldeira and A. J. Leggett, Physica (Utrecht) 121 A, 587 (1983)]. PACS number 3.65.-w, 3.65.Bz, 5.40.+j Typeset Using REVTEX