Incomplete Markets: Specification Errors and Robustness (original) (raw)
Related papers
On Statistical Indistinguishability of the Complete and Incomplete Markets
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
The possibility of statistical evaluation of the market completeness and incompleteness is investigated for continuous time diffusion stock market models. It is known that the market completeness is not a robust property: small random deviations of the coefficients convert a complete market model into a incomplete one. The paper shows that market incompleteness is also non-robust: small deviations can convert an incomplete model into a complete one.
Pricing and hedging in incomplete markets
Journal of Financial Economics, 2001
We prove fundamental theorems of asset pricing for good-deal bounds in incomplete markets, relating arbitrage-freedom and uniqueness of prices to existence and uniqueness of a pricing kernel with appropriate properties. The technology employed is duality of convex optimization in locally convex linear topological spaces. The concepts investigated are closely related to convex and coherent risk measures, exact functionals, and coherent lower previsions in the theory of imprecise probabilities. We apply the results to analyze a specific method for constructing good-deal bounds, based on robust expected utility involving a unanimity rather than a maxmin criterion.
Pricing and Hedging in Incomplete Markets with Coherent Risk
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
We propose a pricing technique based on coherent risk measures, which enables one to get finer price intervals than in the No Good Deals pricing. The main idea consists in splitting a liability into several parts and selling these parts to different agents. The technique is closely connected with the convolution of coherent risk measures and equilibrium considerations.
A Martingale Representation Result and an Application to Incomplete Financial Markets
Mathematical Finance, 1992
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for an H 1 -martingale to be representable with respect to a collection, X , of local martingales. M ∈ H 1 (P ) is representable if and only if M is a local martingale under all p.m.s Q which are 'uniformly equivalent' to P and which make all the elements of X local martingales (Theorem 1). We then give necessary and sufficient conditions which are easier to verify, and only involve expectations (Theorem 2). We go on to apply these results to the problem of pricing claims in an incomplete financial market-establishing two conjectures of Harrison and Pliska (1981).
On martingale measures when asset returns have unpredictable jumps
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1996
We study financial market incompleteness induced by discontinuities in asset returns. When there are multiple outcomes for a discontinuity, it is shown that this incompleteness cannot be removed by the introduction of extra securities. Claims cannot be hedged and are thereby not uniquely priced by arbitrage. We characterize the family of martingale measures associated with this form of incompleteness and discuss issues of existence and uniqueness for important special cases. Finally, using methods of stochastic control, we apply these results to derive replicating policies for arbitrary contingent claims and thereby relate the prices of contingent claims to the family of measures.
Market Viability and Martingale Measures under Partial Information
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2014
We consider a financial market model with a single risky asset whose price process evolves according to a general jump-diffusion with locally bounded coefficients and where market participants have only access to a partial information flow. For any utility function, we prove that the partial information financial market is locally viable, in the sense that the optimal portfolio problem has a solution up to a stopping time, if and only if the (normalised) marginal utility of the terminal wealth generates a partial information equivalent martingale measure (PIEMM). This equivalence result is proved in a constructive way by relying on maximum principles for stochastic control problems under partial information. We then characterize a global notion of market viability in terms of partial information local martingale deflators (PILMDs). We illustrate our results by means of a simple example.
Financial markets with volatility uncertainty
We investigate financial markets under model risk caused by uncertain volatilities. To this end, we consider a financial market that features volatility uncertainty. We use the notion of G-expectation and its corresponding G-Brownian motion recently introduced by Peng (2007) to ensure a mathematically consistent framework. Our financial market consists of a riskless asset and a risky stock with price process modeled by geometric G-Brownian motion. We adapt the notion of arbitrage to this more complex situation, and consider stock price dynamics which exclude arbitrage opportunities. Volatility uncertainty results in an incomplete market. We establish the interval of no-arbitrage prices for general European contingent claims, and deduce explicit results in the Markovian case.
We propose a new framework for analyzing pricing theory for incomplete markets and contingent claims, using conjugate duality and optimization theory. Various statements in the literature of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing give conditions under which an essentially arbitrage-free market is equivalent to the existence of an equivalent martingale measure, and a formula for the fair price of a contingent claim as an expectation with respect to such a measure. In the setting of incomplete markets, the fair price is not attainable as such a particular expectation, but rather as a supremum over an infinite set of equivalent martingale measures. Here, we consider the problem as a stochastic program and derive pricing results for quite general discrete time processes. It is shown that in its most general form, the martingale pricing measure is attainable if it is permitted to be finitely additive. This setup also gives rise to a natural way of analyzing models with risk preferences, spreads and margin constraints, and other problem variants. We consider a discrete time, multi-stage, infinite probability space setting and derive the basic results of arbitrage pricing in this framework.
Existence of stochastic equilibrium with incomplete financial markets
Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 1998
This paper analyzes the aritrage-free security markets and the general equilibrium existence problem for a stochastic economy with incomplete financial markets. Information structure is given by an event tree. This paper restricts attention to purely financial securities. It is assume that trading takes place in the sequence of spot markets and futures markets for securities payable in units of account. Unlimited short-selling in securities is allowed. Financial markets may be incomplete: some consumption streams may be impossible to obtain by any trading strategy. Securities may be individually precluded from trade at arbitrary states and dates. The security price process is arbitrage-free the dividend process if and only if there exists a stochstic state price (present value) process: the present value of-the security prices at every vertex is the present value of their dividend and capital values over the set of immediate successors; the current value of each security at every vertex is the present value of its future dividend stream over all succeeding vertices. The existence of such an equilibrium is proved under the following condition: continuous, weakly convex, strictly monotone and complete preferences, strictly positive endowments and dividends processes. w 1 Introduction This paper studies the existence of stochastic equilibrium with incomplete markets.