Undergraduate elective on optoelectronic materials and devices (original) (raw)

©2003 Optical Society of America


Abstract: An elective course on optoelectronic materials and devices offered at the University of San Diego is described. Main topics include band structure, semiconductor alloys, optical processes, photodetectors, light emitting diodes, laser diodes, fiber optics, and quantum wells. Laboratory projects and innovative pedagogical aspects of the course are also discussed.

2006-928: A SOLID-STATE MATERIALS AND DEVICES COURSE FOR SOPHOMORE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS An electronic materials and devices course for sophomore electrical engineering students

This paper describes a new engineering course on electronic materials and devices offered to second-year electrical engineering students. The course covers the basic concepts of quantum mechanics, electrons, atoms, solid-state materials and related devices. The emphasis is placed on the properties of semiconductors and optoelectronic devices such as photodiodes, solar cells and thin film transistors. In most universities, this type of course is offered to third-year or higher students. We believe that there are great advantages to offering this course to second-year students. The students are introduced to a set of key knowledge in modern engineering and the course promotes a greater level of interest in electrical engineering before the students are officially admitted to the School of Engineering. The main challenge in offering this course to sophomore students is to achieve a balance between mathematical theory and experiential learning. Real-life examples and laboratory activities were designed to provide the students with hands-on experiences and to enforce the understanding of theoretical materials. The paper describes in detail how the course concepts were organized and instructed, examples of the lab activities developed, and evaluation data on two pilot offerings of the course.

Optoelectronic Materials Center

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Deliberately Designed Materials for Optoelectronics Applications

Physical Review Letters, 1999

A novel class of semiconductors is introduced, based on computational design, to solve the longstanding problem of lattice and polarity mismatch in heteroepitaxial growth of III -V alloys on silicon substrates. Ab initio total-energy calculations and quasiparticle GW calculations are used to investigate the physical properties of these new semiconductors. One particular configuration is designed to match lattice constant and polarity with the Si(100) surface and to possess a direct band gap of 1.59 mm, which is close to the canonical frequency used by the optoelectronics industry. These results could pave the way for eventual monolithic integration of optical materials on silicon. [S0031-9007 08809-2] PACS numbers: 71.15.Nc, 85.60.Bt 3304 0031-9007͞99͞82(16)͞3304(4)$15.00

An optoelectronic laboratory for first year students

Technology-Based Re-Engineering Engineering Education Proceedings of Frontiers in Education FIE'96 26th Annual Conference, 1996

An optoelectronics laboratory for the freshman level introduction to engineering class at Bucknell University was implemented as a senior design project. Exploring Engineering (EG100) is a class of approximately 200 students, mostly freshmen engineers and some interested students from Arts and Sciences. In addition to lectures, the laboratory component allows each student to experience one lab from each of five engineering disciplines. The laboratory created in this project will be used as the Electrical Engineering component.

A Review on Materials for Optoelectronics Applications


Unlike other silicon based electronic devices, optoelectronic devices are primarily made from III-V semiconductor compounds such as GaAs, InP, GaN, GaP, GaSb, and their alloys since they are of direct band gap materials. Understanding the properties of these materials in the production of optoelectronic devices has been of critical importance. After the first demonstration in the early 1960s, of a semiconductor laser, optoelectronic devices have been developed in their millions, pervading our everyday lives in communications, computing, entertainment, lighting, and medicine.

1 Optoelectronics Workshops: A Triple Alliance of Concepts and Experiences Authors


with partners in France, collaborated for the last six years in the delivery of a series of annual workshops on various aspects of optoelectronics. This programme of workshops, first started in 1997, changes location each year as it rotates between the participating institutions situated in three different European Union countries. The aim of the programme is to take advantage of the complementary specialisms of the participating institutions in order to enhance the engineering educational experience of students from each of the partner institutions. In addition, the programme aims to provide students with an insight into the language and culture of each of the participating countries and enhance their interpersonal skills. This paper will present an overview of the rationale behind the project, the problems to be addressed when planning such a venture, a reflection on the success of the project and planned future developments. Index Terms — international co-operation, optoelectronics

Optoelectronics experiments for first-year engineering students

IEEE Transactions on Education, 2001

This paper describes a set of experiments in optoelectronics for first-year engineering students. This laboratory experience is comprised of five inexpensive and transportable modules that provide a hands-on introduction to optoelectronics. these modules include different types of emitters, light-emitting diode (LED) colors, optical voice link, total internal reflection, and waveguiding. Designed by a senior electrical engineering student, these modules appeal to students with various learning styles. Two hundred eight-five first-year engineering students at Bucknell University and the University of San Diego have performed these experiments. Student response to the laboratories has been enthusiastic with 80% of the students rating the lab as very good or excellent overall. Further assessment of the experiments by the instructor and the students is also discussed.