Opto-Mechanical Pattern Formation in Cold Atoms (original) (raw)

Spontaneous optomechanical pattern formation in cold atoms

Physical Review A, 2012

Transverse pattern formation in an optical cavity containing a cloud of cold two-level atoms is discussed. We show that density modulation becomes the dominant mechanism as the atomic temperature is reduced. Indeed, for low but achievable temperatures the internal degrees of freedom of the atoms can be neglected, and the system is well described by treating them as mobile dielectric particles. A linear stability analysis predicts the instability threshold and the spatial scale of the emergent pattern. Numerical simulations in one and two transverse dimensions confirm the instability and predict honeycomb and hexagonal density structures, respectively, for the blue and red detuned cases.

Triangular and honeycomb lattices of cold atoms in optical cavities

Physical Review A, 2015

We consider a two-dimensional homogeneous ensemble of cold bosonic atoms loaded inside two optical cavities and pumped by a far-detuned external laser field. We examine the conditions for these atoms to self-organize into triangular and honeycomb lattices as a result of superradiance. By collectively scattering the pump photons, the atoms feed the initially empty cavity modes. As a result, the superposition of the pump and cavity fields creates a space-periodic light-shift external potential and atoms self-organize into the potential wells of this optical lattice. Depending on the phase of the cavity fields with respect to the pump laser, these minima can either form a triangular or a hexagonal lattice. By numerically solving the dynamical equations of the coupled atom-cavity system, we have shown that the two stable atomic structures at long times are the triangular lattice and the honeycomb lattice with equally-populated sites. We have also studied how to drive atoms from one lattice structure to another by dynamically changing the phase of the cavity fields with respect to the pump laser.

Optomechanical self-organization in cold atomic gases

2013 Sixth "Rio De La Plata" Workshop on Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics, 2013

We discuss the formation of optomechanical structures from the interaction between linear dielectric scatterers and a light field via dipole forces without the need for optical nonlinearities. The experiment uses a high density sample of Rb atoms in a single mirror feedback geometry. We observe hexagonal structures in the light field and a complementary honeycomb pattern in the atomic density. Different theoretical approaches are discussed assuming either viscous damping of the atomic velocity or not. The interplay between electronic and optomechanical nonlinearities is analyzed. A prediction for dissipative light -matter density solitons is given. The investigations demonstrate novel prospects for the manipulation of matter in a pattern forming system in which quantum effects should be accessible.

Pattern Formation in Mixtures of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

Physical Review Letters, 2008

Regular pattern formation is ubiquitous in nature; it occurs in biological, physical, and materials science systems. Here we propose a set of experiments with ultracold atoms that show how to examine different types of pattern formation. In particular, we show how one can see the analog of labyrinthine patterns (so-called quantum emulsions) in mixtures of light and heavy atoms (that tend to phase separate) by tuning the trap potential and we show how complex geometrically ordered patterns emerge (when the mixtures do not phase separate), which could be employed for low-temperature thermometry. The complex physical mechanisms for the pattern formation at zero temperature are understood within a theoretical analysis called the local density approximation.

Nonlinear lensing mechanisms in a cloud of cold atoms

The European Physical Journal D, 2006

We present an experimental study of nonlinear lensing of near-resonant light by a cloud of laser-cooled rubidium atoms, specifically aimed at understanding the role of the interaction time between the light and the atomic vapor. We identify four different nonlinear mechanisms, each associated with a different time constant: electronic nonlinearity, Zeeman optical pumping, hyperfine optical pumping and radiation pressure. Our observations can be quite accurately reproduced using a simple rate equation model which allows for a straightforward discussion of the various effects. The results are important for planning more refined experiments on transverse nonlinear optics and self-organization in samples of cold atoms. PACS. 42.65.Jx Beam trapping, self-focusing and defocusing; self-phase modulation-32.80.Pj Optical cooling of atoms; trapping-42.65.Sf Dynamics of nonlinear optical systems; optical instabilities, optical chaos and complexity, and optical spatio-temporal dynamics 338

Cold atoms in cavity-generated dynamical optical potentials

Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013

We review state-of-the-art theory and experiment of the motion of cold and ultracold atoms coupled to the radiation field within a high-finesse optical resonator in the dispersive regime of the atom-field interaction with small internal excitation. The optical dipole force on the atoms together with the back-action of atomic motion onto the light field gives rise to a complex nonlinear coupled dynamics. As the resonator constitutes an open driven and damped system, the dynamics is non-conservative and in general enables cooling and confining the motion of polarizable particles. In addition the emitted cavity field allows for real-time monitoring of the particle's position with minimal perturbation up to sub-wavelength accuracy. For many-body systems, the resonator field mediates controllable long-range atom-atom interactions, which set the stage for collective phenomena. Besides correlated motion of distant particles, one finds critical behavior and non-equilibrium phase transitions between states of different atomic order in conjunction with superradiant light scattering. Quantum degenerate gases inside optical resonators can be used to emulate opto-mechanics as well as novel quantum phases like supersolids and spin glasses. Non-equilibrium quantum phase transitions as predicted by e.g. the Dicke Hamiltonian can be controlled and explored in real-time via monitoring the cavity field. In combination with optical lattices, the cavity field can be utilized for non-destructive probing Hubbard physics and tailoring long-range interactions for ultracold quantum systems.

How to characterize the dynamics of cold atoms in non-dissipative optical lattices?

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2010

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Bunching-induced optical nonlinearity and instability in cold atoms [Invited]

Optics Express, 2011

We report a new nonlinear optical process that occurs in a cloud of cold atoms at low-light-levels when the incident optical fields simultaneously polarize, cool, and spatially-organize the atoms. We observe an extremely large effective fifth-order nonlinear susceptibility of χ (5) = 7.6 × 10 −15 (m/V) 4 , which results in efficient Bragg scattering via six-wave mixing, slow group velocities (∼ c/10 5 ), and enhanced atomic coherence times (> 100 µs). In addition, this process is particularly sensitive to the atomic temperatures, and provides a new tool for in-situ monitoring of the atomic momentum distribution in an optical lattice. For sufficiently large light-matter couplings, we observe an optical instability for intensities as low as ∼ 1 mW/cm 2 in which new, intense beams of light are generated and result in the formation of controllable transverse optical patterns.