Genetic considerations in the effects of ethanol in mice. II. A trans-acting inducibility regulator(s) affecting alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity (original) (raw)
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Canadian journal of genetics and cytology. Journal canadien de génétique et de cytologie, 1985
Most genetic studies on individual and racial differences in sensitivity to alcohol intoxication have concentrated on genetic variations associated with structural genes for the enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, including alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; E.C. We studied the ethanol-induced regulation of ADH following chronic administration of ethanol in mice. Newly weaned males from six inbred strains (BALB/c, C3H/HeSnJ, C3H/S, C57BL/6J, S.W., and 129/ReJ) were subjected to ethanol administration. Alterations in the level of liver ADH activity, relative to matched littermate controls, were evaluated. The change in ADH activity was found to be strain (genotype) specific, which may explain the contradictory results in the literature. Strains which showed induction of ADH activity, in general, reflected a strain-specific time-dependent profile. Strains which showed repression, however, were independent in the degree of repression to the duration of ethanol exposure. Such var...
Behavior Genetics, 1993
Dimensions of behavioral sensitivities to alcohol in mice are under control of polygenic systems of relatively small size. The mode of inheritance of these phenotypes is frequently additive, with no evidence of dominance, epistasis, or sex linkage. The utility of classical breeding methodologies, such as selection, for assessment of genetic correlations is reviewed. A distinction is drawn between pleiotropisms in these polygenic sysCems, and the statistical concept of a genetic correlation. Development of congenic strains is argued to be a powerful alternative methodology, heretofore unused in alcohol pharmacogenetics. Using the phenotype of behavioral activation produced by a low dose of ethanol, we describe the production of an activated congenic strain on the non-activated background of the C57BL/6 mouse strain. Through five generations of repeated backcrossing, from a genetically heterogenous stock, "activational'" alleles are being successfi~lly transferred to the C57BL/6 background. Theoretical issues in the creation of congenic strains in potentially polygenic systems are covered, including number of effective loci and heritability.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1994
Although the recombinant inbred strain method was designed for molecular genetic analysis of linkage, it also provides powerful quantitative genetic analyses of heritability and genetic correlations. Measures of alcohol acceptance, alcohol preference, and hypnotic dose sensitivity (HDS) were assessed in 21 strains of mice from the BXD RI series. Sex differences were found to be significant at a phenotypic level. However, heritability estimates for acceptance, preference, and HDS are similar in males and females. Heritability estimates for the three measures are -0.20 for acceptance and preference, and 0.10 for HDS. Analyses of genetic correlations reveal that acceptance and preference share some degree of genetic influence, although they mostly operate under different genetically mediated mechanisms. HDS did not show a significant genetic relationship to either acceptance or preference. Strong correlations were obtained when acceptance, preference, and HDS strain means were correlated across male and female recombinant inbreds, suggesting substantial genetic similarity across sexes.
Sensitivity of inbred and selectively bred mice to ethanol
Alcohol, 1987
ALCOHOL 4(1) 57-62, 1987.-The Long-Sleep (LS) and Short-Sleep (SS) mice were bred for differences in sensitivity to ethanol as measured by duration of loss of the righting response (sleep time). The foundation population was a heterogeneous stock (HS) which was derived from a cross of eight inbred strains. Ethanol-induced sleep time and waking blood and brain ethanol levels were measured in the eight inbred strains, LS, SS and HS mice. The C3H and ISBI strains were quite resistant to ethanol as measured by sleep time, and only one, RIII, was very sensitive. Waking ethanol concentrations were similar for all of the inbreds, implying a narrow range of central nervous system sensitivity to ethanol. The HS mice had relatively short sleep times and blood ethanol levels equal to most of the inbreds. The LS mice were significantly more, and the SS mice significantly less sensitive to ethanol than any of the inbreds or HS mice. These studies suggest that the extremes of CNS sensitivities to ethanol manifested by the LS and SS mice cannot be traced to any of the inbred strains, and must have arisen through the selection process by changes in allelic frequencies of those genes conferring ethanol sensitivity and resistance. Long-Sleep mice Short-Sleep mice Inbred strains of mice Blood ethanol concentration Brain ethanol concentration Ethanol sleep time Acute tolerance
Behavior Genetics, 2000
The Alcohol Tolerant (AT) and Alcohol Nontolerant (ANT) rats, selectively bred for ethanolinduced ataxia on the inclined plane at ALKO in Finland, were moved to the University of Colorado in 1998. The selection phenotype was tested on generation 60 animals in Colorado. In week one, ataxia was measured on the inclined plane 30 minutes after an intraperitoneal dose of 2 g/kg 15% w/v ethanol. Differences in ethanol-induced ataxia between the AT and ANT lines at the University of Colorado were similar to those in the original lines in Finland. In week two, ataxia was measured on the inclined plane at 5 and 30 minutes, and tolerance was measured as the time to regain the original angle of sliding. The AT rats rapidly developed tolerance to 2 g/kg ethanol on the inclined plane; tolerance development was significantly slower in the ANT rats. In week three, the animals were tested for the duration of loss of righting reflex (LORR) and blood ethanol concentration at regain of the righting reflex (BEC RRR ) following a dose of 3.5 g/kg. The AT rats had a significantly higher BEC RRR than did the ANT rats, but did not differ in LORR. A separate experiment with previously untreated rats demonstrated that naïve animals of the two lines did not differ in BEC RRR or LORR. AT and ANT rats were genotyped for the mutation that occurs in the gene for the ␣6 subunit of the GABA A receptor, a natural mutation that is known to affect benzodiazepine responses. All ANT animals tested carried the mutant allele, whereas some AT families carried the mutation and others were wild type. There was no effect of the mutation in AT rats for any of the phenotypes that were tested. After several generations of brother-sister mating, the AT and ANT lines were more than 90% inbred as determined by genotyping. One AT (wild-type) line and one ANT (mutant) line were selected for breeding an F 2 intercross generation of 1200 animals. They were phenotyped for sensitivity and tolerance to ethanol on each of three consecutive weeks. Order of testing had a modest effect on some of the phenotypes: when tested during the third week as compared to weeks one or two, BEC RRR was increased, 30-minute sensitivity was increased, and development of acute tolerance was increased. Statistically significant correlations were found between tolerance and sensitivity at both 5 and 30 minutes, and between LORR and BEC RRR . The smaller (or absence of) significant correlations between others of the phenotypes indicate(s) that they are most likely controlled by different sets of genes.
Behavior Genetics, 2006
Mice from eight inbred strains were studied for their acute sensitivity to ethanol as indexed by the degree of hypothermia (HT), indexed as the reduction from pre-injection baseline of their body temperature. Two weeks later, mice were tested for their loss of righting reflex (LRR) after a higher dose of ethanol. The LRR was tested using the -classical‖ method of watching for recovery in animals placed on their backs in a V-shaped trough and recording duration of LRR. In a separate test, naive animals of the same strains were tested for HT repeatedly to assess the development of rapid (RTOL) and chronic tolerance (CTOL). We have recently developed a new method for testing LRR that leads to a substantial increase in the sensitivity of the test. Strains also have been found to differ in the new LRR test, as well as in the development of acute functional tolerance (AFT) to this response. In addition, our laboratory has periodically published strain difference data on the older versions of the HT and LRR responses. The earlier tests used some of the exact substrains tested currently, while for some strains, different substrains (usually, Nih versus Jax) were tested. We examined correlations of strain means to see whether patterns of strain differences were stable across time and across different test variants assessing the same behavioral construct. HT strain sensitivity scores were generally highly correlated across a 10-23 years period and test variants. The CTOL to HT was well-correlated across studies, and was also genetically similar to RTOL. The AFT, however, was related to neither RTOL nor CTOL, although this may be because different phenotypic end points were compared. The LRR data, which included a variant of the classical test, were not as stable. Measures of LRR onset were reasonably well correlated, as were those taken at recovery (e.g., duration). However, the two types of measures of LRR sensitivity to ethanol appear to be tapping traits that differ genetically. Also, the pattern of genetic correlation between HT and LRR initially reported in 1983 was not seen in current and contemporaneous studies. In certain instances, substrain seems to matter little, while in others, substrains differed a great deal. These data are generally encouraging about the stability of genetic differences.
Alcohol, 2007
Previous studies have identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) in the inbred High and Low Alcohol Sensitive Rat (IHAS1 and ILAS1) strains. The original development of the strains involved selection for ethanol sensitivity based on duration of the loss of the righting reflex (LORR) following a standard dose of ethanol. This paper confirms some of these QTL using a short-term selection procedure based on the difference between the blood ethanol level at loss and regain of the righting response. An F 2 population of rats was developed by a reciprocal cross of IHAS1 and ILAS1 rats. Selection for 5 generations was carried out using delta-blood ethanol concentration (dBEC) as the selection trait, where dBEC = BECLR (BEC at loss of righting reflex) -BECRR (BEC at regain of righting reflex). The lines were labeled Tolerant (TOL) or Sensitive (SENS). Approximately one-third of the offspring for each generation in each line were genotyped using DNA markers that had been previously found to be linked to QTL on chromosomes 1, 2, 5, 12, and 13. By the fifth generation of selection, the lines showed a very large difference in dBEC, BECRR, and duration of LORR; BECLR showed little segregation during the selection, and latency to lose the righting reflex showed none. IHAS allele frequency increased in the SENS line for markers on chromosomes 1, 5, 12, and 13 while ILAS allele frequency increased in the TOL line. These results were in good agreement with the two previous QTL studies. On chromosome 2, the selection resulted in an accumulation of ILAS alleles in both lines. This study provides independent confirmation of the location of QTL on chromosomes 1, 5, 12, and 13 for ethanol sensitivity. It also suggests that genetic differences in duration of LORR are mediated primarily by the dBEC phenotype.
Hybrid Mice as Genetic Models of High Alcohol Consumption
Behavior Genetics, 2009
We showed that F1 hybrid genotypes may provide a broader variety of ethanol drinking phenotypes than the inbred progenitor strains used to create the hybrids (Blednov et al. in Alcohol Clin Exp Res 29:1949-1958-2005). To extend this work, we characterized alcohol consumption as well as intake of other tastants (saccharin, quinine and sodium chloride) in five inbred strains of mice (FVB, SJL, B6, BUB, NZB) and in their reciprocal F1 hybrids with B6 (FVBxB6; B6xFVB; NZBxB6; B6xNZB; BUBxB6; B6xBUB; SJLxB6; B6xSJL). We also compared ethanol intake in these mice for several concentrations before and after two periods of abstinence. F1 hybrid mice derived from the crosses of B6 and FVB and also B6 and SJL drank higher levels of ethanol than their progenitor strains, demonstrating overdominance for two-bottle choice drinking test. The B6 and NZB hybrid showed additivity in two-bottle choice drinking, whereas the hybrid of B6 and BUB demonstrated full or complete dominance. Genealogical origin, as well as non-alcohol taste preferences (sodium chloride), predicted ethanol consumption. Mice derived from the crosses of B6 and FVB showed high sustained alcohol preference and the B6 and NZB hybrids showed reduced alcohol preference after periods of abstinence. These new genetic models offer some advantages over inbred strains because they provide high, sustained, alcohol intake, and should allow mapping of loci important for the genetic architecture of these traits.
Behavior Genetics, 1996
We are mapping the genes (quantitative trait loci or QTLs) that are responsible for individual differences in ethanol sensitivity, measured as the duration of loss of righting reflex (LORR) and blood ethanol concentrations upon recovery of the righting reflex (BEC). The Long-Sleep (LS) and Short-Sleep (SS) selected lines of mice manifest an 18-fold difference in LORR and serve as a rodent model for ethanol sensitivity. The LS • SS recombinant inbred (RI) series, developed from LS and SS lines, are an important resource for QTL mapping of ethanol-related responses. The current report summarizes the initial QTL analysis of LORR and BEC in the LS • SS strains and compares the results of correlational analysis with an interval-mapping approach. The data provide strong evidence for QTLs that influence ethanol sensitivity on mouse chromosomes 1 and 2 and possible QTLs on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16, and 18. These results are compared to those from an F2 cross which confirms QTLs on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, and 18.
Journal of Experimental Zoology, 1981
Electrophoretic variants for the stomach isozyme (ADH-C,) and liver isozyme (ADH-A,) of alcohol dehydrogenase in strains of Mus musculus have been used in genetic analyses to demonstrate close linkage between the structural genes (Ahd-3 and Adh-1, respectively) encoding these enzymes. No recombinants were observed between these loci among 126 backcross animals, which places them less than 0.8 centimorgans apart. Previous studies have positioned Adh-3, and a temporal locus (Adh3t), on chromosome 3 (Holmes, '79; Holmes et al., '80). Kinetic analyses on partially purified preparations of these isozymes have demonstrated widely divergent catalytic properties and inhibitor specificities. The liver isozyme exhibited Michaelis constants that were nearly 3 orders of magnitude lower than the stomach isozyme for various alcohol and aldehyde substrates. Moreover, aminopropyl pyrazole strongly inhibited ADH-A,