Classical Sociology (original) (raw)

CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGICAL THOUGHT: "A critical analysis of the contribution of Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx to the development of classical sociological thought "

Classical sociological theories are theories of vast scale and desire that both were shaped in Europe between the early 1800s and the early 1900s or have their pedigree in the mores of that period. The exertion of such classical sociological theorists as Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel, and Vilfredo Pareto was imperative in its time and played a fundamental position in the successive development of sociology. Additionally, the ideas of these theorists prolong to be relevant to sociological theory today, because contemporary sociologists read them. They have become classics because they have a extensive array of relevance and deal with centrally significant social issues .This paper tries to capture the efforts of such theorists to make classical sociological thought come into being, though will only focus on only four of them. While it is difficult to say with precision when sociological theory began, we begin to find thinkers who can clearly be identified as sociologists by the early 1800s.

Sociology Before the Origin

The Future of Sociology, 2022

I submit that, in order to fulfill its fundamental aspiration to be a science, sociology must reconnect – beyond classical sociologists – with the authors of prior generations who prepared its emergence. They are Condorcet, Laplace, Poisson, Arago, Quetelet and Verhulst, all of whom predate the creation of the word “sociology” by Auguste Comte. I show that these authors had a scientific project for sociology, and that in its embryonic stage this science has been silenced by the official sociology established by Auguste Comte and his successors. This chapter reviews the ideas of these authors, revisits the aversion of the founder of sociology to his predecessors, and tries to draw consequences for the pursuit and further development of scientific sociology.

A Sociological Reading of Classical Sociological Theory

Do we still need to talk about the classics?" is perhaps one of the most basic yet difficult questions students and scholars of sociology face today. Mastery of the work of Marx, Weber and Durkheim remains to be a badge of membership-a rite of passage to become part of a community of professional sociologists. However, theory, as Robert Cox argues, is always for someone and for some purpose. Theories are always derived from particular standpoints and privilege certain perspectives. This article aims to unpack the classics' epistemological assumptions and argue for a critical renegotiation of their legacy. There is a need to contextualize, provincialize, and pluralize the classics to make them cognizant of non-Western and non-masculine accounts of modernity. The aim is to explore the possibilities of an approach that allows sociologists to make connections between social worlds without using European modernity as central referent for analysis.

The Historical Development of Sociology: Sociological Traditions


and tracking their changing characteristics. Sociology is one of several social science disciplines and smaller bodies of knowledge which seeks to understand the patterns in social life. There is a broad congruence between the objective configurations of social life and the components of the disciplines studying them, the body of sociological knowledge is socially constructed and the pathways to its gaining of knowledge influenced by a variety of factors. Moreover, since social life is ever-changing, sociology often has to scramble to catch-up with the changing social world. The chapter introduces the theme and shows how social reality and its study interact.

History of Sociology

Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World

This article dealswith the developments, trends,and essence of researchin studies on the history of sociologyi nt he German-speaking world since 2000.I tdiscusses studies on the methodologyo ft he history of sociology, publications on the institutionalization of sociology, on earlya nd modern classics, on national and transnationalh istoriography, and on sociologyi nf ace of National Socialism.A lthough the history of sociologyi sonly rudimentarilyi nstitutionalized, especiallyi n Germany, and there are almost no chairs or specialist journals for the history of sociology, we can nevertheless discern aspirit of optimism among youngerresearchers in this field.A tt he same time, we still lack ap roductive exchangew ith otherh istoriographic sciences.



The inquiry into the origin of sociology as a discipline is the central quest of this paper. Diverse scholars have given divergent opinions about the origin and development of sociology in the west. They have tried to give accounts of the history and development of sociology in the west. The aim of this paper would be to give justice to the sociological investigation and interpretation. This paper looks into the philosophical roots, the historical accounts, the evolutionary theories and the various socio-political reforms of the origin and development of sociology in the west. The paper also gives accounts of the scholars who contributed towards the origin and development of sociology in the west. This paper would be a significant contribution to knowledge production. It has given a wider overview of the origin of sociology in the west. It has not just focused on the historicity of the sociological emergence. But, understands the origin of sociology in a more holistic and systematic way.