Computer and experimental simulation of viscous streamlined and almost streamlined flows (original) (raw)
Related papers
Keldysh Institute Preprints, 2018
1 MIPT, 2 KIAM RAS Simulating three-dimensional unsteady viscous compressible flow on GPU using the DiamondTorre algorithm In this paper the approach to simulation of unsteady fluid dynamic problems in terms of the Navier-Stokes system of equations is considered. The numerical scheme is built using the Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method, approximating the viscous terms with the local discontinuous Galerkin method. A modification of the DiamondTorre algorithm is developped for the geterogeneous implementation of the scheme. The solver based on this algorithm is included into the DTGV software for solving three-dimensional fluid dynamic problems, the results of its validation and performance tests are given. An example of solving the problem of flow past a sphere in three-dimensional setting is presented.
Актуальность исследования определяется необходимостью анализа особенностей рабочего процесса в аппаратах с соединениями произвольной геометрии, объединяющих/разделяющих течения вязких сред с целью точного и тщательного прогноза нештатных ситуаций их функционирования из-за выраженных тепловых и динамических нагрузок, обусловленных эффектами отрыва, перемешивания, влияния противодавления, эволюции структуры сложного сдвигового неизотермического внутреннего течения при контакте со стенками; потребностью обоснованного выбора с учетом возможностей современной вычислительной техники наиболее естественного подхода исследования пространственного и неустановившегося характера течений в указанных технических системах. Цель: определить проблемы современного уровня исследования течений в каналах Т-образной формы, являющихся одним из главных элементов технического оборудования в нефтегазовой отрасли; установить ценность имеющихся результатов экспериментального и теоретического анализа сложных сд...
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2014
The problem of hydroelasticity of the plate forming at wall of the slot-hole channel with a pulsing layer of viscous incompressible liquid at the set harmonious law of a pulsation of pressure at its end face in flat statement is put and analytically solved. The set regional task represents nonlinear related system of the equations of Navier-Stokes for a layer of viscous incompressible liquid and the equation of dynamics of a plate (beam strip). Conditions of sticking of liquid act as regional conditions to impenetrable walls of the channel, a condition of the free expiration of liquid at end faces of the channel and a condition of a hinged supporting of a plate wall of the channel. The complex of dimensionless variables of a considered task is created and small parameters of a task are allocated. As small parameters we have chosen the relative thickness of a layer of liquid and relative amplitude of a deflection of a plate. Considering asymptotic decomposition in the allocated small parameters of a task we have carried out its linearization by a method of indignations. The solution of the linearized task is obtained by a method of the set forms for a mode of the established harmonic oscillations. Thus, proceeding from boundary conditions for a channel plate wall, the form of its deflection is set in the form of ranks on trigonometrical functions from longitudinal coordinate. The law of a deflection of an elastic wall of the channel and distribution of hydrodynamic parameters are found in liquid. We have obtained frequency dependent functions of distribution of amplitudes of a deflection and dynamic pressure along the channel and frequency dependent functions of distribution of phase shift of a deflection of a wall and pressure in the channel of rather initial indignation at an end face. On the basis of calculations it is shown that resonant fluctuations of an elastic wall of the channel, pressure excited by insignificant pulsations at its end face, can cause essential changes of dynamic pressure and be the main reason of vibration cavitation in liquid.
Velocity and pressure fluctuations over streamlined surface with local obstacle
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The results of an agreed analytical, numerical and laboratory modeling of the dynamics and internal structure of flows are presented. Mathematical basis is a fundamental set of equations of the inhomogeneous fluids mechanics including the differential equations of continuity, momentum balance, energy, component diffusion and closing equation of state, which is analyzed taking into account compatibility and observability incoming physical quantities. Symmetries of the fundamental set correspond to the basic principles of physics, unlike of many the reduced and constitutive models. A complete mathematical classification of the periodic flow component, both large - and small-scales is given. As examples, the completely solved problems of two-dimensional flows induced by diffusion on the topography and the linearized theory of periodic internal waves are presented. We discuss the physical and mathematical content of the concepts of "mechanical motion" and the "fluid flow&...
Simulation of the circulation method for discharging viscous petroleum products
Transportation Systems and Technology, 2020
Background: In the domestic market, the consumption of fuel oil increases during the winter period, leading to higher prices. At the same time, the cost of inputs and the time for the discharge of viscous oil products are greatly increased. The duration of the discharge process is related to the physico-chemical properties of the fuel oil. Its viscosity depends on the temperature of the product itself and the temperature of the environment, which in our country averages 5.5 C per year. Aim: Reduction in the length and cost of transport of viscous petroleum products. Methods: The article proposes a new method for the carriage of viscous petroleum products by rail, ensuring that their fluidity is preserved without the use of thermal insulation of the boiler of the tank-wagon and the means for carrying the heating. Simulation models of the processes of pouring out viscous petroleum products for a traditional and new method of pouring in the circulation method of discharge of viscous pe...
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Computer Research and Modeling, 2012
Выведены основные уравнения нестационарной математической модели одномерных (осредненных по высоте капли) течений в высыхающей капле, покоящейся на твердом основании. В результате численных расчетов показано, что процессы в капле определяются законом испарения и значением капиллярного числа. При малых значениях капиллярного числа результаты, полученные с использованием нестационарной модели, мало отличаются от полученных при квазистационарном описании явления. При больших значениях капиллярного числа необходимо пользоваться полной формой записи уравнения. Ключевые слова: испаряющаяся капля, одномерное уравнение движения, нестационарная модель Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, проект 1.588.2011 «Математическое моделирование процессов самоорганизации в системах микро-и наночастиц».