Non-linear stability in the B�nard problem for a double-diffusive mixture in a porous medium (original) (raw)

Long-time behaviour of multi-component fluid mixtures in porous media

International Journal of Engineering Science, 2010

The long-time behaviour of a triply convective-diffusive fluid mixture saturating a porous horizontal layer in the Darcy-Oberbeck-Boussinesq scheme, is investigated. It is shown that the L 2-solutions are bounded, uniquely determined (by the initial and boundary data) and asymptotically converging toward an absorbing set of the phase-space. The stability analysis of the conduction solution is performed. The linear stability is reduced to the stability of ternary systems of O.D.Es and hence to algebraic inequalities. The existence of an instability area between stability areas of the thermal Rayleigh number (''instability island"), is found analytically when the layer is heated and ''salted" (at least by one ''salt") from below. The validity of the ''linearization principle" and the global nonlinear asymptotic stability of the conduction solution when all three effects are either destabilizing or stabilizing, are obtained via a symmetrization.

Instability of Vertical Constant Through Flows in Binary Mixtures in Porous Media with Large Pores

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

A binary mixture saturating a horizontal porous layer, with large pores and uniformly heated from below, is considered. The instability of a vertical fluid motion (throughflow) when the layer is salted by one salt (either from above or from below) is analyzed. Ultimately boundedness of solutions is proved, via the existence of positively invariant and attractive sets (i.e. absorbing sets). The critical Rayleigh numbers at which steady or oscillatory instability occurs are recovered. Sufficient conditions guaranteeing that a secondary steady motion or a secondary oscillatory motion can be observed after the loss of stability are found. When the layer is salted from above, a condition guaranteeing the occurrence of “cold” instability is determined. Finally, the influence of the velocity module on the increasing/decreasing of the instability thresholds is investigated.

A new approach to nonlinear -stability of double diffusive convection in porous media: Necessary and sufficient conditions for global stability via a linearization principle

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007

A new approach to nonlinear L 2 -stability for double diffusive convection in porous media is given. An auxiliary system Σ of PDEs and two functionals V , W are introduced. Denoting by L and N the linear and nonlinear operators involved in Σ, it is shown that Σ-solutions are linearly linked to the dynamic perturbations, and that V and W depend directly on L-eigenvalues, while (along Σ) dV dt and dW dt not only depend directly on L-eigenvalues but also are independent of N . The nonlinear L 2 -stability (instability) of the rest state is reduced to the stability (instability) of the zero solution of a linear system of ODEs. Necessary and sufficient conditions for general, global L 2 -stability (i.e. absence of regions of subcritical instabilities for any Rayleigh number) are obtained, and these are extended to cover the presence of a uniform rotation about the vertical axis.

Global stability for penetrative double-diffusive convection in a porous medium

Acta Mechanica, 2008

Linear and nonlinear stability analyses of penetrative double-diffusive convection in a porous medium are performed. Adopting a standard energy method approach yields a nonlinear threshold which is independent of the salt field. An adaptation of a new operative method by Mulone and Straughan (ZAMM 86: 507-520, 2006) is used to construct a nonlinear threshold which is dependent on the salt field, greatly reducing the region of potential subcritical instabilities. The employment of this operative technique for problems with spatially dependent coefficients, as presented in this paper, is unexplored in the present literature.

On the stability of vertical constant throughflows for binary mixtures in porous layers

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2014

A system modeling fluid motions in horizontal porous layers, uniformly heated from below and salted from above by one salt, is analyzed. The definitely boundedness of solutions (existence of absorbing sets) is proved. Necessary and sufficient conditions ensuring the linear stability of a vertical constant throughflow have been obtained via a new approach. Moreover, conditions guaranteeing the global non-linear asymptotic stability are determined.

Stability of a fluid in a horizontal saturated porous layer: effect of non-linear concentration profile, initial, and boundary conditions

Transport in Porous Media, 2006

Carbon dioxide injected into saline aquifers dissolves in the resident brines increasing their density, which might lead to convective mixing. Understanding the factors that drive convection in aquifers is important for assessing geological CO 2 storage sites. A hydrodynamic stability analysis is performed for non-linear, transient concentration fields in a saturated, homogenous, porous medium under various boundary conditions. The onset of convection is predicted using linear stability analysis based on the amplification of the initial perturbations. The difficulty with such stability analysis is the choice of the initial conditions used to define the imposed perturbations. We use different noises to find the fastest growing noise as initial conditions for the stability analysis. The stability equations are solved using a Galerkin technique. The resulting coupled ordinary differential equations are integrated numerically using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The upper and lower bounds of convection instabilities are obtained. We find that at high Rayleigh numbers, based on the fastest growing noise for all boundary conditions, both the instability time and the initial wavelength of the convective instabilities are independent of the porous layer thickness. The current analysis provides approximations that help in screening suitable candidates for homogenous geological CO 2 sequestration sites.

Non-linear stability and convection for laminar flows in a porous medium with Brinkman law

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2003

The non-linear stability of plane parallel shear ows in an incompressible homogeneous uid heated from below and saturating a porous medium is studied by the Lyapunov direct method. In the Oberbeck-Boussinesq-Brinkman (OBB) scheme, if the inertial terms are negligible, as it is widely assumed in literature, we ÿnd global non-linear exponential stability (GNES) independent of the Reynolds number R. However, if these terms are retained, we ÿnd a restriction on R (depending on the inertial convective coe cient) both for a homogeneous uid and a mixture heated and salted from below. In the case of a mixture, when the normalized porosity is equal to one, the laminar ows are GNES for small R and for heat Rayleigh numbers less than the critical Rayleigh numbers obtained for the motionless state.

Stability Analysis of Double Diffusive Convection in Local Thermal Non-equilibrium Porous Medium with Internal Heat Source and Reaction Effects

Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2022

The internal heat source and reaction effects on the onset of thermosolutal convection in a local thermal non-equilibrium porous medium are examined, where the temperature of the fluid and the solid skeleton may differ. The linear instability and nonlinear stability theories of Darcy-Brinkman type with fixed boundary condition are carried out where the layer is heated and salted from below. The D 2 Chebyshev tau technique is used to calculate the associated system of equations subject to the boundary conditions for both theories. Three different types of internal heat source function are considered, the first type increases across the layer, while the second decreases, and the third type heats and cools in a nonuniform way. The effect of different parameters on the Rayleigh number is depicted graphically. Moreover, the results detect that utilizing the internal heat source, reaction, and non-equilibrium have pronounced effects in determining the convection stability and instability thresholds.

Necessary and sufficient conditions of global nonlinear stability for rotating double-diffusive convection in a porous medium

Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2002

The nonlinear stability of the conduction-diffusion solution of a fluid mixture heated and salted from below (and of a homogeneous fluid heated from below) and saturating a porous medium is studied with the Lyapunov direct method. Both Darcy and Brinkman models have been used. The porous medium is bounded by two horizontal parallel planes and is rotating about a vertical axis. Necessary and sufficient conditions of unconditional stability are proved (i.e., the critical linear and nonlinear stability Rayleigh numbers coincide). Our results generalize those given by Straughan [21] for a homogeneous fluid in the Darcy regime. In the case of a mixture two stabilizing effects act: that of the rotation and of the concentration of the solute.

Onset of density-driven convection in heterogeneous porous media: Non-modal stability analysis


The topic of density-driven convection in porous media has been the focus of many recent studies due to its relevance as a long-term trapping mechanism during geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. Most of these studies have addressed the problem in homogeneous and anisotropic permeability fields using linear-stability analysis, and relatively little attention has been paid to the analysis for heterogeneous systems. Previous investigators have reduced the governing equations to an initialvalue problem and have analysed it either with a quasi-steady-state approximation model or using numerical integration with arbitrary initial perturbations. Recently, Rapaka et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 609, 2008, pp. 285-303) used the idea of non-modal stability analysis to compute the maximum amplification of perturbations in this system, optimized over the entire space of initial perturbations. This technique is a mathematically rigorous extension of the traditional normal-mode analysis to non-normal and time-dependent problems. In this work, we extend this analysis to the important cases of anisotropic and layered porous media with a permeability variation in the vertical direction. The governing equations are linearized and reduced to a set of coupled ordinary differential equations of the initial-value type using the Galerkin technique. Non-modal stability analysis is used to compute the maximum growth of perturbations along with the optimal wavenumber leading to this growth. We show that unlike the solution of the initial-value problem, results obtained using non-modal analysis are insensitive to the choice of bottom boundary condition. For the anisotropic problem, the dependence of critical time and wavenumber on the anisotropy ratio was found to be in good agreement with theoretical scalings proposed by Ennis-King et al. (Phys. Fluids, vol. 17, 2005, paper no. 084107) . For heterogeneous systems, we show that uncertainty in the permeability field at low wavenumbers can influence the growth of perturbations. We use a Monte Carlo approach to compute the mean and standard deviation of the critical time for a sample permeability field. The results from theory are also compared with finite-volume simulations of the governing equations using fully heterogeneous porous media with strong layering. We show that the results from non-modal stability analysis match extremely well with those obtained from the simulations as long as the assumption of strong layering remains valid.