China as “Other” (original) (raw)

Significance of Hong Kong’s Perspective on China

China Report, 2018

exemplifies a geo-cultural path that the literature on hybridity has not seriously considered. Hong Kong's particular geo-cultural path is different from what the literature refers to as hybridity because Hong Kong's identity encompasses non-synthetic, lingering Confucian, Christian, liberal, patriotic and other identities that exist parallel to each other, rather than merging into a certain hybrid identity. Because of this unique identity, the already hybrid identity of Hong Kong could disintegrate at any time because of re-imagined or re-enacted traditions. In other words, the coexisting parallel identities support a cyclical historiography rather than the celebrated postcoloniality that moves Hong Kong irrevocably away from any alleged past. Hong Kong demonstrates this constant re-appealing that takes place on the basis of solid traditions in Confucianism, Christianity and patriotism, in addition to the familiar liberalism and anti-Communism. Chineseness has become extremely difficult to define and attempts at doing so generate bitter feelings.

Introduction: Significance of Hong Kong's Perspective on China: Reflections on Intellectual History

Hong Kong exemplifies a geo-cultural path that the literature on hybridity has not seriously considered. Hong Kong’s particular geo-cultural path is different from what the literature refers to as hybridity because Hong Kong’s identity encompasses non-synthetic, lingering Confucian, Christian, liberal, patriotic and other identities that exist parallel to each other, rather than merging into a certain hybrid identity. Because of this unique identity, the already hybrid identity of Hong Kong could disintegrate at any time because of re-imagined or re-enacted traditions. In other words, the coexisting parallel identities support a cyclical historiography rather than the celebrated postcoloniality that moves Hong Kong irrevocably away from any alleged past. Hong Kong demonstrates this constant re-appealing that takes place on the basis of solid traditions in Confucianism, Christianity and patriotism, in addition to the familiar liberalism and anti-Communism. Chineseness has become extremely difficult to define and attempts at doing so generate bitter feelings.

History and Identity in Hong Kong: Resisting China’s Political Control; Embracing China as the Motherland

China Review International, 2008

Harvard University Press, 2005. xiv, 260 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. Hardcover $39.95, ISBN 0-674-01701-3. Several recent publications related to the history of Hong Kong command attention. They include the works of Stephanie Chung, Chan Lau Kit-ching, Christopher Munn, and Philip Snow, of which I have written reviews for various journals. 1 John M. Carroll's Edge of Empires: Chinese Elites and British Colonials in Hong Kong is a recent welcome addition to this list of solid works. It is a revision of a Harvard doctoral thesis by a diligent, bright young scholar, who writes with enthusiasm and some insights.

The Role of China in the Identity of Hong Kong 2012-2017

This thesis examines to the concept of identity and the importance of the Other as a most crucial determination in the case of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) as an alienable part of China as known today. According to previous studies on Hong Kong Identity (Wong, 1996; Lau 1997), there is a pattern of polarization between 'Hong Kong identity' and 'Chinese identity'. This could be caused by dissociation from the political life in mainland but also by the internalization of different values and cultural habits in the case of Hong Kong. The aim of this thesis is to show that what is being witnessed today, in the period after the Umbrella revolution, is the rise of nationalist ideas, strengthened Hong Kong identity which is articulated in opposition to China and identity politics that influences opinions on autonomy and separatism in the Hong Kong politics. The major objective of my study is to describe Hong Kong identity after the revolution in 2014, mainly by examining different movements where the identity is being manifested. The second step is to show how the identity is becoming more influential in the area of politics and overall mood of the society in Hong Kong. The empirical part analyses different newspaper articles, official documents and politicized cases between Mainlanders and people from Hong Kong shown in the media, what can considerably form how people perceive themselves. KELEMEN: THE ROLE OF CHINA IN THE IDENTITY OF HONG KONG vi Pozícia Číny vo vzťahu k identite Hong-Kongu Autor bakalárskej práce: Barbara Kelemen Názov práce: Pozícia Číny vo vzťahu k identite Hong Kongu Názov vysokej školy: Bratislavská medzinárodná škola liberálnych štúdií Vedúci bakalárskej práce: Aliaksei Kazharski, PhD Predseda komisie pre obhajoby bakalárskych prác: Samuel Abrahám, PhD Členovia komisie pre obhajoby bakalárskych prác: Samuel Abrahám, PhD, prof. František Novosád, Mgr. Dagmar Kusá, PhD, prof. Silvia Miháliková Dátum a miesto: Bratislava, február 2016 Rozsah práce: 46 strán (13 994 slov) Stupeň kvalifikácie: Bakalár (Bc) Kľúčové slová: politika identity, Hong Kong, Čína, identita, nacionalizmus Abstrakt Táto práca sa zaoberá konceptom identity a pozíciou Číny ako najdôležitejším faktorom a determinantom v prípade Špeciálneho Administratívneho Regiónu Hong-Kongu (HKSAR) ako neoddeliteľnou súčasťou Číny. Pri analýze predchádzajúcich štúdií o Hong-Kongskej identite (Wong, 1996), stálosť polarizácie medzi Hong-Kongskou identitou a Čínskou identitou je očividná, čo nie je iba výsledok disociácie Hong-Kongu od politického života v Číne, ale taktiež internalizácia rozličných hodnôt a kultúrnych zvykov. Zámerom tejto práce je ukázať že to, čo prebieha dnes, v období po Dáždnikovej Revolúcii, je rast nacionálnych ideí, zosilnenie Hong-Kongskej identity, ktorá je artikulovaná v protiklade ku Číne a že revolúcia, je jeden z najsilnejších vplyvov ktorý má dopad na politiku v Hong-Kongu dnes, čo sa prioritne preukázalo počas legislatívnych volieb v roku 2016. Hlavným zámerom tejto práce je opísať Hong-Kongskú identitu po revolúcii v roku 2014, hlavne prostredníctvom analýzy rozličných prípadov, ktoré boli spolitizované a podané ako týkajúce sa otázky identity. Druhým krokom je ukázať, že identita sa stáva čoraz silnejším faktorom v politike a celkovej nálade Hong-Kongu. Empirická časť pozostáva z analýzy novinových článkov, oficiálnych dokumentov a prípadov medzi Číňanmi z Veľkej Číny a obyvateľmi Hong-Kongu, ktoré boli prezentované v médiách, čo do veľkej miery ovplyvňuje ako ľudia vnímajú identitu samých seba.