Russian Archaeology in Palestine (original) (raw)

Археология в современной России: Перспективы и задачи; Archaeology in modern Russia: Perspectives and tasks

Российская археология, 2015

Российская археология, No 2. 2015: 5-15. The article has been written in accordance with the thesis made at the 4th All-Russian Archaeological Congress in Kazan. It contains the analysis of the condition of archaeological researches in Russia made recently including the fundamental science and preservation works. New achievements in the field of legislation of the cultural heritage conservation, which allow reinforcing the campaign against illegal excavations and trading antiquities, are characterized. The problem of the society’s request for taking part in studying of the archaeological heritage, the inevitability of the complexity of the contacts between the archaeology and modern culture are discussed. The task of the archaeological study of the modern Russia territory as a region of strong geographical diversity is formulated.

The situation of the Russian Palestine Society in the second half of the 1920s based on materials from the Archive of Orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Положение РПО во второй половине 1920-х гг. по материалам АВ ИВР РАН]

Orientalistica, 2023

The activities of the Russian Palestine Society after its restoration in 1926 faced numerous problems that were of chronic and systemic character. The lack of ts own location, limited access to its archive, insufficient funding, and lack of foreign travel presented great difficulty for the Society and its members. The article provides archival materials, which illustrate these problems. Based on the analysis of the Archival materials, one could conclude that all the difficulties originated from the reluctance of Soviet authorities to provide support to the Society. As a result, the research activity of the Society in the 1930s was curtailed. It resumed only in the 1950s in connection with the growing role of the Palestine question in the post-war politics. Due to the lack of funds and stagnation the scholarly potential of the Society, as well as valuable research projects, had already been lost. The lack of potentially important results could not positively contribute to the assessment of the political situation in the Middle East in the second half of the 20th century (in Russian) Деятельность Российского Палестинского общества после возобновления деятельности в 1926 г. была осложнена многочисленными проблемами, носившими хронический и системный характер. Это отсутствие собственного помещения, ограниченный доступ к своему собственному архиву, скудное финансирование, отсутствие зарубежных командировок. В статье приводятся архивные материалы, иллюстрирующие эти проблемы. На основании анализа этих материалов делается вывод, что сложности проистекали из-за нежелания органов Советской власти оказать необходимую поддержку обществу. Это привело к фактическому прекращению его деятельности в 1930-е гг. Она возобновилась только в 1950-е гг. в связи с возрастающей ролью Палестинского вопроса в международных делах. Однако научный потенциал общества, а также ряд ценных научных наработок были уже утрачены и оказались недоступны для экспертной оценки ситуации на Ближнем Востоке во второй половине XX в.

Formation of the Egyptian collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan: a contribution to the development of Russian Egyptology


Аннотация. В статье анализируется история формирования египетской коллекции Национального музея Республики Татарстан (НМРТ) на протяжении XIX и XX вв. На материалах архивов города Казани, национального музея, а также с привлечением других научных публикаций в контексте развитии отечественной египтологии как науки и музееведения в Казани рассмотрены и проанализированы четыре основных этапа формирования археологического фонда, а также современное состояние коллекции древнеегипетского наследия. Анализ каждого этапа позволяет реконструировать эволюцию египтологии как науки и востоковедения в целом в регионах России. Данная коллекция Национального музея Республики Татарстан является одним из крупнейших отечественных собраний египетской культуры, которая не экспонировалась с начала XX в. В данной ситуации каталогизация и изучение формирования коллекции необходимы для ее сохранения как уникального наследия. Автор статьи пришел к выводу о важном значении Казанского университета в развитии археологического фонда Национального музея Республики Татарстан, роли собранных египетских материалов в развитии отечественной египтологии и востоковедения в XIX в.

International Scientific Conference “Archaeology of the Ancient Rus: Issues and Discoveries” (the 100th Anniversary of D.A. Avdusin’s Birthday) (Moscow, November, 22–24, 2018)

Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal. Humanities and social sciences, 2019

The article contains review of reports submitted to the international conference. The mee­ting topic was attributed to broad academic interests of D.A. Avdusin (i.e., the greatest scholar dealing with the Ancient Rus archaeology, researcher of Gnezdovo archaeological complex and medieval Smolensk). Several topics (such as ancient Russian exequies, initial phases and methods of urbanization of various areas, regional and international relations, trade route generation, social and political aspects of primary power centre formation in medieval Rus, as well as issues related to life support, household, industrial art and culture in cities and villages) were discussed in 6 workshops.

The Siberian pilgrimage to Palestine and its representation in the turn of the century

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya, 2021

The article is devoted to the representation and practice of the Siberian pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the turn of the century. Though, the tradition of pilgrimage to Palestine has been forming over several centuries, it became especially widespread in the end of the 19th century. Methodologically, the authors rely on a positivist approach. Establishing the exact number of Siberian pilgrims is a complex research task. Regional specificity cannot always be defined in surviving historical sources. A relatively complete data can only be obtained for that sources which are related to the turn of the century, relying on the reports of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Throughout the 19th century, pilgrimages were an isolated affair. Usually, they were done by people to perform a spiritual feat. The Pilgrims from the Tomsk province rank the top among the Siberian regions. The image of the Siberian pilgrim is quite vividly presented in the surviving types of pilgrimage notes, Palestinian travelers notes, as well as in the reports of the Central and Siberian IOPS branches. There is a special archetype of the Siberian wanderer who walked to Palestine, overcoming numerous difficulties. This type of Siberian pilgrim is mentioned by almost all authors, and very often it is about him the surviving sources tell us. The journey of the Siberians to the Holy Land took place not only in geographic, but also in mental space. The journey was expensive and time-consuming for a pilgrim. It lasted for about several months, especially in the first half of the 19th century. With the development of transport infrastructure, pilgrimage practices changed. The activities of the IOPS played a special role in popularizing the pilgrimage. This was the emergence and distribution of pilgrimage books, which were reducing travel costs, as well as the activities of local IOPS departments, which, with the help of educational activities, broadened the appeal of the Holy Land and the process of pilgrimage itself for the periphery inhabitants. Trying to consider objectively what the Siberian pilgrims were like, the authors resumed that the existing practice of Russian walking pilgrimage has transformed thanks to the activities of the IOPS and the appearance of pilgrimage books. Siberians successfully used new forms and mastered the existing pilgrimage practices. Siberian pilgrims maintained the practice of individual (personalized) travel during the period under study, despite the widespreading of mass and group pilgrimages at the turn of the Nineteen century

Governorate Statistical Committees in the History of Russian Archaeology. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey №5.2021


Provincial statistical committees of the Ministry of Interior Affairs were the first before the October Revolution of 1917 and the only state institution in the Russian province, which from time to time engaged in history, archaeology and archaeography. Since the 1860s, these official authorities occasionally received instructions from the Ministry to compile information on the antiquities of their governorates, and then often worked with ancient monuments on their own initiative. Besides, their archival funds and printed publications have accumulated extensive information on accidental finds of antiquities and various archaeological objects. One of the most active institutions was the Statistical Committee in Kursk. Its activity and relationships with other committees allow the statistical committees to be recognized as a form of civil society, where officials, academics and members of the public studied and preserved traces of the distant past.