Technology explained: Library Technology Companion: A Basic Guide for Library Staff. 2nd ed, by John J. Burke. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2006. 239 pp. US$59.95 239p soft cover ISBN 1555705502 (available from DA Information Services) (original) (raw)
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This paper will present results of a survey that was conducted during the winter and spring of 2014. The participants are librarians that have a digital library or institutional repository within the institution they serve. The questionnaire asks both qualitative and quantitative questions regarding the following: • About what kind documents are in the collection? • How is the library staff marketing the collection? • Who is the target market or audience? • What kind of information sharing is happening with the university? • Basic demographic information The survey was mediated by Survey Monkey and the participants was sent the link via email. Digital library development in Australia began with a government initiative in the early 2000s. Mary Anne Kennan and Danny A. Kingsley (2009) had looked at the state of institutional repositories as of September 2008. The authors found varying universities at different states of repositories (Kennan & Kingsley, 2009). Some of the universities ...
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Barriers Faced by Library Professionals for Technology Adoption in University Libraries of Lahore, Pakistan, 2020
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Technology's impact on organizational change in public libraries
Advances in Library Administration and Organization, vol. 29, 2010
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Opportunities and challenges for technology development and adoption in public libraries
Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
In this paper, we discuss opportunities and challenges for technology development and adoption in public libraries. The results are based on a multi-site comparative study and thematic analysis of ethnographic work in three libraries, each in a different European country. The results explore the sociotechnical practices, understandings, and perspectives of library staff and patrons when it comes to the role(s) and function(s) of libraries today. The contributions, which aim at informing the design and implementation of new digital services in public libraries, are twofold. Firstly, the main findings from the study is presented under six themes. Secondly, a list of key opportunities and challenges focusing on 1) media and technology literacy, 2) institutional transformation and technical infrastructures, 3) resource constraints among library staff, and 4) a shift in focus towards supporting activities.
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