Radar signatures beneath a surface topographic lineation near the outlet of Kamb Ice Stream and Engelhardt Ice Ridge, West Antarctica (original) (raw)

2009, Annals of Glaciology

Visible and infrared satellite images reveal numerous lineations on the Siple Coast region of West Antarctica. We used 5 MHz ice-penetrating radar to probe the interior and the bed of the ice sheet beneath a lineation at the boundary between Engelhardt Ice Ridge and flat-ice terrain to the south of the Kamb Ice Stream (KIS) outlet. Results show curved reflectors that emerge from the bed beneath 600 m thick ice. The tops of the reflectors extend about 100m into the ice above the bed, where they become almost horizontal. Apparent reflectivity of the horizontal section is about 20 dB less than that of the bed. We conclude that the likely cause of such strong reflection is sea water that was accreted into basal crevasses when the flat-ice terrain was floating. Internal layers are warped downward just downslope from the basal reflectors. It is thought that the downwarping was caused by localized basal melting in the past. The spatial pattern of downwarping suggests that localized basal m...

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Deep Ice Stratigraphy and Basal Conditions in Central West Antarctica Revealed by Coherent Radar Cover Page

High-resolution radar mapping of internal layers of a subpolar ice cap, King George Island, Antarctica


A GPR survey was carried out to investigate the structure and hydrology of King George Island subpolar ice cap, Antarctica. This study was part of a larger investigation on the mass balance of Lange Glacier (62 ◦ 07’S, 58 ◦ 36’W), an outlet ice mass that is receding. The strongest signal in all reflection profiles is due to the presence of free water. Sections show strong near-surface reflectors sitting on weaker ones above the water table. Below the water table, reflectors become strong again, displaying many discrete events that reach the end of the sections. Varying antenna configuration causes an important distinction in radar response for the same subsurface. A nearby snow and ice core was used to calibrate the top section of the GPR images.

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High-resolution radar mapping of internal layers of a subpolar ice cap, King George Island, Antarctica Cover Page

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Holocene Formation of Henry Ice Rise, West Antarctica, Inferred From Ice‐Penetrating Radar Cover Page

Radar characterization of the basal interface across the grounding zone of an ice-rise promontory in East Antarctica

Annals of Glaciology, 2012

Radar power returned from the basal interface along a 42 km long profile over an ice-rise promontory and the adjacent Roi Baudouin ice shelf, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, is analyzed to infer spatial variations in basal reflectivity and hence the basal environment. Extracting basal reflectivity from basal returned power requires an englacial attenuation model. We estimate attenuation in two ways: (1) using a temperature-dependent model with input from thermomechanical ice-flow models; and (2) using a radar method that linearly approximates the geometrically corrected returned power with ice thickness. The two methods give different results. We argue that attenuation calculated using a modeled temperature profile is more robust than the widely used radar method, especially in locations where depth-averaged attenuation varies spatially or where the patterns of basal reflectivity correlate with the patterns of the ice thickness.

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Radar characterization of the basal interface across the grounding zone of an ice-rise promontory in East Antarctica Cover Page

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Ice-sheet radar layering and the development of preferred crystal orientation fabrics between Lake Vostok and Ridge B, central East Antarctica Cover Page

Interpretation of radar-detected internal layer folding in West Antarctic ice streams

Journal of Glaciology, 1993

Low-frequency surface-based radar-profiling experiments on Ice Streams Β and C, West Antarctica, have yielded high-resolution images which depict folding of the internal layers that can aid in the interpretation of ice-stream dynamics. Unlike folding seen in most earlier radar studies of ice sheets, the present structures have no relationship to bedrock topography and show tilting of their axial fold planes in the flow direction. Rather than being standing waves created by topography or local variations in basal shear stress, the data show that these folds originate upstream of the region of streaming flow and are advected into the ice streams. The mechanism for producing folds is hypothesized to be changes in the basal boundary conditions as the ice makes the transition from inland ice to ice-stream flow. Migration of this transition zone headward can then cause folds in the internal layering to be propagated down the ice streams.

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Interpretation of radar-detected internal layer folding in West Antarctic ice streams Cover Page

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High resolution radar mapping of the Cierva Point, Antarctic Cover Page

A comparison of basal reflectivity and ice velocity in East Antarctica

The Cryosphere, 2010

Ground-based radio echo sounding data acquired along the 1700 km US-ITASE traverse have been used to determine ice attenuation and relative basal reflectivity across the major catchments funneling ice from East Antarctica to the Ross Ice Shelf. We find that basal reflectivity varies locally by up to 40 dB which we interpret as due to changes in the phase state

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A comparison of basal reflectivity and ice velocity in East Antarctica Cover Page

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Ice‐flow reorganization in West Antarctica 2.5 kyr ago dated using radar‐derived englacial flow velocities Cover Page

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Radar derived Subglacial Properties and Landforms beneath Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica Cover Page


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Using radar-sounding data to identify the distribution and sources of subglacial water: application to Dome C, East Antarctica Cover Page

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Surface morphology and internal layer stratigraphy in the downstream end of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica Cover Page

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Stratigraphy of Wanda Glacier, King George Island, Antarctica, Using Ground Penetrating Radar Cover Page

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the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cover Page

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Instruments and Methods Sub-ice topography in Patriot Hills, West Antarctica: first results of a newly developed high-resolution FM-CW radar system Cover Page

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Surface and basal boundary conditions at the Southern McMurdo and Ross Ice Shelves, Antarctica Cover Page

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Melting and refreezing beneath Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf (East Antarctica) inferred from radar, GPS, and ice core data Cover Page

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Bed properties of Siple Dome and adjacent ice streams, West Antarctica, inferred from radio-echo sounding measurements Cover Page

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Automated detection and characterization of Antarctic basal units using radar sounding data: demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica Cover Page

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Synthetic aperture radar detection of the snowline on Commonwealth and Howard Glaciers,Taylor Valley, Antarctica Cover Page

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Recovery Lakes, East Antarctica: Radar assessment of sub-glacial water extent Cover Page

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Bed reflectivity beneath inactive ice streams in West Antarctica Cover Page

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Evidence for subglacial water transport in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet through three-dimensional satellite radar interferometry Cover Page

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Radar‐derived bed roughness characterization of Institute and Möller ice streams, West Antarctica, and comparison with Siple Coast ice streams Cover Page

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Multidecadal observations of the Antarctic ice sheet from restored analog radar records Cover Page

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Changes in the configuration of ice stream flow from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cover Page

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Ancient pre-glacial erosion surfaces preserved beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cover Page

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Ground penetrating radar sounding on an active rock glacier on James Ross Island Antarctic Peninsula region Cover Page

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Airborne radar evidence for tributary flow switching in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica: Implications for ice sheet configuration and dynamics Cover Page

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The internal layering of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, from airborne radar-sounding data Cover Page

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High radar-backscatter regions on Antarctic sea-ice and their relation to sea-ice and snow properties and meteorological conditions Cover Page

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Radar‐detected englacial debris in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Cover Page

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Summit of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet underlain by thick ice-crystal fabric layers linked to glacial–interglacial environmental change Cover Page