The evolution of the star formation activity in galaxies and its dependence on environment (original) (raw)

Comparing the relation between star formation and galaxy mass in different environments

The Astrophysical …, 2010

Analyzing 24µm MIPS/Spitzer data and the [O II]3727 line of a sample of galaxies at 0.4 ≤ z ≤ 0.8 from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS), we investigate the ongoing star formation rate (SFR) and the specific star formation rate (SSFR) as a function of stellar mass in galaxy clusters and groups, and compare with field studies. As for the field, we find a decline in SFR with time, indicating that star formation (SF) was more active in the past, and a decline in SSFR as galaxy stellar mass increases, showing that the current SF contributes more to the fractional growth of low-mass galaxies than high-mass galaxies. However, we find a lower median SFR (by a factor of ∼1.5) in cluster star-forming galaxies than in the field. The difference is highly significant when all Spitzer and emission-line galaxies are considered, regardless of color. It remains significant at z > 0.6 after removing red emission-line (REL) galaxies, to avoid possible AGN contamination. While there is overlap between the cluster and field SFR-Mass relations, we find a population of cluster galaxies (10-25%) with reduced SFR for their mass. These are likely to be in transition from star-forming to passive. Comparing separately clusters and groups at z > 0.6, only cluster trends are significantly different from the field, and the average cluster SFR at a given mass is ∼ 2 times lower than the field. We conclude that the average SFR in star-forming galaxies varies with galaxy environment at a fixed galaxy mass.

The star formation history of galaxies: the role of galaxy mass, morphology and environment

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015

We analyze the star formation history (SFH) of galaxies as a function of presentday environment, galaxy stellar mass and morphology. The SFH is derived by means of a non-parametric spectrophotometric model applied to individual galaxies at z ∼ 0.04 − 0.1 in the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS) clusters and the Padova Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue (PM2GC) field. The field reconstructed evolution of the star formation rate density (SFRD) follows the values observed at each redshift, except at z > 2 where our estimate is ∼ 1.7× higher than the high-z observed value. The slope of the SFRD decline with time gets progressively steeper going from low mass to high mass haloes. The decrease of the SFRD since z = 2 is due to 1) quenching -50% of the SFRD in the field and 75% in clusters at z > 2 originated in galaxies that are passive today -and 2) the fact that the average SFR of today's star-forming galaxies has decreased with time. We quantify the contribution to the SFRD(z) of galaxies of today's different masses and morphologies. The current morphology correlates with the current star formation activity but is irrelevant for the past stellar history. The average SFH depends on galaxy mass, but galaxies of a given mass have different histories depending on their environment. We conclude that the variation of the SFRD(z) with environment is not driven by different distributions of galaxy masses and morphologies in clusters and field, and must be due to an accelerated formation in high mass haloes compared to low mass ones even for galaxies that will end up having the same galaxy mass today.

The star formation history of early-type galaxies as a function of mass and environment

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006

Using the third data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we have rigorously defined a volume-limited sample of early-type galaxies in the redshift range 0.005 < z 0.1. We have defined the density of the local environment for each galaxy using a method which takes account of the redshift bias introduced by survey boundaries if traditional methods are used. At luminosities greater than our absolute r-band magnitude cutoff of −20.45, the mean density of environment shows no trend with redshift. We calculate the Lick indices for the entire sample and correct for aperture effects and velocity dispersion in a model-independent way. Although we find no dependence of redshift or luminosity on environment, we do find that the mean velocity dispersion, σ , of early-type galaxies in dense environments tends to be higher than in low-density environments. Taking account of this effect, we find that several indices show small but very significant trends with environment that are not the result of the correlation between indices and velocity dispersion. The statistical significance of the data is sufficiently high to reveal that models accounting only for α-enhancement struggle to produce a consistent picture of age and metallicity of the sample galaxies, whereas a model that also includes carbon enhancement fares much better. We find that early-type galaxies in the field are younger than those in environments typical of clusters but that neither metallicity, α-enhancement nor carbon enhancement are influenced by the environment. The youngest early-type galaxies in both field and cluster environments are those with the lowest σ. However, there is some evidence that the objects with the largest σ are slightly younger, especially in denser environments. Independent of environment both the metallicity and α-enhancement grow monotonically with σ. This suggests that the typical length of the star formation episodes which formed the stars of early-type galaxies decreases with σ. More massive galaxies were formed in faster bursts. We argue that the timing of the process of formation of early-type galaxies is determined by the environment, while the details of the process of star formation, which has built up the stellar mass, are entirely regulated by the halo mass. These results suggest that the star formation took place after the mass assembly and favours an anti-hierarchical model. In such a model, the majority of the mergers must take place before the bulk of the stars form. This can only happen if there exists an efficient feedback mechanism which inhibits the star formation in low-mass haloes and is progressively reduced as mergers increase the mass.


The Astrophysical Journal, 2011

We study the environmental dependence of stellar population properties at z ∼ 1.3. We derive galaxy properties (stellar masses, ages and star formation histories) for samples of massive, red, passive early-type galaxies in two high-redshift -2clusters, RXJ0849+4452 and RXJ0848+4453 (with redshifts of z = 1.26 and 1.27, respectively), and compare them with those measured for the RDCS1252.9-2927 cluster at z=1.24 and with those measured for a similarly mass-selected sample of field contemporaries drawn from the GOODS-South Field. Robust estimates of the aforementioned parameters have been obtained by comparing a large grid of composite stellar population models with extensive 8-10 band photometric coverage, from the rest-frame far-ultraviolet to the infrared. We find no variations of the overall stellar population properties among the different samples of cluster early-type galaxies. However, when comparing cluster versus field stellar population properties we find that, even if the (star formation weighted) ages are similar and depend only on galaxy mass, the ones in the field do employ longer timescales to assemble their final mass. We find that, approximately 1 Gyr after the onset of star formation, the majority (75%) of cluster galaxies have already assembled most (> 80%) of their final mass, while, by the same time, fewer (35%) field ETGs have. Thus we conclude that while galaxy mass regulates the timing of galaxy formation, the environment regulates the timescale of their star formation histories.

The reversal of the star formation-density relation in the distant universe

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007

Aims. We study the relationship between the local environment of galaxies and their star formation rate (SFR) in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey, GOODS, at z ∼ 1. Methods. We use ultradeep imaging at 24 µm with the MIPS camera onboard Spitzer to determine the contribution of obscured light to the SFR of galaxies over the redshift range 0.8 ≤ z ≤ 1.2. Accurate galaxy densities are measured thanks to the large sample of ∼1200 spectroscopic redshifts with high (∼70%) spectroscopic completeness. Morphology and stellar masses are derived from deep HST-ACS imaging, supplemented by ground based imaging programs and photometry from the IRAC camera onboard Spitzer. Results. We show that the star formation-density relation observed locally was reversed at z ∼ 1: the average SFR of an individual galaxy increased with local galaxy density when the universe was less than half its present age. Hierarchical galaxy formation models (simulated lightcones from the Millennium model) predicted such a reversal to occur only at earlier epochs (z > 2) and at a lower level. We present a remarkable structure at z ∼ 1.016, containing X-ray traced galaxy concentrations, which will eventually merge into a Virgo-like cluster. This structure illustrates how the individual SFR of galaxies increases with density and shows that it is the ∼1−2 Mpc scale that affects most the star formation in galaxies at z ∼ 1. The SFR of z ∼ 1 galaxies is found to correlate with stellar mass suggesting that mass plays a role in the observed star formation-density trend. However the specific SFR (=SFR/M) decreases with stellar mass while it increases with galaxy density, which implies that the environment does directly affect the star formation activity of galaxies. Major mergers do not appear to be the unique or even major cause for this effect since nearly half (46%) of the luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) at z ∼ 1 present the HST-ACS morphology of spirals, while only a third present a clear signature of major mergers. The remaining galaxies are divided into compact (9%) and irregular (14%) galaxies. Moreover, the specific SFR of major mergers is only marginally stronger than that of spirals. Conclusions. These findings constrain the influence of the growth of large-scale structures on the star formation history of galaxies. Reproducing the SFR-density relation at z ∼ 1 is a new challenge for models, requiring a correct balance between mass assembly through mergers and in-situ star formation at early epochs.

Cosmic Star Formation History and Its Dependence on Galaxy Stellar Mass

The Astrophysical Journal, 2005

We examine the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) and its dependence on galaxy stellar mass over the redshift range using data from the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS). The SFR in the most massive galaxies 0.8 ! z ! 2 ( ) was 6 times higher at than it is today. It drops steeply from , reaching the present-10.8 M 1 10 M z p 2 z p 2 * , day value at . In contrast, the SFR density of intermediate-mass galaxies ( ) 10.2 10.8

Galaxy Star Formation as a Function of Environment in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Astrophysical Journal, 2003

(Abridged) We present in this paper a detailed analysis of the effect of environment on the star-formation activity of galaxies within the EDR of the SDSS. We have used the Halpha emission line to derive the star-formation rate (SFR) for each galaxy within a volume-limited sample of 8598 galaxies with 0.05 < z < 0.095 and M(r)<= -20.45. We find that the SFR of galaxies is strongly correlated with the local (projected) galaxy density and thus we present here the density-SFR relation that is analogous to the density-morphology relation. The effect of density on the SFR of galaxies is seen in three ways. First, the overall distribution of SFRs is shifted to lower values in dense environments compared with the field population. Second, the effect is most noticeable for the strongly star-forming galaxies in the 75th percentile of the SFR distribution. Third, there is a ``break'' (or characteristic density) in the density-SFR relation at a local galaxy density of 1h-2 Mpc-2. To understand this break further, we have studied the SFR of galaxies as a function of clustercentric radius from 17 clusters and groups objectively selected from the SDSS EDR data. The distribution of SFRs of cluster galaxies begins to change, compared with the field population, at a clustercentric radius of 3-4 virial radii, which is consistent with the characteristic break in density that we observe in the density-SFR relation. Our tests suggest that the density-morphology relation alone is unlikely to explain the density-SFR relation we observe. Taken all together, these works demonstrate that the decrease in SFR of galaxies in dense environments is a universal phenomenon over a wide range in density (from 0.08 to 10h-2 Mpc-2) and redshift (out to z = 0.5).


The Astrophysical Journal, 2014

Using a large optically-selected sample of field and group galaxies drawn from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey (PS1/MDS), we present a detailed analysis of the specific star formation rate (SSFR)-stellar mass (M *) relation, as well as the quiescent fraction versus M * relation in different environments. While both the SSFR and the quiescent fraction depend strongly on stellar mass, the environment also plays an important role. Using this large galaxy sample, we confirm that the fraction of quiescent galaxies is strongly dependent on environment at a fixed stellar mass, but that the amplitude and the slope of the star-forming sequence is similar between the field and groups: in other words, the SSFR-density relation at a fixed stellar mass is primarily driven by the change in the star-forming and quiescent fractions between different environments rather than a global suppression in the star formation rate for the star-forming population. However, when we restrict our sample to the cluster-scale environments (M > 10 14 M ⊙), we find a global reduction in the SSFR of the star forming sequence of 17% at 4σ confidence as opposed to its field counterpart. After removing the stellar mass dependence of the quiescent fraction seen in field galaxies, the excess in the quiescent fraction due to the environment quenching in groups and clusters is found to increase with stellar mass, although deeper and larger data from the full PS1/MDS will be required to draw firm conclusions. We argue that these results are in favor of galaxy mergers to be the primary environment quenching mechanism operating in galaxy groups whereas strangulation is able to reproduce the observed trend in the environment quenching efficiency and stellar mass relation seen in clusters. Our results also suggest that the relative importance between mass quenching and environment quenching depends on stellar mass-the mass quenching plays a dominant role in producing quiescent galaxies for more massive galaxies, while less massive galaxies are quenched mostly through the environmental effect, with the transition mass around 1 − 2 × 10 10 M ⊙ in the group/cluster environment.

The evolution of the star formation rate function and cosmic star formation rate density of galaxies at z ∼ 1–4

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016

We investigate the evolution of the galaxy Star Formation Rate Function (SFRF) and Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density (CSFRD) of z ∼ 1 − 4 galaxies, using cosmological Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations and a compilation of UV, IR and Hα observations. These tracers represent different populations of galaxies with the IR light being a probe of objects with high star formation rates and dust contents, while UV and Hα observations provide a census of low star formation galaxies where mild obscuration occurs. We compare the above SFRFs with the results of SPH simulations run with the code P-GADGET3(XXL). We focus on the role of feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and supernovae in form of galactic winds. The AGN feedback prescription that we use decreases the simulated CS-FRD at z < 3 but is not sufficient to reproduce the observed evolution at higher redshifts. We explore different wind models and find that the key factor for reproducing the evolution of the observed SFRF and CSFRD at z ∼ 1 − 4 is the presence of a feedback prescription that is prominent at high redshifts (z 4) and becomes less efficient with time. We show that variable galactic winds which are efficient at decreasing the SFRs of low mass objects are quite successful in reproducing the observables.

The history of star-forming galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007

This paper, the sixth in the Semi-Empirical Analysis of Galaxies series, studies the evolution of 82 302 star-forming (SF) galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Star formation histories (SFHs) are derived from detailed spectral fits obtained with our publicly available spectral synthesis code STARLIGHT. Our main goals are to explore new ways to derive SFHs from the synthesis results and apply them to investigate how SFHs vary as a function of nebular metallicity (Z neb). A number of refinements over our previous work are introduced, including (1) an improved selection criterion; (2) a careful examination of systematic residuals around Hβ; (3) self-consistent determination of nebular extinctions and metallicities; (4) tests with several Z neb estimators; (5) a study of the effects of the reddening law adopted and of the relation between nebular and stellar extinctions and the interstellar component of the Na I D doublet. Our main achievements may be summarized as follows. (1) A conventional correlation analysis is performed to study how global properties relate to Z neb , leading to the confirmation of previously known relations, such as those between Z neb and galaxy luminosity, mass, dust content, mean stellar metallicity and mean stellar age. (2) A simple formalism which compresses the results of the synthesis while at the same time yielding time-dependent star formation rates (SFR) and mass assembly histories is presented. (3) A comparison of the current SFR derived from the population synthesis with that obtained from Hα shows that these independent estimators agree very well, with a scatter of a factor of 2. An important corollary of this finding is that we now have a way to estimate SFR in galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei, where the Hα method cannot be applied. (4) Fully time-dependent SFHs were derived for all galaxies, and then averaged over six Z neb bins spanning the entire SF wing in the [O III]/Hβ-[N II]/Hα diagram. (5) We find that SFHs vary systematically along the SF sequence. Though all SF galaxies formed the bulk of their stellar mass over 1 Gyr ago, low-Z neb systems evolve at a slower pace and are currently forming stars at a much higher relative rate. Galaxies at the tip of the SF wing have current specific SFRs about two orders of magnitude larger than the metal-rich galaxies at its bottom. (6) At any given time, the distribution of specific SFRs for galaxies within a Z neb bin is broad and approximately lognormal. (7) The whole study was repeated grouping galaxies within bins of stellar mass and surface mass density, both of which are more fundamental drivers of SFH. Given the existence of strong Z neb − M − relations, the overall picture described above remains valid. Thus, low-M (low-) systems are the ones which evolve slower, with current specific SFRs much larger than more massive (dense) galaxies. (8) This overall pattern of SFHs as a function of Z neb , M or is robust against