Mechanical Properties of Gas Main Steels after Long-Term Operation and Peculiarities of Their Fracture Surface Morphology (original) (raw)
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Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 2016
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Feature of stress corrosion cracking of degraded gas pipeline steels
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In-Service Degradation of Pipeline Steels
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Long-term operation of structural steels causes an essential decrease of the mechanical properties, especially characteristics of brittle fracture and SCC resistance. General regularities of in-service degradation of pipeline steels are analysed in the chapter. On these base two stages of pipeline steels degradation are distinguished in the chapter. The first one is deformation aging which is characterized by improvement of characteristics of strength and hardness but from the other hand a decrease of plasticity and brittle fracture resistance. The stage II is the stage of in-bulk steel dissipated microdamaging, which is more dangerous with regard to a loss of pipeline integrity. Operational degradation of the mechanical properties of the steels is accelerated by their hydrogenation from the inner surface of the pipe, which indicates the hydrogenating ability of transported hydrocarbons. The accelerated method of pipeline steels degradation is substantiated. It is based on the common method of deformation ageing of steels by plastic strain with subsequent heat treatment up to 250°C, however, it additionally involves preliminary hydrogen charging.
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Central European Journal of Engineering, 2014
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Strength of Materials, 2004
Вязкость разрушения и трещиностойкость стали паропровода в исходном состоянии и после эксплуатации М. Зри л и ч а, 3. Б урзи ч 6, 3. Ц ви й ови ч а а Белградский университет, факультет технологии и металлургии, Белград, Сербия и Черногория б Военно-технический институт, Белград, Сербия и Черногория Исследуется проблема преждевременного разрушения паропроводов (сталь 14MoV6 3) с расчетным ресурсом 100 тыс. ч при температуре 540°С. При изготовлении эксперимен тальных образцов использовалась сталь в исходном состоянии и после 117 тыс. ч эксплу атации. Применение локального подхода механики разрушения и металлографического ана лиза наряду с классическими методами (испытания на растяжение, трещиностойкость, усталостную прочность) позволило более точно оценить деградацию свойств стали под действием высоких температур и напряжений. Обоснована необходимость дальнейшего развития локального подхода к прогнозированию условий разрушения материалов при дли тельной эксплуатации в условиях высоких температур. К лю чевы е слова: паропровод, разрушение, локальный подход механики разрушения, металлографический анализ, испытания на растяжение, трещино стойкость, усталостная прочность. Introduction. In late seventies, application of 14MoV6 3 steel (DIN) for highly loaded steam pipelines (temperature up to 540oC and pressure as high as 45 bar for service life of 100,000 hours) offered significant benefits compared to the steels o f previous generation [1, 2] and allowed reduction of pipe wall thickness. However, frequent premature failures o f steam lines produced o f this steel, sometimes after only 30,000 service hours, imposed the necessity to retrofit damaged steam pipelines, e.g., steam lines o f thermoelectrical power plants in Greece [3]. This unexpected repair cost hampered further application o f 14MoV6 3 steel and the designers preferred to replace it by other, highly alloyed steels (e.g., alloyed steel X12 CrMoV 1, according to DIN, and low alloyed steel 10CrMo9). There is no clear explanation for failure occurrence, and steel
In-service degradation of gas trunk pipeline X52 steel
A workability assessment of the trunk pipelines exploited for a long time has been mostly based on the monitoring of the corrosion damage of the outer surface of the pipes. As a result, special attention has been paid to the reliability and durability of the protective coatings and to the external electrochemical protection. However observations of the inner surface of the oil and gas trunk pipelines being in service for long time, revealed the pits, especially numerous on the bottom of the pipe cross-section. The main cause for this corrosion damage has been the presence of condensed water. In the case of oil trunk pipelines exploited for about 30 years, the substantial decrease in the corrosion resistance, mechanical (especially resistance to the brittle fracture) and corrosion-mechanical in-bulk material properties has been established in comparison to the as-received material [1, 2]. The above findings strongly suggest that not only the pipe surface, but also the bulk material underwent degradation during service. The conclusions drawn from the studies [1 -4] have stated that the long time service of the oil trunk pipelines and the control of the pipelines, limited only to the detection of the surface defects and damage was not sufficient to ensure the safety of the operation of the oil lines. The stated degradation of the pipes being in service might be caused by the material long term aging promoted by the low cyclic stresses erasing from the flowing media or from external reasons. On the other hand, a much more pronounced metal deterioration was observed at the bottom than at the upper part of the same pipe [2 -4]. This suggests the aggressive role of the residual (deposited on the bottom) water. Although the corrosion occurring at the bottom of the pipe cannot itself cause the degradation of the bulk material, the hydrogen evolved in the corrosion processes and entering the metal might be an important factor producing metal deterioration. In the case of the the wet gas pipelines, the condensed water accumulates at the bottom [5]. However, gas flow splashes the water deposited at the pipe bottom, thus affecting the other parts of the pipe inner surface . Therefore, a similar processes of metal degradation during the long term exploitation should proceed in the metal of the crude oil and of the gas pipe lines. During the long term exploitation the stress assisted aging and the hydrogen induced degradation modify the metal properties and its resistance to the stress, corrosion and hydrogen cracking. The state of the material degradation of gas pipeline cannot be usually established by routine material testing. However, the application of other methods, such as fracture mechanics, stress and fatigue corrosion tests in selected electrolytes, hydrogen permeation measurements, should allow to evaluate the state of the metal degradation. This is especially important to predict the residual life time of the old Eni, Milano, Italy Received Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine,
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019
The use of effective non-destructive evaluation techniques for assessing degradation degree of pipeline steel would allow planning actions in order to correctly manage required emergency response at gas pipeline incident. In this paper, a new non-destructive evaluation technique based on electrochemical analysis of fracture surface for assessing in-service degradation degree of operated pipeline steels was developed. A significant difference between open-circuit potentials of the fracture surface (brittle fracture) and the polished surface of specimens made of operated pipeline steels observed after their long-term operation was associated with increased content of carbon compounds on the fracture surface. Embrittlement mechanism of ferrite-pearlite pipeline steels under operation was explained by carbides enrichment both grain boundaries and intragranular defects. The correlation dependence between operational changes in brittle fracture resistance of a metal and in open-circuit potential of its fracture surface being the basis of the developed electrochemical method for evaluation of operational degradation of pipeline steels was determined. 1. Introduction Long-term operation of natural gas transit pipelines implies aging, stress corrosion and hydrogen-induced cracking and it causes hydrogen embrittlement of steels, degradation of mechanical properties associated to a safe serviceability of the pipelines, and failure risk increase [1-9]. The implementation of effective diagnostic measures of degradation degree of pipelines steels would allow planning actions in order to correctly manage required emergency response at gas pipeline incident. In-service degradation of pipeline steels can be evaluated by destructive and non-destructive techniques [10-14]. Taking into account the fact that significant decrease in brittle fracture resistance lead to increase of failure risk, it is very important to evaluate it for long-term operated metal. The most sensitive mechanical characteristics for an evaluation of in-service degradation by destructive methods are impact toughness, fracture toughness (J-integral), resistance to stress corrosion cracking [15,16]. Among non-destructive methods, the special attention is paid to the electrochemical one, which is based on a good correlation between relative changes in electrochemical and mechanical characteristics of structural steels caused by their operational degradation [12,13,15]. A metal is influenced by a number of operational factors; in particular, changes in a metal condition are intensified under longterm mutual effect of mechanical stresses and corrosion and hydrogenating media [3,17]. Corrosion-hydrogen degradation of longterm operated pipeline steels is manifested, first of all, in hydrogen embrittlement and decrease in resistance to brittle fracture and to stress corrosion cracking, as it was demonstrated in numerous issues reported in [1-3]. It is known that process of in-service degradation of a metal occurs non-uniformly at a micro scale. Therefore fracture propagates along path with minimum energy