Analisis Faktor Risiko Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kuala Bhee Kecamatan Woyla Kabupaten Aceh Barat (original) (raw)
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Background: Anual Parasite Incidence (API) in West Aceh in 2010 reached 2.6 per 1000 population, then the API in 2011 decreased 1.05 per 1000 population, in 2012 the API decreased 0.9 per 1000 population, API increased to 0.93 per 1000 in 2013. This research aimed to know the association between environmental, behavioral risk factors and the incidence of malaria in the Working Area of Kuala Bhee Public Health Center in Woyla District. Methods: It was an observational research using case control design. There were 92 respondents used in this research, consisted of 46 malaria case and 46 controls. Statistical analysis used Chi Square tests, followed by Linear Regresion test. Result: The results showed that variables that become risk factors of incidence malaria: the presence of livestock pens (OR = 2.673, 95% CI = 1.095-6.521), the presence of stagnant water (OR = 4.026, 95% CI = 1.667-9.724), the habit of using mosquito repellent (OR = 3.343, 95% CI = 1.277-8.749), and the habit of a...
Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health)
Latarbelakang: Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang berdampak pada menurunnya produktifitas dan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Kabupaten Aceh Jaya merupakan daerah endemis malaria. Identifikasi faktor risiko penyebab penularan Malaria perlu dilakukan agar dapat memutuskan amta rantai penularan sehingga tindakan pencegahan dan penanggulangan dapat dilaksanakan secara tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui factor risiko kejadian malaria pada masyarakat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Krueng Sabee Kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan desain case control study. Kelompok kasus adalah penderita positif malaria berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium dari bulan Januari 2018 sampai dengan Maret 2019. Kelompok kontrol adalah masyarakat yang tidak menderita malaria. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 21 kasus dan 21 kontrol. Pengumpulan pada bulan Januari 2020 dengan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa ...
Background: Anual Parasite Incidence (API) in West Aceh in 2010 reached 2.6 per 1000 population, then the API in 2011 decreased 1.05 per 1000 population, in 2012 the API decreased 0.9 per 1000 population, API increased to 0.93 per 1000 in 2013. This research aimed to know the association between environmental, behavioral risk factors and the incidence of malaria in the Working Area of Kuala Bhee Public Health Center in Woyla District. Methods: It was an observational research using case control design. There were 92 respondents used in this research, consisted of 46 malaria case and 46 controls. Statistical analysis used Chi Square tests, followed by Linear Regresion test. Result: The results showed that variables that become risk factors of incidence malaria: the presence of livestock pens (OR = 2.673, 95% CI = 1.095-6.521), the presence of stagnant water (OR = 4.026, 95% CI = 1.667-9.724), the habit of using mosquito repellent (OR = 3.343, 95% CI = 1.277-8.749), and the habit of a...
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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health), 2014
Background: Malaria is one of reemerging diseases and ranked in 10 th position as deadly diseases. Malaria is also the 5 th deadly infective disease in the world. Malaria is tropical disease that been main cause of death, each year 40% of world inhabitant have risk of malaria disease or approximately 300-500 million of cases. About 1-3 millions of people died because of malaria each year. In Indonesia, about 50% of Indonesian people live in malaria endemic area. According to WHO, not less than 30 million cases of malaria occurs each year in Indonesia about 30.000 people were died. This study is purposed to recognize risk factors in relation with malaria incident in working area of
Faktor Determinan Kejadian Malaria DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lingga Kabupaten Kubu Raya
Jurnal Kesmas (Kesehatan Masyarakat) Khatulistiwa, 2019
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Malaria is one of the endemic diseases that are often found in the tropics. This disease is caused by the plasmodium parasite and is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 300-500 million cases are reported each year with one million deaths occurring in developing countries. Efforts to eradicate malaria will be carried out by involving community participation through eradicating malaria-causing vectors. In this regard, it is necessary to have public awareness to practice clean living by maintaining environmental cleanliness as a form of malaria prevention efforts. The counseling was carried out aimed at increasing public knowledge about malaria and prevention efforts. The counseling method is carried out with lectures and face-to-face discussions with participants. The results of this counseling can foster public awareness, attitudes, and behavior towards malaria prevention and control. The community is expected to be able to increase awareness of malaria transmission through prevention efforts undertaken.
Analisis Determinan Sosial Kesehatan dengan Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Puput
Latar Belakang : Malaria adalah penyakit yang dapat dicegah dan disembuhkan namun lebih dari satu juta orang meninggal karena malaria setiap tahun. Malaria adalah penyakit yang secara signifikan berpengaruh pada orang miskin yang mengalami kekurangan ekonomi, sosial dan pendidikan. Malaria juga merupakan penyakit yang tumbuh subur pada keadaan krisis dan perpindahan penduduk (Oxfam, 2008). Wilayah kerja puskesmas puput merupakan daerah endemis tinggi malaria dengan API 43,92‰ pada tahun 2011 dan merupakan yang tertinggi di kabupaten bangka barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar faktor risiko determinan sosial kesehatan dengan kejadian malaria di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Puput Kabupaten Bangka Barat Tahun 2012.Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode kasus kontrol tidak berpasangan, dengan besar sampel kelompok kasus 58 responden dan kontrol 58 responden, yang diambil berdasarkan populasi dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive dari da...
Jurnal Mahasiswa Pspd Fk Universitas Tanjungpura, 2013
Background. Malaria is one of the infectious disease which have been being the public health problem in Indonesia. Puskesmas Sanggau, one of the 13 puskesmas in Kapuas District, where have most clinical case of malaria, that are about 1648 case in 2009. Malaria are affected by outdoor and indoor environment and behaviour of people's living. Objective. Get the informations about the environment and behaviour that are influenced malaria at work-line area of Puskesmas Sanggau in Kapuas District, Sanggau Region. Method. This research is the analytical studies with case control design. Cases are the people who registered as the clinical malaria patients at Puskesmas Sanggau. The data were taken by interviews and observation from the respondent houses. Analysis have done as bivariate with Chi-Square test and multivariate with logistic regression. Result. The number of the sample in this research are 70 that divide into 35 cases and 35 controls. The independent variable which not influence to malaria are the canals or gutter on there, the density of the house wall, mosquito repellent using and the outdoor activity on the night. The canals or gutter have the significant relationship to malaria case (p=0,000) but they don't influence to the malaria cases directly. The other independent variable that influence malaria is cases are the bushes presenting (OR=5,129), using wire gauze on the ventilation (OR=3,917) and the habit to use mosquito net (OR=3,515). That about 89% to whom has three risk factors than they have not the risk. Conclusion. The variable which influence malaria infected are the presence of bushes, using wire gauze on the ventilation and the habit to use mosquito net. Thus it should be suggested to increase of Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS), to use wire gauze at every ventilation and habitually to use mosquito net to avoid mosquito bites.
Hubungan Antara Faktor Perilaku Dengan Kejadian Malaria DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Remu Kota Sorong
ABSTRAK Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Kota Sorong-Provinsi Papua Barat dimana dilaporkan terdapat kasus malaria positif 14.310 kasus pada tahun 2012. Adapun Kejadian Luar Biasa terjadi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Remu, salah satu Puskesmas di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Sorong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor perilaku yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Remu Kota Sorong. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan survei analitik dengan menggunakan desain kasus-kontrol. Populasi kasus merupakan pasien dengan malaria positif yang berusia ≥ 17 tahun pada bulan Mei-Juli 2014 dan poulasi kontrol merupakan masyarakat yang belum pernah menderita malaria positif dan tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Remu dengan perbandingan kelompok kasus dan kelompok kontrol yaitu 1:1. Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan total populasi yang berjumlah 84 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Analisis data yang di...