Overcoming Religious-Secular Divide: Islam's Contribution to Civilization (original) (raw)
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The relationships among man, neighbors and universe can't do neutral or apathetic attitude. Trends for sympathy, anti-starch or neutrality itself is an attitude. And every position has a consequence of an assessment, whether the judgment is based on the principle of rational objective or emotional subjective. In the line of inquiry from understanding, sympathy, admiration, respect, worship, love, or otherwise, misunderstanding, anti-starvation, disgust, humiliation, hate, even neutrality is manifestations and embodiments of judgment. In this text will be discussed in more detail the problem of how the value system in human life or community. Good or bad in a human being is created by man himself (community group).
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The current article seeks to present a model that reconciles Islamic teachings with the intellectual and scientific achievements of modernity. It attempts to develop a model that systematises the discourse on Islam and modernity while preserving its Islamic identity using qualitative methods. Thus, this article introduces a model called ‘moderate Islamic modernism’. This model does not acknowledge the achievements of modernity in their entirety, but only those intellectual and scientific achievements that are free from certain bias elements. This article will first distinguish between the proposed moderate model and that of ‘extreme Islamic modernism’. Secondly, this article compares the model with ‘Islamic traditionalism’. In brief, the proposed moderate model advocates the reconciliation of Islamic teachings with the intellectual and scientific achievements of modernity, as well as reforming the traditional method. The article concludes that the ‘moderate Islamic modernism’ approa...
The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 2022
Since the nineteenth century, the Muslim world has been the subject of discussions that reveal its dire state of affairs. How Muslim intellectuals characterize their own predicament is integral to understanding Muslim articulations for reform, reconstitution and progress. There are elements that a diverse selection of Muslim intellectuals from various parts of the Muslim world (and beyond) seem to coalesce around, suggestive of a constitution of a shared reform vision. They represent a rigorous intellectual investment in meeting the challenges of modernity, the challenges to Muslim society, and in constituting a trajectory inspiring of change. These elements principally include: the reconciliation of the relationship of Islam to modernity and the 'Other'; the reinvigoration the Islamic civilizational essence and its tawḥidic epistemology; a centralization of Islamic heritage and its values; and, a restoration of Islamic epistemology. These elements form the theoretical underpinnings of reform and an Islamic alternative. The anticipation is that there would be revivification and a restoration of Muslim society and civilization, and a re-enchantment in modernity; thus, civilizational reform, renewal and progress.
Islam, Religion, Practice, Culture and World Order
American Journal of Islam and Society
Isma‘il al-Faruqi (1921-86), a reformer, a visionary, and a great modernscholar, wrote on several aspects of Islam and Muslim interactions with majorspiritual traditions of the world. This short book is a collection of his brief reflectionson Islam’s basic ideals. Thus it is not a research work, but rather anexplication on how Islam should be comprehended on its own merit. Expressedin simple language to make its contents accessible to the general publicand containing no references, it consists of seven parts each comprised ofthree or four chapters. The arrangement of topics was not chronological, eventhough one would have expected its editor, Imtiyaz Yusuf – one of al-Faruqi’sstudents – to pay attention to such order by rearranging the chapters. For example, one would logically expect the discussion of the isrOE’ and mi‘rOEj tocome before the discussion of the hijrah ...
Islamic Thought: An Approach to Reform
Islamic Thought: An Approach to Reform , 2006
For the first time, Muslims are faced with a worldwide positivism which is working to use knowledge, the sciences and their discoveries and achievements in a manner which severs the relationship between the Creator, the created universe and man, thereby disregarding the world of the unseen and driving a wedge between science and values. Lacking even the most modest store of vital Islamic doctrine on the intellectual level, university students and researchers in the Islamic world are confronted with doctrines and philosophies which are presented to them together with a flimsy, miserable defense of Islam. There is not a single academic institution in the Islamic world in which Islamic thought is taught and in which the Islamic vision is given a deep-rooted foundation with the same force and persuasiveness with which Western ideas and the Western vision are taught to students in the West, in a coherent, comprehensive manner accompanied by seriousness and commitment on the part of all. The books argues that this approach is diametrically opposed to the Islamic perspective and that we must disengage human scientific achievement from positivistic philosophical premises and reemploy these sciences within a systematic epistemological framework based on divine revelation, conferring honor upon all forms of knowledge, as having been bestowed upon man by their Creator.
Öz: Understanding of science of Islam and West can only be comprehended within the context of the related civilisations that each has a sui generis worldviews and cosmos conceptualisation originated from their beliefs and cultures. Understanding of science of Islam is a motivation aspiring after the happiness and spiritual maturity of the individual and society, representing monotheistic knowledge, perception of existence and value that strive to prioritise the will of Allah and His intent of creating. Techno-science of the Western civilisation has preferred the constructional truth to the understanding of absolute based on the scientific knowledge targeting to instrumentalise this ideological science approach for the purpose of market economy, power and comfort, to realise the enslavement and colonialization. This paper aims, in light of philosophy, to deal with the main reasons for this situation originating from the presentation of Islamic civilisation as "primitive" and "backward" in the field of knowledge/science and Muslims suffering from this disregard and condescension against the techno-scientific progress and capital domination of the western civilisation. Abstract: İslâm ve Batı'nın bilim anlayışı, ancak ilişkili oldukları inanç ve kültür köklerinden neşet eden kendine özgü dünya görüşü ve evren tasavvuruna sahip medeniyetleri bağlamında anlaşılabilir. İslâm'ın ilim/bilim anlayışı bireyin ve toplumun kemâlini ve mutluluğunu amaçlayan bir motivasyona sahiptir. Öyle ki o, Allah'ın iradesini ve onun yaratma gayesini önceleyen tevhidî bir bilgi, varlık ve değer algısını taşımaktadır. Buna karşın Batı medeniyetinin tekno-bilimi, mutlak hakikat anlayışı yerine inşâî (itibârî) hakikati benimsemiştir. Söz konusu ideolojik bilim yaklaşımı piyasa ekonomisi, güç ve konforu hedeflemiş, kölelik ve sömürüyü hedefleyerek onları yüceltmiştir. Bu makale, özellikle son iki yüzyılda Batı medeniyetinin tekno-bilimsel gelişimi ve dünya üzerindeki kapital tahakkümü karşısında İslâm medeniyetinin bilim/ilim anlayışının geri, çaresiz ve Müslüman toplumların mahkûm ve mazlum olduğu gerçeğinden hareketle bu durumun temel nedenlerini felsefî bakış açısıyla ele alarak her iki medeniyetin bu bağlamda tasvirini yapmayı hedeflemektedir.