Validation experiments on finite element models of an ostrich ( Struthio camelus ) cranium (original) (raw)

Sensitivity and ex vivo validation of finite element models of the domestic pig cranium.

A finite element (FE) validation and sensitivity study was undertaken on a modern domestic pig cranium. Bone strain data were collected ex vivo from strain gauges, and compared with results from specimen-specific FE models. An isotropic, homogeneous model was created, then input parameters were altered to investigate model sensitivity. Heterogeneous, isotropic models investigated the effects of a constant-thickness, stiffer outer layer (representing cortical bone) atop a more compliant interior (representing cancellous bone). Loading direction and placement of strain gauges were also varied, and the use of 2D membrane elements at strain gauge locations as a method of projecting 3D model strains into the plane of the gauge was investigated. The models correctly estimate the loading conditions of the experiment, yet at some locations fail to reproduce correct principal strain magnitudes, and hence strain ratios. Principal strain orientations are predicted well. The initial model was too stiff by approximately an order of magnitude. Introducing a compliant interior reported strain magnitudes more similar to the ex vivo results without notably affecting strain orientations, ratios or contour patterns, suggesting that this simple heterogeneity was the equivalent of reducing the overall stiffness of the model. Models were generally insensitive to moderate changes in loading direction or strain gauge placement, except in the squamosal portion of the zygomatic arch. The use of membrane elements made negligible differences to the reported strains. The models therefore seem most sensitive to changes in material properties, and suggest that failure to model local heterogeneity in material properties and structure of the bone may be responsible for discrepancies between the experimental and model results. This is partially attributable to a lack of resolution in the CT scans from which the model was built, and partially due to an absence of detailed material properties data for pig cranial bone. Thus, caution is advised when using FE models to estimate absolute numerical values of breaking stress and bite force unless detailed input parameters are available. However, if the objective is to compare relative differences between models, the fact that the strain environment is replicated well means that such investigations can be robust.

Strain in the ostrich mandible during simulated pecking and validation of specimen-specific finite element models.

Finite element (FE) analysis is becoming a frequently used tool for exploring the craniofacial biomechanics of extant and extinct vertebrates. Crucial to the application of the FE analysis is the knowledge of how well FE results replicate reality. Here I present a study investigating how accurately FE models can predict experimentally derived strain in the mandible of the ostrich Struthio camelus, when both the model and the jaw are subject to identical conditions in an in-vitro loading environment. Three isolated ostrich mandibles were loaded hydraulically at the beak tip with forces similar to those measured during force transducer pecking experiments. Strains were recorded at four gauge sites at the dorsal and ventral dentary, and medial and lateral surangular. Specimen-specific FE models were created from computed tomography scans of each ostrich and loaded in an identical fashion as in the in-vitro test. The results show that the strain magnitudes, orientation, patterns and maximum : minimum principal strain ratios are predicted very closely at the dentary gauge sites, even though the FE models have isotropic and homogeneous material properties and solid internal geometry. Although the strain magnitudes are predicted at the postdentary sites, the strain orientations and ratios are inaccurate. This mismatch between the dentary and postdentary predictions may be due to the presence of intramandibular sutures or the greater amount of cancellous bone present in the postdentary region of the mandible and requires further study. This study highlights the predictive potential of even simple FE models for studies in extant and extinct vertebrates, but also emphasizes the importance of geometry and sutures. It raises the question of whether different parameters are of lesser or greater importance to FE validation for different taxonomic groups.

Finite element analysis of the cranium: Validity, sensitivity and future directions

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2017

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is increasingly applied in skeletal biomechanical research in general, and in fossil studies in particular. Underlying such studies is the principle that FEA provides results that approximate reality. This paper provides further understanding of the reliability of FEA by presenting a validation study in which the deformations experienced by a real cadaveric human cranium are compared to those of an FE model of that cranium under equivalent simulated loading. Furthermore, model sensitivity to simplifications in segmentation and material properties is also assessed. Our results show that absolute deformations are not accurately predicted, but the distribution of the regions of relatively high and low strains, and so the modes of global deformation, are reasonably approximated. Résumé La méthode des éléments finis (FEA) est de plus en plus appliquée dans la recherche biomécanique du squelette en général, et dans les études de fossiles en particulier. Ces études sont fondées sur le principe selon lequel les FEA fournissent des résultats qui se rapprochent de la réalité. Ce article fournit une meilleure compréhension de la fiabilité de la méthode des FEA en présentant une étude de validité dans laquelle les déformations subies par un vrai crâne de cadavre humain sont comparées à celles d'un modèle par éléments finis de ce crâne sous un chargement simulé équivalent. En outre, la sensibilité du modèle vis-à-vis de simplifications dans la segmentation et des propriétés des matériaux est également évaluée. Nos résultats montrent que les déformations absolues ne sont pas prédites avec précision, mais la répartition des régions de relativement hautes et basses contraintes, et par conséquent les modes de déformation globale, sont raisonnablement estimés.

Comparison of beam theory and finite‐element analysis with in vivo bone strain data from the alligator cranium

The Anatomical Record …, 2005

The mechanical behavior of the vertebrate skull is often modeled using free-body analysis of simple geometric structures and, more recently, finiteelement (FE) analysis. In this study, we compare experimentally collected in vivo bone strain orientations and magnitudes from the cranium of the American alligator with those extrapolated from a beam model and extracted from an FE model. The strain magnitudes predicted from beam and FE skull models bear little similarity to relative and absolute strain magnitudes recorded during in vivo biting experiments. However, quantitative differences between principal strain orientations extracted from the FE skull model and recorded during the in vivo experiments were smaller, and both generally matched expectations from the beam model. The differences in strain magnitude between the data sets may be attributable to the level of resolution of the models, the material properties used in the FE model, and the loading conditions (i.e., external forces and constraints). This study indicates that FE models and modeling of skulls as simple engineering structures may give a preliminary idea of how these structures are loaded, but whenever possible, modeling results should be verified with either in vitro or preferably in vivo testing, especially if precise knowledge of strain magnitudes is desired.

The Impact of Simplifications on the Performance of a Finite Element Model of a Macaca fascicularis Cranium

The Anatomical Record, 2015

In recent years finite element analysis (FEA) has emerged as a useful tool for the analysis of skeletal form-function relationships. While this approach has obvious appeal for the study of fossil specimens, such material is often fragmentary with disrupted internal architecture and can contain matrix that leads to errors in accurate segmentation. Here we examine the effects of varying the detail of segmentation and material properties of teeth on the performance of a finite element model of a Macaca fascicularis cranium within a comparative functional framework. Cranial deformations were compared using strain maps to assess differences in strain contours and Procrustes size and shape analyses, from geometric morphometrics, were employed to compare large scale deformations. We show that a macaque model subjected to biting can be made solid, and teeth altered in material properties, with minimal impact on large scale modes of deformation. The models clustered tightly by bite point rather than by modeling simplification approach, and fell out as being distinct from another species. However localized fluctuations in predicted strain magnitudes were recorded with different modeling approaches, particularly over the alveolar region. This study indicates that, while any model simplification should be undertaken with care and attention to its effects, future applications of FEA to fossils with unknown internal architecture may produce reliable results with regard to general modes of deformation, even when detail of internal bone architecture cannot be reliably modeled.

In vivo bone strain and finite‐element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates

Journal of …, 2011

Hypotheses regarding patterns of stress, strain and deformation in the craniofacial skeleton are central to adaptive explanations for the evolution of primate craniofacial form. The complexity of craniofacial skeletal morphology makes it difficult to evaluate these hypotheses with in vivo bone strain data. In this paper, new in vivo bone strain data from the intraorbital surfaces of the supraorbital torus, postorbital bar and postorbital septum, the anterior surface of the postorbital bar, and the anterior root of the zygoma are combined with published data from the supraorbital region and zygomatic arch to evaluate the validity of a finite-element model (FEM) of a macaque cranium during mastication. The behavior of this model is then used to test hypotheses regarding the overall deformation regime in the craniofacial haft of macaques. This FEM constitutes a hypothesis regarding deformation of the facial skeleton during mastication. A simplified verbal description of the deformation regime in the macaque FEM is as follows. Inferior bending and twisting of the zygomatic arches about a rostrocaudal axis exerts inferolaterally directed tensile forces on the lateral orbital wall, bending the wall and the supraorbital torus in frontal planes and bending and shearing the infraorbital region and anterior zygoma root in frontal planes. Similar deformation regimes also characterize the crania of Homo and Gorilla under in vitro loading conditions and may be shared among extant catarrhines. Relatively high strain magnitudes in the anterior root of the zygoma suggest that the morphology of this region may be important for resisting forces generated during feeding.

Finite element modelling of squirrel, guinea pig and rat skulls: using geometric morphometrics to assess sensitivity.

Rodents are defined by a uniquely specialized dentition and a highly complex arrangement of jaw-closing muscles. Finite element analysis (FEA) is an ideal technique to investigate the biomechanical implications of these specializations, but it is essential to understand fully the degree of influence of the different input parameters of the FE model to have confidence in the model's predictions. This study evaluates the sensitivity of FE models of rodent crania to elastic properties of the materials, loading direction, and the location and orientation of the models' constraints. Three FE models were constructed of squirrel, guinea pig and rat skulls. Each was loaded to simulate biting on the incisors, and the first and the third molars, with the angle of the incisal bite varied over a range of 45 degrees. The Young's moduli of the bone and teeth components were varied between limits defined by findings from our own and previously published tests of material properties. Geometric morphometrics (GMM) was used to analyse the resulting skull deformations. Bone stiffness was found to have the strongest influence on the results in all three rodents, followed by bite position, and then bite angle and muscle orientation. Tooth material properties were shown to have little effect on the deformation of the skull. The effect of bite position varied between species, with the mesiodistal position of the biting tooth being most important in squirrels and guinea pigs, whereas bilateral vs. unilateral biting had the greatest influence in rats. A GMM analysis of isolated incisor deformations showed that, for all rodents, bite angle is the most important parameter, followed by elastic properties of the tooth. The results here elucidate which input parameters are most important when defining the FE models, but also provide interesting glimpses of the biomechanical differences between the three skulls, which will be fully explored in future publications.

Finite element analysis in vertebrate biomechanics

The Anatomical Record Part A: Discoveries in …, 2005

This special issue of The Anatomical Record presents a series of papers that apply the method of finite element analysis (FEA) to questions in vertebrate biomechanics. These papers are salient examples of the use of FEA to test hypotheses regarding structure-function relationships in complexly shaped biological objects such as skulls and in areas of the skeleton that are otherwise impervious to study. FEA is also a powerful tool for studying patterns of stress and strain in fossil animals and artificial constructs hypothesized to represent ancestral conditions. FEA has been used deductively, to study patterns of growth and development, and to investigate whether skull shapes can be created from amorphous blocks using an iterative approach of loading and removing elements. Several of the papers address methodological issues, such as the relative importance of loading conditions and material properties for generating an accurate model and the validation of models using in vivo strain data. Continuing improvements in model building techniques will make possible increased application of FEA to study the functional effects of variation in morphology, whether through ontogenetic or phylogenetic transformations.

The role of the sutures in biomechanical dynamic simulation of a macaque cranial finite element model: implications for the evolution of craniofacial form

Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2012

The global biomechanical impact of cranial sutures on the face and cranium during dynamic conditions is not well understood. It is hypothesized that sutures act as energy absorbers protecting skulls subjected to dynamic loads. This hypothesis predicts that sutures have a significant impact on global patterns of strain and cranial structural stiffness when analyzed using dynamic simulations; and that this global impact is influenced by suture material properties. In a finite element model developed from a juvenile Rhesus macaque cranium, five different sets of suture material properties for the zygomaticotemporal sutures were tested. The static and dynamic analyses produced similar results in terms of strain patterns and reaction forces, indicating that the zygomaticotemporal sutures have limited impact on global skull mechanics regardless of loading design. Contrary to the functional hypothesis tested in this study, the zygomaticotemporal sutures did not absorb significant amounts of energy during dynamic simulations regardless of loading speed. It is alternatively hypothesized that sutures are mechanically significant only insofar as they are weak points on the cranium that must be shielded from unduly high stresses so as not to disrupt vitally important growth processes. Thus, sutural and overall cranial form in some vertebrates may be optimized to minimize or otherwise modulate sutural stress and strain. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The mechanical properties of cranial bone

IFMBE Proceedings, 2010

Linear and depressed skull fractures are frequent mechanisms of head injury and are often associated with traumatic brain injury. Accurate knowledge of the fracture of cranial bone can provide insight into the prevention of skull fracture injuries and associated lesions of soft neural tissue and help aid the design of energy absorbing head protection systems. Cranial bone is a complex material comprising of a three-layered structure: external layers consisting of compact, high-density cortical bone and a central layer consisting of a low-density, irregularly porous structure. In the current study, a significantly large set of cranial bone specimens (parietal and frontal bones) were extracted from 8 crania and, after µCT imaging, the specimens were tested in a three-point bend setup at dynamic speeds. Important mechanical and morphological properties were calculated for each specimen. The mechanical properties were consistent with those previously reported in the literature. Potential correlations between the calculated parameters were examined statistically. Testing speed, strain rate, cranial sampling position and intercranial variation were found to have a significant effect on some or all of the computed mechanical parameters.