Study Abroad and Career Paths of Business Students (original) (raw)
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Is the corporate world a true consumer of global talent? The impact of globalization on business is obvious and therefore the need for more cultural savvy staff is apparent. However, does the Higher Education sector need to follow the business world’s lead or are HE institutions in the driver’s seat at all times when it comes to priming graduates who are able to work across continents?
The 1990s was a decade of globalization powered by the Internet and rising transnationals, multinationals and global corporations. The challenge that confronted many corporates were identification of training needs and competencies for an international workforce, and deploying new methodologies to train them . This book provides a retrospective view of these changing times, when different methods were pioneered, by Human Resource Management for adapting to globalization of businesses and developing an international workforce. It provides insights into the training needs for women, who were increasingly becoming part of the global corporations as managers during the decade. The book would be of interest to managers and academics as well as a reference for students of Human Resource Management, particularly MBA. B!bllograflsche !nformat1on der Deutschen Nat1ona!bib!1othek D1e Deutsche Nat1onalb1bllothek verzeJChnet d1ese Publ1kat10n m der Deutschen Nat1onalbibl!ograf1e, detadl1erte bibhograf1sche Daten smd 1m Internet uber http //dnb d-nb de abrufbar Aile rn d1esem Such genannten Marken und Produktnamen unterl1egen warenze1chen-, markenoder patentrechti!Chem Schutz bzw s1nd Warenze1chen oder emgetragene Warenze1chen der Jewe1ligen lnhaber D1e W1edergabe von Marken, Produktnamen, Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, WarenbezeiChnungen us w m d1esem Werk berecht1gt auch ohne besondere Kennze1chnung n1cht zu der Annahme, dass solche Namen 1m Smne der Warenze1chen-und Markenschutzgesetzgebung als fre1 zu betrachten waren und daher von jedermann benutzt werden durften Coverbdd vvww mg1mage com Verlag LAP lmpnnt (only for USA, GB) 8rblrograph1c •nformat1on published by the Deutsche Nat1onalbibllothek The Deutsche i\Jat10nalbrbllothek hsts th1s publ!catron m the Deutsche Natlonalblbllografle, detailed bibliographic data are available 1n the Internet at http //dnb d-nb de
Enhancing Business Students International Capabilities Through Global Education Programs
Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 2011
Today, the development of a global vision is the cornerstone that guarantees personal, economic and social development, improves competitiveness, and strengthens democracy. Future business professionals will need to understand international business patterns and cultures in order to successfully work in corporations in either the United States or abroad. One way to achieve these goals is through the use of study abroad programs. Study abroad programs develop cross-cultural awareness as well as the interpersonal and professional skills necessary to operate in a changing business environment.A common perception of North Americans is that they are in general ethnocentric and resist efforts to internationalize. While this may or may not be true for all those who reside in the United States, it is undeniable that future college graduates require a better education in international business and cross-cultural differences. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Internat...
The 1990s was a decade of globalization powered by the Internet and rising transnationals, multinationals and global corporations. The challenge that confronted many corporates were identification of training needs and competencies for an international workforce, and deploying new methodologies to train them . This book provides a retrospective view of these changing times, when different methods were pioneered, by Human Resource Management for adapting to globalization of businesses and developing an international workforce. It provides insights into the training needs for women, who were increasingly becoming part of the global corporations as managers during the decade. The book would be of interest to managers and academics as well as a reference for students of Human Resource Management, particularly MBA. B!bllograflsche !nformat1on der Deutschen Nat1ona!bib!1othek D1e Deutsche Nat1onalb1bllothek verzeJChnet d1ese Publ1kat10n m der Deutschen Nat1onalbibl!ograf1e, detadl1erte bibhograf1sche Daten smd 1m Internet uber http //dnb d-nb de abrufbar Aile rn d1esem Such genannten Marken und Produktnamen unterl1egen warenze1chen-, markenoder patentrechti!Chem Schutz bzw s1nd Warenze1chen oder emgetragene Warenze1chen der Jewe1ligen lnhaber D1e W1edergabe von Marken, Produktnamen, Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, WarenbezeiChnungen us w m d1esem Werk berecht1gt auch ohne besondere Kennze1chnung n1cht zu der Annahme, dass solche Namen 1m Smne der Warenze1chen-und Markenschutzgesetzgebung als fre1 zu betrachten waren und daher von jedermann benutzt werden durften Coverbdd vvww mg1mage com Verlag LAP lmpnnt (only for USA, GB) 8rblrograph1c •nformat1on published by the Deutsche Nat1onalbibllothek The Deutsche i\Jat10nalbrbllothek hsts th1s publ!catron m the Deutsche Natlonalblbllografle, detailed bibliographic data are available 1n the Internet at http //dnb d-nb de
International Business Training In The 21st Century: How Do They Learn?
International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 2011
International business and the global marketplace have captured the American mindset. This is evidenced throughout our media, and certainly on U.S. business school campuses. More and more universities require international business courses as core course requirements, and many now offer international business as separate majors. Business study abroad programs have been around for years. Programs range from direct enrollment at foreign universities to packaged courses offered by U.S. universities in other countries. Although these programs are popular with students and faculty alike, one questions how much learning is actually accomplished in these in-tensive but often brief programs. Based on the results of tests we administered we concluded that students participating in a three week Study Abroad course learned more about understanding the importance cultural differences in international business operations than students who cover the topic in a required international business cour...
The 2011 QS Global Employer Survey of over 10,000 recruiters worldwide indicates that employers actively seek and give preference to college graduates who had studied abroad. Six out of ten employers said they give "extra credit" for a student's international experience and more than 80 percent said they actively seek graduates who had studied abroad. The value employers place on a student's study abroad experience grows significantly as program length increases. Though this study suggests there is a connection in employers' minds between overseas study and the development of certain interpersonal skills, students who participate in short-term programs need to make an extra effort to describe their experience in such a manner that convinces prospective employers their time abroad developed the intercultural competence employers expect. Today's students must be prepared to interact with people and cultural situations that may differ significantly from their ...
Integrating Expatriate Careers with International Business Activity
International Journal of Career Management, 1994
In his book Overseas and Undersold, White was able to point to a variety of Australian business successes and indeed business failures in Asia. It is argued that the failures occurred, not entirely because of the quality or otherwise of Australian products or services, or that they were poorly financed, poorly designed, or some other similar reason, but rather because those managers and entrepreneurs who had ventured off shore did so, in too many instances, while under-prepared, unknowing or unsure of the demands of operating in business cultures which, in many instances, were significantly different from those they were used to. Changed circumstances or a new work environment require careful attention to business context and the manner in which such change is addressed. The context and manner in which business is conducted is central to effective change and as a consequence lasting success. Context, in respect of an organization's strategic international business concerns, in the terms of its products, its services, its markets, its customers, its objectives and its broader business environment needs, is important. While manner, in terms of a manager's ability to adapt and adjust to the demands of operating in foreign, and at times, culturally distant lands is of equal importance. Any practice which purports to support an organization's business agenda must be addressed with the ideas of context and manner