Landscape heterogeneity and the effect of environmental conditions on prairie wetlands (original) (raw)
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BCR11), the Prairie Potholes; however, populations fluctuate with varying climate and land-use changes. Additionally, the foraging habits and abundance of blackbirds in the PPR make them significant agricultural pests on sunflower. Because of the ecological importance of wetland bird populations and the significance of blackbird agricultural depredation, it is imperative to understand the environmental factors that influence their populations over time. This study quantifies the effects of landscape-level climatic and land-use patterns on wetland-dwelling bird populations in BCR11; relationships between blackbirds and waterfowl population are also examined. The objectives of this study were accomplished using long-term data sets, including the North American Breeding Bird Survey, National Weather Service Climatic Data, and land cover data from the United States Geological Survey and the Prairie Farm and Rehabilitation Administration. Wetland bird populations were modeled as a function of environmental covariates using a hierarchical Poisson regression model fitted with Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.
Ecological Applications, 2007
Wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region exist in a matrix of grassland dominated by intensive pastoral and cultivation agriculture. Recent conservation management has emphasized the conversion of cultivated farmland and degraded pastures to intact grassland to improve upland nesting habitat. The consequences of changes in land-use cover that alter watershed processes have not been evaluated relative to their effect on the water budgets and vegetation dynamics of associated wetlands. We simulated the effect of upland agricultural practices on the water budget and vegetation of a semipermanent prairie wetland by modifying a previously published mathematical model (WETSIM). Watershed cover/landuse practices were categorized as unmanaged grassland (native grass, smooth brome), managed grassland (moderately heavily grazed, prescribed burned), cultivated crops (row crop, small grain), and alfalfa hayland. Model simulations showed that differing rates of evapotranspiration and runoff associated with different upland plant-cover categories in the surrounding catchment produced differences in wetland water budgets and linked ecological dynamics. Wetland water levels were highest and vegetation the most dynamic under the managed-grassland simulations, while water levels were the lowest and vegetation the least dynamic under the unmanaged-grassland simulations. The modeling results suggest that unmanaged grassland, often planted for waterfowl nesting, may produce the least favorable wetland conditions for birds, especially in drier regions of the Prairie Pothole Region. These results stand as hypotheses that urgently need to be verified with empirical data.
Prairie wetland complexes as landscape functional units in a changing climate
"The wetland complex is the functional ecological unit of the prairie pothole region (PPR) of central North America. Diverse complexes of wetlands contribute high spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity, productivity, and biodiversity to these glaciated prairie landscapes. Climate warming simulations using the new model WETLANDSCAPE (WLS) project major reductions in water volume, shortening of hydroperiods, and less-dynamic vegetation for prairie wetland complexes. The WLS model portrays the future PPR as a much less resilient ecosystem: The western PPR will be too dry and the eastern PPR will have too few functional wetlands and nesting habitat to support historic levels of waterfowl and other wetland-dependent species. Maintaining ecosystem goods and services at current levels in a warmer climate will be a major challenge for the conservation community."
Sensitivity of a prairie wetland to increased temperature and seasonal precipitation changes
JAWRA Journal of the …, 1995
We assessed the potential effects of increased temperature and changes in amount and seasonal timing of precipitation on the hydrology and vegetation of a semi-permanent prairie wetland in North Dakota using a spatially-defined, rule-based simulation model. Simulations were run with increased temperatures of 2°C combined with a 10 percent increase or decrease in total growing season precipitation. Changes in precipitation were applied either evenly across all months or to individual seasons (spring, summer, or fall). The response of semi-permanent wetland P1 was relatively similar under most of the seasonal scenarios. A 10 percent increase in total growing season precipitation applied to summer months only, to fall months only, and over all months produced lower water levels compared to those resulting from the current climate due to increased evapotranspiration. Wetland hydrology was most affected by changes in spring precipitation and runoff. Vegetation response was relatively consistent across scenarios. Seven of the eight seasonal scenarios produced drier conditions with no open water and greater vegetation cover compared to those resulting from the current climate. Only when spring precipitation increased did the wetland maintain an extensive open water area (49 percent). Potential changes in climate that affect spring runoff, such as changes to spring precipitation and snow melt, may have the greatest impact on prairie wetland hydrology and vegetation. In addition, relatively small changes in water level during dry years may affect the period of time the wetland contains open water. Emergent vegetation, once it is established, can survive under drier conditions due to its ability to persist in shallow water with fluctuating levels. The model's sensitivity to changes in temperature and seasonal precipitation patterns accentuates the need for accurate regional climate change projections from general circulation models. Keywords: prairie wetlands; hydrology and vegetation dynamics; simulation model; climate change; GIS; waterfowl habitat; global warming
Vulnerability of Northern Prairie Wetlands to Climate Change
Bioscience, 2005
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Northern Prairie Wetlands and Climate Change
The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of North America contains millions of wetlands that provide abundant ecological services that are highly sensitive to climate change. We explored the broad spatial and temporal patterns across the PPR between climate and wetland water levels and vegetation by “moving” a wetland model (WETSIM 3.1) among 18 stations with 95-year weather records. Ecoregions were
Relationships between abundances of breeding ducks and attributes of Canadian prairie wetlands
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2017
Understanding how animals respond to changing habitat conditions can improve predictions about effects of environmental change and also inform conservation planning. We examined relationships between abundances of 5 common dabbling duck species breeding in the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region and basic wetland metrics. Pond area was a well-supported predictor of duck abundance at the local scale of pond. Relationships for all 5 species varied with their respective regional duck and pond densities. In regions where duck densities were high, there were more ducks per pond; conversely, there were fewer ducks per pond in regions where pond densities were high, indicating that mechanisms influencing local habitat use were, in part, mediated by processes occurring at larger spatial scales. Although models explained small amounts of variation of duck abundance on a per pond basis, these models explained more variation when results were aggregated to the level of survey segment, indicating reasonable performance of models for estimating duck abundance over specific areas with known pond areas. Our results also indicated that the greatest increase in duck abundance with increasing pond size occurs at the low end of the range of pond sizes. It is relatively small wetlands that face the greatest threat of loss and degradation on the prairies; therefore, protection and conservation efforts need to focus on these wetlands if the objective is to increase or maintain populations of the duck species studied.
Influence of land use and climate on wetland breeding birds in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada
Bird populations are influenced by a variety of factors at both small and large scales that range from the presence of suitable nesting habitat, predators, and food supplies to climate conditions and land-use patterns. We evaluated the influences of regional climate and land-use variables on wetland breeding birds in the Canada section of Bird Conservation Region 11 (CA-BCR11), the Prairie Potholes. We used bird abundance data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, land-use data from the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, and weather data from the National Climatic Data and Information Archive to model effects of regional environmental variables on bird abundance. Models were constructed a priori using information from published habitat associations in the literature, and fitting was performed with WinBUGS using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. Both land-use and climate variables contributed to predicting bird abundance in CA-BCR11, although climate predictors contributed the most to improving model fit. Examination of regional effects of climate and land use on wetland birds in CA-BCR11 revealed relationships with environmental covariates that are often overlooked by small-scale habitat studies. Results from these studies can be used to improve conservation and management planning for regional populations of avifauna.
The Condor, 2020
Recent work has suggested that a tradeoff exists between habitat area and habitat heterogeneity, with a moderate amount of heterogeneity supporting greatest species richness. Support for this unimodal relationship has been mixed and has differed among habitats and taxa. We examined the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and species richness after accounting for habitat area in glacially formed wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region in the United States at both local and landscape scales. We tested for area-habitat heterogeneity tradeoffs in wetland bird species richness, the richness of groups of similar species, and in species' abundances. We then identified the habitat relationships for individual species and the relative importance of wetland area vs. habitat heterogeneity and other wetland characteristics. We found that habitat area was the primary driver of species richness and abundance. Additional variation in richness and abundance could be explained by habitat heterogeneity or other wetland and landscape characteristics. Overall avian species richness responded unimodally to habitat heterogeneity, suggesting an area-heterogeneity tradeoff. Group richness and abundance metrics showed either unimodal or linear relationships with habitat heterogeneity. Habitat heterogeneity indices at local and landscape scales were important for some, but not all, species and avian groups. Both abundance of individual species and species richness of most avian groups were higher on publicly owned wetlands than on privately owned wetlands, on restored wetlands than natural wetlands, and on permanent wetlands than on wetlands of other classes. However, we found that all wetlands examined, regardless of ownership, restoration status, and wetland class, supported wetland-obligate birds. Thus, protection of all wetland types contributes to species conservation. Our results support conventional wisdom that protection of large wetlands is a priority but also indicate that maintaining habitat heterogeneity will enhance biodiversity and support higher populations of individual species.