Information Management: a consolidation of operations analysis and strategy20025 Information Management: a consolidation of operations analysis and strategy . Wagga Wagga: CIS 2002. , ISBN: 1 876938 36 6 A$99 (original) (raw)
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Information and knowledge management: dimensions and approaches
Introduction. Though literature on information and knowledge management is vast, there is much confusion concerning the meaning of these terms. Hence, this article should give some orientation and work out the main aspects of information and knowledge management. Method. An author co-citation analysis, which identified the main dimensions of information management, forms the basis of the study of literature. In it, the main aspects of information management are further refined. Furthermore, it will be investigated if the concept of knowledge management adds anything to information management, and if so what it is. Analysis. Data for analysis were retrieved from Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index. Though the literature review is based on the quantitative results of the bibliometric analysis and has tried to consider the most prominent publications, some degree of subjectivism cannot be excluded. Results. As a result of analysis, a distinction can be made between content and technology-oriented information management approaches. According to the literature review, technology-oriented information management includes data management, information technology management and strategic information technology management. The main emphasis of these approaches is the effective and efficient use of information technology. In contrast, content-oriented approaches focus on information and its use. They can be distinguished in records management, provision of external information, human-centered information management, and information resources management. The reading of the literature on knowledge management reveals, that this term is either used synonymously for information management or for the management of work practices with the goal of improving the generation of new knowledge and the sharing of existing knowledge. Conclusions This article identifies various aspects that are embraced by the change font Information and knowledge management: dimensions and approaches
Information Systems is an academic study of systems with a specific reference to information and the complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and also distribute data. An emphasis is placed on an information system having a definitive boundary, users, processors, storage, inputs, outputs and the aforementioned communication networks. . Any specific information system aims to support operations, management and decision-making. Bulgacs et al (2013).
Management Information Systems: Mastering the Discreet Planning
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The present study emphasis on the importance of management information system which forms the backbone for digitalizing the organization. It comprises of information useful for smooth functioning by evaluating and synchronizing both hardware and software technologies. The management information system has gained popularity in last few decades with almost every sector has implemented its principles to manage the economic flow and functioning. It has greatly influenced the world connectivity with business point of view and has uplifted the management strategies. The presented mini review describe the elements and usage of management information system along with its advantages. The study provides, insight on the category of management information system with its possible applicative sectors. I. INTRODUCTION The management information system (MIS) is paradigm of computer technologies consisting of both hardware and software's which serves as backbone for digitalized management. There are large number of definition to MIS but all these definitions converge the single meaning which indicates MIS as rhythm of decision making and functioning of the organization. The MIS is a comprehensive database consisting of information that is useful for the company to analyse their profits and goals from time to time. One can choose from pre-programmed or customised reports [1]. These reports can be used across levels (junior management, mid-level management and senior management) and departments (finance, human resource, supply chain, etc.). The main objective of MIS is to give the management a perspective into how his employees and department are performing. If the data shows any deviations from the goals that were set, the management can immediately take necessary action.A MIS provides previous, latest data and trend analysis related to all departments of your company [2]. This enables you to have information at the click of a button, thus allowing you to improve both short-term and long-term performance [1, 2]. Data is a collection of information. In comparison, raw data is unorganised and doesn't let you arrive at a conclusion, thus defeating the purpose of decision-making. In the current technological world, Management Information System has traded its importance in all forms and all sectors ranging from IT, sports, your corner retail store, etc. which aids in managing business information, apprising business results, observing developments and policies, analyzing business movements. In the present mini review, importance of MIS and its categories are being highlighted, to cater its important applications in every organizations, how MIS has been embedded in the functioning of the company. The MIS has always driven through the advancement of information science which has envision the role of technologies in management and IT sectors which has influenced all forms of components in an organization [3,4]. Even though, the concept of MIS is from recent decades, there has been rapid expansion of this domain in management of organization as it facilitates the functional activities which has greatly influenced the economic pattern of an organization. The MIS is quite distinct from other management domains such as information system [5]. As in the current scenario every business opportunity is getting digitalized wherein it has been easy access to anybody from any part of the world to connect and organize any form of services. As the era's of computers enriched due to the research and development, the concept of MIS also gained popularity and were subjected to confine their information management in accordance with the desired sectors and applications. Also the MIS was further grouped and categorized to increase its efficiency and performance to grow the organization [5].
Though literature on information and knowledge management is vast, there is much confusion concerning the meaning of these terms. According to the literature review, technology-oriented information management includes data management, information technology management and strategic information technology management. The main emphasis of these approaches is the effective and efficient use of information technology. In contrast, content-oriented approaches focus on information and its use. They can be distinguished in records management, provision of external information, human-centered information management, and information resources management. The reading of the literature on knowledge management reveals that this term is either used synonymously for information management or for the management of work practices with the goal of improving the generation of new knowledge and the sharing of existing knowledge. This article identifies various aspects that are embraced by the terms information and knowledge management. Thus, it should contribute to more terminological clarity and finally improve communication both in science and in professional practice.
Business Information Management
Information management is vital for today’s businesses. It requires significant investment and supports critical business processes. With the proliferation of the information economy and information systems, effective information management determines success of virtually every business operation. Obtaining business value from vast amount of information collected by businesses is no longer only a technological challenge. The choice of decision making tools and information solutions rests with the business, as well as with IT managers. The aim of this book is to assist managers in becoming knowledgeable decision makers in the field of information management and analysis. Why do managers need to understand and participate in forging information strategy of their business? What tools are available to transform information into business intelligence for decision making? After all, it is possible to completely outsource information management processes to a third party. Managers who choo...