The path of Brazilian social assistance policy post-1988: the significance of institutions and ideas (original) (raw)

Images of Social Policy in Brazil: a Comparison between Governments


The analysis of official images of social policy in Brazil illustrates the utility of the concept of frame, as adopted by cultural sociologists, in comparative studies. The focus of this paper is the discourse of nine federal governments since the restoration of democracy, in 1985, and the three administrations of Getúlio Vargas, president once called " father of the poor " , in the 1930-1950s. A pair of inevitable problems in framing research is discussed: the nature of the concept (what a frame is) and its operationalization (where it is). Once solved the ambiguity and vagueness of theoretical and methodological use of this concept, attention is called to the recognition and comparison of frames in 12 inaugural speeches and 39 " Messages to National Congress " , annual documents of Executive accountability. Governmental understandings of four aspects of social policy are analyzed more closely: diagnostics, prognostics, goals and framing devices. There were important changes in the meanings attributed to social policy (e.g. legitimation of beneficiaries) as well as continuities, such as the linkage between social development and economic development. This study also highlights pros of this perspective, as the solid approach of processes of framing changes, and some of its difficulties, such as minimizing the relational aspect of discourses and reducing frames to more traceable and measurable themes. It is also demonstrated that, due to its dynamic dimension, the concept of frame is more useful for comparative studies than repertoire and symbolic boundary, concepts equally adopted by researchers of the relations between culture and politics. What images do governments attach to social policy in Brazil? The answer is a triad: justice, modernization and redistribution. I discuss in this text how I have captured and compared official images of social policy from the ways in which inequality is framed. I argue that the inequality frames are directly related to the definition of social policy, although I am aware that, because of its rhetorical dimension, political discourse can mask personal assumptions. I take governments as actors that elaborate speeches which, although may present contrasts between them, express the official approaches on topics of their agenda. Finally, I highlight the utility of the concept of frames for comparative studies, contrasting their pros and cons to other instruments used to analyze relationships between culture and politics. The concept of " frames " is used as adopted in the perspective of cultural sociology to examine the discourses of the governments of Getúlio Vargas (1930-45/51-54) and the ones since the restoration of democracy in 1985. In the official rhetoric of these periods, three meanings were attributed to inequality: injustice, noticeable since the 1930s, which dates back to the moral condemnation of inequality and the notion of enforcing rights as a response to social issue; delay, the sense more reiterated in recent decades and already captured in the 1950s, coming from the belief that a modern country should overcome great inequalities through economic and educational policies; and debt, noted in the 1980s and of increasing use in the last decade and a half, which responds to inequalities with the redistribution of resources, whether by distributive reforms or direct income transfer programs. Interpretations of inequality influence social policy and seek to direct popular 1 Researcher of the Interdisciplinary Network for Studies of Inequality who takes part in the project Public and private strategies to cope with inequality, discrimination and social exclusion. Paper based on a PhD thesis (" Injustice, delay and debt: inequalities in the discourse of Brazilian governments ") advised by Elisa P. Reis.

Images of Social Policy in Brazil: A Comparison between Government Frames

Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo, 2023

EN. The analysis of official representations of social policy in Brazil illustrates the relevance of the concept of framing, as used by cultural sociologists, in comparative studies. The article focuses on the discourse of federal governments subsequent to the restoration of democracy (1985-2016) and the mandates of Getúlio Vargas, once called "father of the poor" in the 1930’s-1950’s. Two challenges in framing research are discussed: the nature of the concept (what is framing) and its operationalization (where is it). Having clarified the theoretical and methodological use of the concept, we move on to recognize and compare framings in 12 inaugural speeches and 39 annual accountability reports of the Executive Branch. Government understandings of four aspects of social policy are more closely analyzed: diagnoses, prognoses, goals, and framing devices. Significance attributed to social policy (such as justice, modernization, and redistribution) undergoes major changes, however continuities also appear, such as the correlation between social development and economic development. Additionally, the paper highlights the advantages of this lens, such as addressing processes in the change of framing, and some of its difficulties, such as minimizing the relational aspect of discourses and reducing framings to more traceable and measurable themes. Intersecting culture and politics enable the identification of the political effects of framings on the evolution of social policy and inequality in Brazil – as demonstrates the representations given of inequality in governmental plans and annual reports. Relevant variables are highlighted in the relations between government priorities (e.g., containing inflation and improving public education) and the agenda of reducing inequality. Some choices of this framing analysis - such as linking diagnoses and prognoses, highlighting secondary framing, and paying attention to framing devices rather than textual details - have added to the effectiveness of the concept. This analytical perspective, still little used by scholars working on these topics, contributes to the research agenda on social policy and inequality. *** FR. L’analyse des images officielles des politiques sociales au Brésil illustre la pertinence, pour les études comparatives, du concept de cadrage tel qu’il est utilisé en sociologie de la culture. Cet article se penche sur les discours des gouvernements fédéraux après la restauration de la démocratie (1985-2016) et dans les années 1930-1950, sous les présidences de Getúlio Vargas, alors surnommé « père des pauvres ». Nous nous intéressons ici à deux enjeux des études sur le cadrage : la nature du concept (qu›est-ce que le cadrage) et son opérationnalisation (où se trouve-t-il). Après quelques précisions sur l›utilisation théorique et méthodologique de ce concept, nous identifions et comparons les cadrages utilisés au sein de 12 discours d’investiture et de 39 rapports annuels du pouvoir exécutif. Nous examinons les visions gouvernementales concernant quatre aspects des politiques sociales : les diagnostics, les prévisions, les objectifs et les dispositifs de cadrage. Nous constatons des changements notables dans les significations attribuées aux politiques sociales (sur des sujets comme la justice, la modernisation et la redistribution), mais également des continuités, telles que le lien entre développement social et développement économique. Nous soulignons aussi les avantages de cette approche, comme de pouvoir aborder les processus de changement de cadrage, et certaines de ses difficultés, dont le fait de minimiser l’aspect relationnel des discours et de limiter les cadrages à des thèmes facilement traçables et mesurables. Établir un lien entre culture et politique permet d’appréhender les effets politiques des cadrages au fil de l’évolution des politiques sociales et des inégalités au Brésil – comme en témoignent les références aux inégalités dans les plans gouvernementaux et les bilans annuels. Nous identifions plusieurs variables pertinentes concernant les rapports entre les priorités gouvernementales (maîtriser l’inflation ou améliorer l’enseignement public, par exemple) et l’agenda de réduction des inégalités. Certains choix opérés pour cette analyse de cadrage – tels que relier les diagnostics aux prévisions, faire ressortir les cadrages secondaires et être attentif aux mécanismes de cadrage plutôt qu’aux détails textuels – ont permis au concept de gagner en efficacité. Le recours à cette approche analytique, encore peu fréquent chez les spécialistes du domaine, contribue ainsi à l’agenda de recherche sur les politiques sociales et les inégalités. *** PT. A análise de imagens oficiais da política social no Brasil ilustra a utilidade do conceito de enquadramento, conforme usado por sociólogos culturais, em estudos comparativos. O artigo focaliza o discurso de governos federais posteriores à restauração da democracia (1985-2016) e dos mandatos de Getúlio Vargas, outrora chamado “pai dos pobres”, nos anos 1930-1950. Dois desafios na pesquisa de enquadramento são discutidos: natureza do conceito (o que é enquadramento) e sua operacionalização (onde está). Esclarecido o uso teórico e metodológico do conceito, passa-se a reconhecer e comparar enquadramentos em 12 discursos de posse e 39 relatórios anuais de prestação de contas do Executivo. Os entendimentos governamentais de quatro aspectos da política social são analisados mais de perto: diagnósticos, prognósticos, metas e dispositivos de enquadramento. Houve mudanças importantes nos significados atribuídos à política social (como justiça, modernização e redistribuição) e continuidades, como a correlação entre desenvolvimento social e desenvolvimento econômico. O texto também destaca prós dessa perspectiva, como a abordagem dos processos de mudança de enquadramento, e algumas de suas dificuldades, como minimizar o aspecto relacional dos discursos e reduzir os enquadramentos a temas mais rastreáveis e mensuráveis. Ao interrelacionar cultura e política, abordaram-se efeitos políticos dos enquadramentos em trajetos da política social e desigualdade no Brasil – vide as menções à desigualdade nos planos de governos e nos respectivos balanços anuais. São apontadas variáveis relevantes nas relações entre prioridades governamentais (p. ex., contenção da inflação e melhoria da educação pública) e a agenda de redução da desigualdade. Certas opções desta análise de enquadramento – tais como ligar diagnósticos e prognósticos, realçar enquadramentos secundários e atentar a dispositivos de enquadramento sem frisar minúcias textuais – deram eficácia ao uso do conceito. Uma contribuição à agenda de pesquisa da política social e desigualdade foi recorrer a essa perspectiva analítica ainda pouco usada por estudiosos desses temas.

From Palliative to Permanent: the history of the consolidation of Social Assistance as a right in Brazil (Atena Editora)

From Palliative to Permanent: the history of the consolidation of Social Assistance as a right in Brazil (Atena Editora), 2024

This study analyzes the evolution of social welfare policy in Brazil, highlighting the transition from a charitable to a rights-based approach. The influence of industrial development policies, state strategies and legislative reforms, culminating in the adoption of the LOAS in 1993 and integration into the social security system, are explored. Emphasis is placed on the reconfiguration of the relationship between the State and citizens, marking social welfare not as charity but as an essential right for the promotion of social justice and the strengthening of democracy.


Recently, Latin American countries had to face the challenges of achieving social inclusion and economic redistribution as well as consolidating democratic institutions. The author analyses the process of building up a new pattern of welfare state in Brazil, starting from an elitist social insurance model to the challenges of designing a universal institutional social security model in 1988. New governance prototypical arrangements were built in order to respond to the emergent demands of decentralization and social participation. The financial constraints reduce the scope of the national government to implement inclusive policies. In this scenario, the stronger players --be they national and under national government, corporative professionals or international companies --are responsible for a redesign of the welfare model that is far from the one established legally by the Constitution.

Social Protection in Brazil: what has changed in social assistance after 1988 Constitution

The paper discusses the changes in the social assistance component of social protection in the two decades that followed the 1988 Constitution. It discusses the transformations of social protection and social assistance in the past decades and the processes that in the 1990s advanced the reform of social assistance policies in Brazil without, however, producing great changes in how services were delievered. By 2000 there had been a great expansion of resources as well as benefits and services coverage in social assistance. This paper argues that conditional cash transfer programs, though created and spread in an international context of restrictive policies, when integrated into Brazil´s public and universal system of social assistance, substantively widened the scope of social protection. Some effects of the expansion in the Brazilian social protection system are identified: less income inequality; creation of an institutional capacity in the area of social assistance; the social, political and symbolic meaning of the inclusion of a large segment of the population in a public system of social assistance by means of a provision structure that does not belong to traditional devices of philanthropy and clientelism.

Social policy: from its genesis to the Braziliam context


This paper aims to present the genesis of social policy, from the first Law of the Poor in the fourteenth century to the neoliberal context of social policies in Brazil. A documentary and bibliographic study was carried out. In the fourteenth century lies the first law on poverty in Britain, which can be considered as one of the first social policies in the world. Until the eighteenth century other laws came to combat poverty, but much more punitive than welfare. The nineteenth century is marked by capitalism and the social struggle of the workers in search of rights. From the twentieth century to the present day, social policies have been linked to liberalism and neoliberalism. In the Brazilian context, social policies do not reach the objective of combating poverty, with palliative actions such as compensatory policies.

Images of Social Policy in Brazil

Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo

EN. The analysis of official representations of social policy in Brazil illustrates the relevance of the concept of framing, as used by cultural sociologists, in comparative studies. The article focuses on the discourse of federal governments subsequent to the restoration of democracy (1985-2016) and the mandates of Getúlio Vargas, once called "father of the poor" in the 1930’s-1950’s. Two challenges in framing research are discussed: the nature of the concept (what is framing) and its operationalization (where is it). Having clarified the theoretical and methodological use of the concept, we move on to recognize and compare framings in 12 inaugural speeches and 39 annual accountability reports of the Executive Branch. Government understandings of four aspects of social policy are more closely analyzed: diagnoses, prognoses, goals, and framing devices. Significance attributed to social policy (such as justice, modernization, and redistribution) undergoes major changes, how...

Brazilian social policy : outcomes and dilemmas


Since redemocratization in 1985, Brazil's system of social protection became more focused on the neediest while at the same time emphasizing universal access, especially focusing education and healthcare. In a traditional context of severe inequality, the subnational units of government played a greater role in reaching the broader population with diverse social policies. Yet, Brazil's social protection model favors cash transfers over social services, and reduces inequalities in the context of a highly unequal labor market. Strategies based on cash transfers policies appear to have reached their limits, because they are not the most effective way to promote equality and generate opportunities, when compared to the outcomes obtained by social service policies provision. Furthermore, while much progress toward reducing inequality has been achieved, benefits and services continue to fall short of what might be considered a welfare state. Poor administrative procedures, institutional problems and reduced efficiency are definitely major challenges to overcome in the Brazilian social policy scene.



This paper intends to analyze if there is, in Brazil, a real welfare state and if its features were included in Brazilian Constitution, also verifying the role that the social system had in the 2020 health crisis. Besides, considering a series of challenges to keep the system alive, we had chosen some aspects, such as the aging population and changes in family structure, that inescapably will interfere in the society sooner, and as a consequence, in the way that States will develop its policies. In the final, we contemplate some theories that intent to assure an untouchable minimum of social rights and 1 * Cláudia Regina de Azevedo:-Master's degree student