In Theory – We Could Be Better (original) (raw)

The first issue of the 32nd volume of CALICO Journal marks a new beginning. This issue is the first available exclusively through Equinox Publishing ( The CALICO Journal was first published by CALICO in 1983-which makes it the publication on CALL with the longest pedigree. The Journal appeared online as well as print form and then migrated to online only in 2007 (issue 25.1). Since 2011, it has been produced and published on the Open Journal System (OJS). It became apparent to us that the 'in-house' publication by CALICO would not be sustainable over the long term and we began to explore other options in early 2013. The resulting partnership with Equinox Publishing was sealed the following summer. During the transition period over the last couple of months, the 31-year archive of the Journal has been transferred to the OJS at Equinox. The databases with authors, reviewers, subscribers, and registered readers are also fully functional on the new OJS server. We are very grateful to colleagues at Equinox for the commitment to the CALICO Journal, their immense work during the transition, and their professional support. We have had every indication that the members of CALICO, our authors and readers, and the scholarly CALL community at large will reap substantial benefits from this new beginning. The Journal will continue to contain high-quality research articles on CALL and reviews of learning technologies and relevant books, which will appear three times a year in January, May, and September. Reviews will remain open access at; and research articles will become open access after a three-year embargo period. With the help of Equinox, this research and the reviews will reach a much