Secret Identities: Graphic Novels Help Students Explore Themes of Self-Discovery (original) (raw)

Carving a Niche: Graphic Novels in the English Language Arts Classroom (2007)

The introduction to the 2007 NCTE edited collection _Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels: Page by Page, Panel by Panel_, still a best-seller for that organization, "Carving the Niche" sets forth the thesis that there is a graphic novel for every learner in every classroom, details what research says about comics' potentials for myriad student populations, and suggests routes for future researchers who seek to study the intersections of comics and literacy.

(2011) Alternative Literature: A Graphic Novels Course

Resumen: Las novelas gráficas son un medio literario poco valorado dentro de las áreas de la literatura y la enseñanza de idiomas (entre otras). Se pretende, por este medio, que las novelas gráficas sean tomadas cómo literatura de gran valor y que se fomente la inclusión de cursos de novelas gráficas. Abstract: Graphic novels are not valued, within the areas of literature and language teaching (amongst others). The author wants to show, through this paper, that graphic novels are a valuable literary medium and that they can be used as an entire course themselves.