Radiative emission of solar features in the Ca II K line: comparison of measurements and models (original) (raw)
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Context. The atmospheric composition of transiting exoplanets can be characterized during transit by spectroscopy. Detections of several chemical species have previously been reported in the atmosphere of gaseous giant exoplanets. For the transit of an Earth twin, models predict that biogenic oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) atmospheric gases should be detectable, as well as water vapour (H2O), a molecule linked to habitability as we know it on Earth. Aims. The aim is to measure the Earth radius versus wavelength λ – or the atmosphere thickness h(λ) – at the highest spectral resolution available to fully characterize the signature of Earth seen as a transiting exoplanet. Methods. We present observations of the Moon eclipse of December 21, 2010. Seen from the Moon, the Earth eclipses the Sun and opens access to the Earth atmosphere transmission spectrum. We used two different ESO spectrographs (HARPS and UVES) to take penumbra and umbra high-resolution spectra from ≈3100 to 10 400 Å. A cha...
The transit spectra of Earth and Jupiter
In recent years, an increasing number of observations have been made of the transits of 'Hot Jupiters', such as HD 189733b, about their parent stars from the visible through to mid-infrared wavelengths, which have been modelled to derive the likely atmospheric structure and composition of these planets. As measurement techniques improve, the measured transit spectra of 'Super-Earths' such as GJ 1214b are becoming better constrained, allowing model atmospheric states to be fitted for this class of planet also. While it is not yet possible to constrain the atmospheric states of small planets such as the Earth or cold planets like Jupiter, it is hoped that this might become practical in the coming decades and if so, it is of interest to determine what we might infer from such measurements. In this work we have constructed atmospheric models of the Solar System planets from 0.4 -15.5 µm that are consistent with ground-based and satellite observations and from these calculate the primary transit and secondary eclipse spectra (with respect to the Sun and typical Mdwarfs) that would be observed by a 'remote observer', many light years away. From these spectra we test what current retrieval models might infer about their atmospheric states and compare these with the 'ground truths' in order to assess: a) the inherent uncertainties in transit spectra observations; b) the relative merits of primary transit and secondary eclipse spectra; and c) the advantages of acquiring directly imaged spectra of these planets. We find that observing secondary eclipses of the Solar System would not give sufficient information for determining atmospheric properties with 10m-diameter telescopes from a distance of 10 light years, but that primary transits give much better information. We find that a single transit of Jupiter in front of the Sun could potentially be used to determine temperature and stratospheric composition, but for the Earth the mean atmospheric composition could ! ! ! 4! only be determined if it were orbiting a much smaller M-dwarf. For both Jupiter and Earth we note that direct imaging with sufficient nulling of the light from the parent star theoretically provides the best method of determining the atmospheric properties of such planets.
A method to detect H 2 in the atmosphere of transiting extrasolar planets using the EUV spectrum
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007
Aims. We present a method to detect the molecular hydrogen in extrasolar planetary atmospheres. Methods. We model the coupling between H-Lyman lines and H 2 lines due to wavelength overlapping between these lines. We also explore the overlapping between other stellar EUV lines especially the C III line at 977.02 Å and planetary H 2 lines. Results. If the spectrum of the planet is resolved, we show that H 2 modifies the intensity and shape of the H-Lyman lines emitted by the planet. However, if observed in absorption spectroscopy during a transit, the modification of the stellar lines in the Lyman series by the atmospheric H 2 is too low to be detectable with the current observing facilities. On the contrary, for HD 209458b with a 25 000 km thick H 2 layer, the intensity of the stellar C III line at 977.02 Å decreases by 2.64% during the transit. In the case of the newly discovered planet HD 189733b, the decrease of the intensity of the C III line reaches 3.78%. Conclusions. Such decreases could be detectable with a FUSE observation of several transits thereby constituting a way to detect H 2 in exoplanetary atmospheres.
The Earth as an extrasolar transiting planet
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010
Context. An important goal within the quest for detecting an Earth-like extrasolar planet, will be to identify atmospheric gaseous bio-signatures. Aims. Observations of the light transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere, as for an extrasolar planet, will be the first important step for future comparisons. We have completed observations of the Earth during a lunar eclipse, a unique situation similar to that of a transiting planet. We aim at showing what species could be detected in its atmosphere at optical wavelengths, where a lot of photons are available in the masked stellar light. Methods. We present observations of the 2008 August 16 Moon eclipse performed with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (France). Locating the spectrograph's fibers in the penumbra of the eclipse, the Moon irradiance is then a mix of direct, unabsorbed Sun light and solar light that has passed through the Earth's atmosphere. This mixture essentially reproduces what is recorded during the transit of an extrasolar planet. Results. We report here the clear detection of several Earth atmospheric compounds in the transmission spectra, such as ozone, molecular oxygen, and neutral sodium as well as molecular nitrogen and oxygen through the Rayleigh signature. Moreover, we present a method that allows us to derive the thickness of the atmosphere versus the wavelength for penumbra eclipse observations. We quantitatively evaluate the altitude at which the atmosphere becomes transparent for important species like molecular oxygen and ozone, two species thought to be tightly linked to the presence of life. Conclusions. The molecular detections presented here are an encouraging first attempt, necessary to better prepare for the future of extremely-large telescopes and transiting Earth-like planets. Instruments like SOPHIE will be mandatory when characterizing the atmospheres of transiting Earth-like planets from the ground and searching for bio-marker signatures.
Transmission Spectroscopy of the Earth–Sun System to Inform the Search for Extrasolar Life
The Planetary Science Journal, 2021
Upcoming NASA astrophysics missions such as the James Webb Space Telescope will search for signs of life on planets transiting nearby stars. Doing so will require coadding dozens of transmission spectra to build up sufficient signal to noise while simultaneously accounting for challenging systematic effects such as surface/weather variability, atmospheric refraction, and stellar activity. To determine the magnitude and impacts of both stellar and planet variability on measured transmission spectra, we must assess the feasibility of stacking multiple transmission spectra of exo-Earths around their host stars. Using our own solar system, we can determine if current methodologies are sufficient to detect signs of life in Earth’s atmosphere and measure the abundance of habitability indicators, such as H2O and CO2, and biosignature pairs, such as O2 and CH4. We assess the impact on transmission spectra of Earth transiting across the Sun from solar and planetary variability and identify r...
The Astrophysical Journal, 2013
Secondary eclipse spectroscopy provides invaluable insights into the temperatures and compositions of exoplanetary atmospheres. We carry out a systematic temperature and abundance retrieval analysis of nine exoplanets (HD189733b, HD209458b, HD149026b, GJ436b, WASP-12b, WASP-19b, WASP-43b, TrES-2b, and TrES-3b) observed in secondary eclipse using a combination of space-and ground-based facilities. Our goal with this analysis is to provide a consistent set of temperatures and compositions from which self-consistent models can be compared and to probe the underlying processes that shape these atmospheres. This paper is the second in a three part series of papers exploring the retrievability of temperatures and abundances from secondary eclipse spectra and the implications of these results for the chemistry of exoplanet atmospheres. In this investigation we present a catalogue of temperatures and abundances for H 2 O, CH 4 , CO, and CO 2 . We find that our temperatures and abundances are generally consistent with those of previous studies, although we do not find any statistically convincing evidence for super-solar C to O ratios (e.g., solar C/O falls in the 1-sigma confidence intervals in eight of the nine planets in our sample). Furthermore, within our sample we find little evidence for thermal inversions over a wide range of effective temperatures (with the exception of HD209458b), consistent with previous investigations. The lack of evidence for inversions for most planets in our sample over such a wide range of effective temperatures provides additional support for the hypothesis that TiO is unlikely to be the absorber responsible for the formation of these inversions.
Transit spectrophotometry of the exoplanet HD 189733b
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011
Context. We present a new primary transit observation of the hot-jupiter HD 189733b, obtained at 3.6 µm with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. Previous measurements at 3.6 microns suffered from strong systematics and conclusions could hardly be obtained with confidence on the water detection by comparison of the 3.6 and 5.8 microns observations. Aims. We aim at constraining the atmospheric structure and composition of the planet and improving over previously derived parameters. Methods. We use a high-S /N Spitzer photometric transit light curve to improve the precision of the near infrared radius of the planet at 3.6 µm. The observation has been performed using high-cadence time series integrated in the subarray mode. We are able to derive accurate system parameters, including planet-to-star radius ratio, impact parameter, scale of the system, and central time of the transit from the fits of the transit light curve. We compare the results with transmission spectroscopic models and with results from previous observations at the same wavelength. Results. We obtained the following system parameters of R p /R ⋆ = 0.15566 +0.00011 −0.00024 , b = 0.661 +0.0053 −0.0050 , and a/R ⋆ = 8.925 +0.0490 −0.0523 at 3.6 µm. These measurements are three times more accurate than previous studies at this wavelength because they benefit from greater observational efficiency and less statistic and systematic errors. Nonetheless, we find that the radius ratio has to be corrected for stellar activity and present a method to do so using ground-based long-duration photometric follow-up in the V-band. The resulting planetto-star radius ratio corrected for the stellar variability is in agreement with the previous measurement obtained in the same bandpass ). We also discuss that water vapour could not be evidenced by comparison of the planetary radius measured at 3.6 and 5.8 µm, because the radius measured at 3.6 µm is affected by absorption by other species, possibly Rayleigh scattering by haze.
Characterizing the Atmospheres of Transiting Planets with a Dedicated Space Telescope
Astrophysical Journal, 2012
Exoplanetary science is one of the fastest evolving fields of today's astronomical research, continuously yielding unexpected and surprising results. Ground-based planet-hunting surveys, together with dedicated space missions such as Kepler and CoRoT, are delivering an ever-increasing number of exoplanets, over 690, and ESA's Gaia mission will escalate the exoplanetary census into the several thousands. The next logical step is the characterization of these new worlds. What is their nature? Why are they as they are? Use of the Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope to probe the atmospheres of transiting hot, gaseous exoplanets has opened perspectives unimaginable even just 10 years ago, demonstrating that it is indeed possible with current technology to address the ambitious goal of characterizing the atmospheres of these alien worlds. However, these successful measurements have also shown the difficulty of understanding the physics and chemistry of these exotic environments when having to rely on a limited number of observations performed on a handful of objects. To progress substantially in this field, a dedicated facility for exoplanet characterization, able to observe a statistically significant number of planets over time and a broad spectral range will be essential. Additionally, the instrument design (e.g., detector performances, photometric stability) will be tailored to optimize the extraction of the astrophysical signal. In this paper, we analyze the performance and tradeoffs of a 1.2/1.4 m space telescope for exoplanet transit spectroscopy from the visible to the mid-IR. We present the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of integration time and stellar magnitude/spectral type for the acquisition of spectra of planetary atmospheres for a variety of scenarios: hot, warm, and temperate planets orbiting stars ranging in spectral type from hot F-to cooler M-dwarfs. Our results include key examples of known planets (e.g., HD 189733b, GJ 436b, GJ 1214b, and Cancri 55 e) and simulations of plausible terrestrial and gaseous planets, with a variety of thermodynamical conditions. We conclude that even most challenging targets, such as super-Earths in the habitable zone of late-type stars, are within reach of an M-class, space-based spectroscopy mission.
Sensitive probing of exoplanetary oxygen via mid-infrared collisional absorption
Nature Astronomy
The collision-induced fundamental vibration-rotation band at 6.4 µm is the most significant absorption feature from O2 in the infrared (Timofeyev & Tonkov, 1978; Rinsland et al., 1982, 1989), yet it has not been previously incorporated into exoplanet spectral analyses for several reasons. Either CIAs were not included or incomplete/obsolete CIA databases were used. Also, the current version of HITRAN does not include CIAs at 6.4 µm with other collision partners (O2-X). We include O2-X CIA features in our transmission spectroscopy simulations by parameterizing the 6.4 µm O2-N2 CIA based on Rinsland et al. (1989) and the O2-CO2 CIA based on Baranov et al. (2004). Here we report that the O2-X CIA may be the most detectable O2 feature for transit observations. For a potential TRAPPIST-1e analogue system within 5 pc of the Sun, it could be the only O2 detectable signature with JWST (using MIRI LRS) for a modern Earth-like cloudy atmosphere with biological quantities of O2. Also, we show that the 6.4 µm O2-X CIA would be prominent for O2-rich desiccated atmospheres (Luger & Barnes, 2015) and could be detectable with JWST in just a few transits. For systems beyond 5 pc, this feature could therefore be a powerful discriminator of uninhabited planets with non-biological "false positive" O2 in their atmospheres-as they would only be detectable at those higher O2 pressures. Main We study the strength of the O 2-X CIA spectral signatures in exoplanets by computing synthetic spectra for various Earth-like atmospheres with the Planetary Spectrum Generator (PSG Villanueva et al. (2018)). The atmospheres are created with the LMD-G (Wordsworth et al., 2011) general circulation model (GCM) coupled with the Atmos (Arney et al., 2016) photochemical model (see Methods for details). We focus in particular on planets around M dwarfs such as TRAPPIST-1e. In fact, For modern Earth atmospheric conditions, the 6.4 µm region is overlapped by a wide H 2 O absorption band. However, for a modern Earth-like 1
Infrared Transmission Spectra for Extrasolar Giant Planets
The Astrophysical Journal, 2007
Among the hot Jupiters that transit their parent stars known to date, the two best candidates to be observed with transmission spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (MIR) are HD189733b and HD209458b, due to their combined characteristics of planetary density, orbital parameters and parent star distance and brightness. Here we simulate transmission spectra of these two planets during their primary eclipse in the MIR, and we present sensitivity studies of the spectra to the changes of atmospheric thermal properties, molecular abundances and C/O ratios. Our model predicts that the dominant species absorbing in the MIR on hot Jupiters are water vapor and carbon monoxide, and their relative abundances are determined by the C/O ratio. Since the temperature profile plays a secondary role in the transmission spectra of hot Jupiters compared to molecular abundances, future primary eclipse observations in the MIR of those objects might give an insight on EGP atmospheric chemistry. We find here that the absorption features caused by water vapor and carbon monoxide in a cloud-free atmosphere, are deep enough to be observable by the present and future generation of space-based observatories, such as Spitzer Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope. We discuss our results in light of the capabilities of these telescopes.