Towards Red List of the Albanian bryophytes (original) (raw)

Towards a Red List of the Albanian Bryophytes


Among the SE European countries Albania has the least known bryophyte fl ora. A bryophyte red list is lacking as well. Since it is not yet possible to use the IUCN criteria guidelines proposed for bryophytes, the aim of the present contribution is to compile a list of the bryophyte taxa from Albania with, wherever possible, the inclusion of conservational values, according to the European Bryophyte Red Data Book or other regional red lists (e.g. those existing for Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Romania). Hence, 16 liverwort species (ca 17% of the total) and 64 moss species (ca 18%) are taken into account. For an improved red list of the bryophytes of Albania extensive exploration and collecting is greatly needed in the country. Th e hereby presented account should be considered as a tentative one. Th is preliminary version of a red list is provided with the aim to highlight the "national red list candidate" bryophyte species, which might need to be included in further natural heritage conservation initiatives in Albania. Even until then it is clear that there is an urgent need for the protection of the bryophytes in Albania.

Bryophyte flora of Albania: an updated checklist with new records

Phytologia Balcanica, 2023

The updated checklist of the bryophyte flora of Albania (SE Europe), with the addition of eighteen new records (and several regional ones) presented here, comprises 583 taxa (species, subspecies, varieties) representing 212 genera and 96 families. The main list includes tabular distributional data by region. Reports after 1950 are differentiated from the earlier ones. The list is organized taxonomically (hornworts, liverworts and mosses) and in alphabetical order within each division. Updated synonymy and a systematic synopsis are presented at the end.

Bryophyte flora of Albania: a preliminary check-list

Cryptogamie. Bryologie

Un inventaire préliminaire de la flore des bryophytes d'Albanie (Sud-Est de l'Europe) est présenté. La flore des bryophytes de l'Albanie comprend 3 27 taxons représentant 141 genres et 62 familles. La liste est basée sur des travaux réalisés à partir de 1888; elle représente le premier inventaire des bryophytes du pays. Une distinction a été établie entre les références antérieures à 1950 et celles plus récentes. Quelques taxons indiqués comme présents en Albanie, mais situés hors des limites territoriales actuelles du pays, ont été exclus. Les synonymes relevés dans les travaux originels utilisés ont été listés.

Contributions to the Bryophyte Flora of Eastern Albania (Korça and Kolonja Districts)

During a field trip in July 2009 to eastern Albania, 232 bryophytes (23 liverworts and 209 mosses) were collected. Among them 72 taxa (2 liverworts, 70 mosses) are recorded for the first time in Albania: Conocephalum salebrosum, Marchantia polymorpha subsp. monti-vagans species (Fissidens curvatus, Grimmia sessitana, Pseudoleskea saviana) are included in the Red Data Book of European Bryophytes.

Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Albania

Phytologia Balcanica, 2023

Fourteen new taxa are reported as new to Albania: 60 at the regional level and 18 confirmations of pre-1950 records. The total number of taxa reported for Albania is now 548, which stands for an increase of almost 75% since the publication of the preliminary checklist in 2006.

Contributions to the bryophyte fl ora of central and southern Albania

Studia botanica hungarica, 2018

213 bryophyte taxa were recorded during a fi eld trip leading to various sites of central and southern Albania. Nine species (Bryum ruderale, Fissidens adianthoides, F. crassipes, Grimmia fuscolutea, G. meridionalis, Orthotrichum patens, O. philibertii, Tortella fasciculata, T. infl exa) were collected for the fi rst time in Albania. 31 species found have conservation interest; rare on the Balkans or even in Europe or/and candidates of the new European bryophyte red-list.

Bryophytes new to Albania from the British Bryological Society field meeting in 2014

Journal of Bryology, 2018

Seventy bryophytes are reported new to (or confirmed for) Albania from a meeting of the British Bryological Society in 2014, based in the Valbona Valley. The high number of new records reflects the poor state of our knowledge of the bryoflora of the country. Many of the newly recorded species have Alpine, Boreal or even Arctic affinities. However the most significant record is that of Jungermannia calcicola Konst. & Vilnet., previously known only from the Russian Caucasus.

Készülőben az új Európai Moha Vörös Könyv = The new Red Data Book of European Bryophytes in preparation


The new Red Data Book of European Bryophytes is the most important recent project of the European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes, and the basis of bryophyte conservation in most European countries. The first edition, published in 1995, is now in urgent need of updating. Since its publication, our knowledge of the bryophytes of Europe has been considerably improved, especially concerning taxonomy and distribution. The work has started: a comprehensive table, listing the occurrence and Red List status of each species, in each European country, has been prepared. A short list of candidate species for IUCN threat assessment was established by eliminating species known with certainty to be of least concern. Of 2140 bryophyte species known to occur in Europe, 241 liverworts and 721 mosses were selected for further consideration. Among them, 28 liverworts and 98 mosses occur in Hungary. Examples of some species occurring in Hungary are presented below to show which criteria are u...

The bryoflora of Albania: chorology, conservation issues

Abstract. Albania represents one of the less studied areas in Europe, as far as bryophytes are concerned. The first check-list for the bryoflora of this country has been published recently. Albanian bryoflora consists of 327 taxa (3 hornworts, 86 liverworts, and 238 ...