Related papers
Assessment of the Water Balance of European Forests: A Model Study
Biogeochemical Investigations of Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Wetland Ecosystems across the Globe, 2004
As part of the UN-ECE Intensive Monitoring Program, data on precipitation, throughfall and soil solution concentrations are measured on a regular basis in approximately 300 forest stands. These data were used to construct element budgets for European forests. To construct such budgets drainage fluxes have to be modeled. In this paper, the research chain from model selection to data derivation and application of the selected model to 245 of the 300 sites is described. To select a suitable hydrological model the Cl − balance method, two capacity models (a multi and a single layer version) and a Darcy model have been applied to two forest sites. The results indicate that drainage fluxes calculated with the Darcy model are more accurate than fluxes derived with the capacity model, in particular in situations where water availability is limited. The Darcy model was applied to the sites using a mixture of generic data and site data. Despite the use of generic data, the calculated drainage fluxes appear feasible. Median transpiration fluxes were 350 mm and the lowest values are found in northern Europe and highest values are found in central Europe. Median drainage fluxes were 150 mm yr −1 with the highest values in areas with high rainfall. Uncertainty analyses indicate that the use of local instead of interpolated meteorological data leads to lower drainage fluxes at 70% of the sites. The median deviation in calculated drainage fluxes is 20 mm yr −1 . The use of local soil data had little impact on the calculated fluxes.
Forest Ecology and Management, 2003
A new model (soil water under forest, SWUF) is suitable for predicting the daily water content within both surface soil layers and the sub-soil under a range of forest types, and is suitable for use in models of mineralisation of soil organic matter as well as models of forest production. This empirical cascading bucket-type model was largely derived by combining algorithms from well-tested models for prediction of soil water under agriculture. However, it extends these to predict the water content of the litter layer, and the influence of the litter layer, weeds and understorey, and site mounding, on SWUFs. Measurements of soil water content under native forest, and pine and eucalypt plantations, were available for 59 sites across southern Australia. The model was parameterised to about half (27) of these datasets, while the remainder (32) were used for validation, for which the model explained 86% of the variation in observed water content. Sensitivity analysis indicated that important input data required were the observed upper limit of water content, bulk density, and climatic data, particularly solar radiation. The estimated area of ground that was covered by litter and canopy were also important inputs. #
A novel approach in model-based mapping of soil water conditions at forest sites
Forest Ecology and Management, 2009
Knowledge of site-specific water conditions is important in forestland evaluation and fundamental for a sustainable forest management. In Central Europe, traditional site mapping has followed an integrated ecological approach. The assessment of soil water availability is based on overlaying relief and descriptive soil information. It is a relative system referring to an (hypothetical) equilibrium between relief-dependent soil conditions and the potential natural forest association at a given regional climate. Accordingly, the climatic settings are supposed to be constant and are mostly based on long-term means of precipitation and air temperature. However, long-term climate changes, as well as infrequent climatic extremes have not been considered adequately. Furthermore, the feedback of forest management itself on available soil water cannot be addressed. To overcome these shortcomings, we developed an approach in which the soil hydrological model LWF-BROOK90 is organized in a GIS-frame to simulate the daily water fluxes and soil moisture status. Spatially distributed meteorological input data is generated from long-term station data using special regionalization procedures. Model parameterization for soil physical properties by horizon are derived from detailed forest soil maps using pedotransfer functions. Thus, we obtained data on all components of the water balance depending on climate, aspect, slope, vertical soil properties, and stand conditions in a spatial resolution of 25 m  25 m. In addition to the common output of site water balance models, additional indicators were implemented to enable the quantification of 'transpiration stress', 'soil drought stress', and 'excess soil water stress'. Soil water evaluation is based on the number of days exceeding defined thresholds of parameter values. The implemented soil water indices were suitable to reflect relevant differences in the soil water conditions between sites whereas focusing on individual and extreme years rather than on long-term averages seems to be more appropriate for assessing water-related tree growth conditions. The next step will be to produce forest site maps based on such 'stress' indicators. The novel approach provides a more objective description of variable soil water conditions than the currently used mapping approach. Furthermore, it makes spatial hydrological data (e.g. groundwater recharge) available for use beyond forest management.
Ecological Modelling, 2013
In semiarid areas, water is a limited resource and its management is a challenge. Water-balance models can improve the management of water resources by determining the effect of vegetation type on the soil-water balance and aquifer recharge. Here, we present HYDROBAL, an eco-hydrological modelling approach for assessing the water balance with a daily resolution. HYDROBAL is suitable for investigating the temporal variability in soil-water content determined by vegetation water uptake as a function of climatic conditions. The processes, mechanisms, and water flows involved in soil moisture changes are modelled based on daily rainfall and micrometeorological variables and used to predict changes in daily soil-water content. The model outputs include actual evapotranspiration, runoff, and aquifer recharge (deep percolation). The model was applied in a semi-arid area of south-eastern Spain, with six vegetation cover types: bare soil (B), open Stipa tenacissima steppe (St), thorn shrubland (S), dry grassland (G), and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) afforestation of S and G (AS and AG, respectively). A dynamic evaporative coefficient (k) was calibrated for each vegetation type to estimate the soil-water consumption. The model was verified in base on its ability to predict the daily measured soil moisture content in plots with different vegetation types. Comparison between the estimated and measured soil moisture contents ( model vs.  TDR ) indicated good model performance for all vegetation cover types in both wet and dry periods. High value of the coefficient of determination in the linear regressions for  model = f ( TDR ) demonstrate the accuracy of the hydrological model. All correlations between measured and predicted soil-water content were strong and significant (R 2 > 0.69, p < 0.001) , which differ in their objectives, input data, complexity, and spatial and temporal resolution. In some cases, the models have been developed to assess the effects of soil management, to predict the seasonal demand for irrigation, runoff, lake levels, recharge of aquifer systems, and the effects of vegetation on groundwater and sediment production .
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2005
This paper focuses on the quantification of the green -vegetation related -water flux of forest stands in the temperate lowland of Flanders. The underlying reason of the research was to develop a methodology for assessing the impact of forests on the hydrologic cycle in comparison to agriculture. The tested approach for calculating the water use by forests was based on the application of the soil water balance model WAVE. The study involved the collection of data from 14 forest stands, the calibration and validation of the WAVE model, and the comparison of the water use (WU) components -transpiration, soil and interception evaporation -between forest and cropland.
Ecological Modelling, 1999
This paper presents a daily water balance model where the main aim is to quantify drought intensity and duration in forest stands. This model requires daily potential evapotranspiration and rainfall as input climatic data. Required site and stand parameters are only maximum extractable soil water and leaf area index, the latter controlling (i) stand transpiration; (ii) forest floor evapotranspiration; and (iii) rainfall interception. Other informations, like root distribution and soil porosity, can be used if available, improving the simulation of short term soil water recharge. Water stress is assumed to occur when relative extractable soil water (REW) drops below a threshold of 0.4 under which transpiration is gradually reduced due to stomatal closure. The model was calibrated using sap flow measurements of stand transpiration in oak and spruce stands during several successive dehydration -rehydration cycles. Validation of the model was performed by comparing predicted soil water content to weekly neutron probe measurements in various forest stands and climatic conditions. The model simulated accurately the dynamics of soil water depletion and recharge, and predicted the main components of forest water balance. Day-to-day estimates of soil water content during the growing season allows to quantify duration and intensity of drought events, and to compute stress indexes. A dendroecological application is presented: a retrospective analysis of the effects of drought on radial tree growth, based on long term climatic time series, is shown. Some limitations and potential applications of the model are discussed. : S 0 3 0 4 -3 8 0 0 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 2 0 5 -1 A. Granier et al. / Ecological Modelling 116 (1999) 269-283 270
Biogeosciences, 2010
We examined the water balance components of an 80-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest stand in the Campine region of Belgium over a ten year period using five very different approaches; our methods ranged from data intensive measurements to process model simulations. Specifically, we used the conservative ion method (CI), the Eddy Covariance technique (EC), an empirical model (WATBAL), and two process models that vary greatly in their temporal and spatial scaling, the ORCHIDEE global land-surface model and SECRETS a stand-to ecosystemscale biogeochemical process model. Herein we used the EC technique as a standard for the evapotranspiration (ET) estimates. Using and evaluating process based models with data is extremely useful as models are the primary method for integration of small-scale, process level phenomena into comprehensive description of forest stand or ecosystem function. Results demonstrated that the two process models corresponded well to the seasonal patterns and yearly totals of ET from the EC approach. However, both WATBAL and CI approaches overestimated ET when compared to the EC estimates. We found significant relationships between several meteorological variables (i.e., vapour pressure deficit [VPD], mean air temperature [T air ], and global radiation [Rg]) and ET on monthly basis for all approaches. In contrast, few relationships were significant on annual basis. Independent of the method examined, ET exhibited low inter-annual variability. Consequently, drainage fluxes were highly correlated with annual precipitation for all approaches examined, except CI.
Geoderma, 2011
Ecological studies require environmental descriptors to establish the response of species or communities to ecological conditions. The soil water resource is an important factor, but it is difficult for plant ecologists to use because of the lack of accessible data. We explored whether collecting a large number of plots with basic soil information within the framework of forest inventories would make it possible to map the soil water holding capacity (SWHC) with sufficient accuracy to predict tree species growth over large areas. We first compared the performance of the available pedotransfer functions (PTFs) and found significant differences in the SWHC prediction quality based on the PTFs selected. We also found that the most efficient class PTFs and continuous PTFs compared had similar performances. However, there was a significant reduction in efficiency when they were applied to soils that were different from those used to calibrate them. With a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.046 cm 3 cm -3 (n = 227 horizons), we selected the Al Majou class PTFs to predict the SWHC in the soil horizons described in every plot. Thus, 84% of the measured SWHC variance have been explained in soils that were free of stones (n = 63 plots). We then estimated the soil water holding capacity by integrating the stone content collected at the soil pit scale (SWHC') and both the stone content at the soil pit scale and rock outcrop at the plot scale (SWHC") for the 100,307 forest plots recorded in France within the framework of forest inventories. The SWHC" values were interpolated by kriging to produce a map with a 1-km² cell size, a wider resolution leading to a decrease in map accuracy. The SWHC" values given by the map ranged from 0 to 148 mm for soil down to a depth of 1 m. The RMSE between the map values and plot estimates was 33.9 mm for the entire France, with a prediction accuracy similar for a large range of scale, the best predictions being recorded for soils developed on marl, clay, and hollow silicate rocks, and in flat areas. Finally, the abilities of SWHC' and SWHC" to predict height growth for Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Quercus petraea were investigated, and we found that the predictive ability of SWHC" was much better than that of SWHC'. The SWHC" values extracted from the map were significantly related to tree height growth. They explained 10.7% of the height growth index variance for Beech (Fagus sylvatica, n = 866), 14.1% for Sessile oak (Quercus petraea, n = 877), and 10.3% for Norway spruce (Picea abies, n = 2067). These proportions of variance accounted by SWHC" were close to those found for the SWHC" values estimated from the plots (11.5, 11.7, and 18.6% for Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea, and Picea abies, respectively). We conclude that SWHC" can be mapped with sufficient accuracy to predict species growth using basic soil parameters collected from inventories plots. Thus, the map could be used just as well for small areas as for large areas, directly or indirectly through water balance indices, to predict forest growth and thus production, today or in the future, in the context of an increasing drought period linked to a global change in climatic conditions.