Round-trip semantics with sztakipedia and DBpedia spotlight (original) (raw)
Related papers
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 2007
Wikipedia is the world's largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its content is barely machineinterpretable and only weakly structured. With Semantic MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to semantically annotate wiki pages, based on which the wiki contents can be browsed, searched, and reused in novel ways. In this paper, we give an extended overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding performance and current applications.
Approaches for Automatically Enriching Wikipedia
We have been exploring the use of Web-derived knowledge bases through the development of Wikitology -a hybrid knowledge base of structured and unstructured information extracted from Wikipedia augmented by RDF data from DBpedia and other Linked Open Data resources. In this paper, we describe approaches that aid in enriching Wikipedia and thus the resources that derive from Wikipedia such as the Wikitology knowledge base, DBpedia, Freebase and Powerset. Profession = musician: Michael_Jackson Profession = 0 | Nationality = english: Michael_Jackson_(footballer) | Nationality = 0: Michael_Jackson_(Anglican_bishop) Profession = guitarist: Michael_Gregory_(jazz_guitarist) Profession = sheriff: Michael_A._Jackson_(sheriff) Profession = journalist: Michael_Jackson_(journalist) Profession = player: Michael_Jackson_(basketball) Profession = executive: Michael_Jackson_(television_executive) Profession = writer: Michael_Jackson_(writer) Profession = professor: Michael_Jackson_(anthropologist) Profession = footballer: Michael_Jackson_(rugby_league) Profession = scientist: Michael_A._Jackson Profession = soldier: Michael_Jackson_(American_Revolution) Profession = actor | Nationality = english: Michael_J._Jackson_(actor) | Nationality = canadian: Michael_Jackson_(actor) . This automatically compiled disambiguation tree helps link the mention "Michael Jackson" to the appropriate Wikitology entity.
Wikidata through the eyes of DBpedia
Semantic Web, 2017
DBpedia is one of the first and most prominent nodes of the Linked Open Data cloud. It provides structured data for more than 100 Wikipedia language editions as well as Wikimedia Commons, has a mature ontology and a stable and thorough Linked Data publishing lifecycle. Wikidata, on the other hand, has recently emerged as a user curated source for structured information which is included in Wikipedia. In this paper, we present how Wikidata is incorporated in the DBpedia ecosystem. Enriching DBpedia with structured information from Wikidata provides added value for a number of usage scenarios. We outline those scenarios and describe the structure and conversion process of the DBpediaWikidata dataset.
Improving Wikipedia with DBpedia
Abstract DBpedia is the semantic mirror of Wikipedia. DBpedia extracts information from Wikipedia and stores it in a semantic knowledge base. This semantic feature allows complex semantic queries, which could infer new relations that are missing in Wikipedia. This is an interesting source of knowledge to increase Wikipedia content. But, what is the best way to add these new relations following the Wikipedia conventions?
A framework for automatic semantic annotation of Wikipedia articles
Abstract. Semantic wikis represent a novelty in the field of semantic technologies. Nowadays, there are many important “non-semantic” wiki sources, as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. A big challenge is to make existing wiki sources semantic wikis. In this way, a new generation of applications can be designed to brose, search, and reuse wiki contents, while reducing loss of data. The core of this problem is the extraction of semantic sense and the annotation from text.
Shaping Wikipedia into a Computable Knowledge Base
Wikipedia is arguably the most important information source yet invented for natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence, in addition to its role as humanity’s largest encyclopedia. Wikipedia is the principal information source for such prominent services as IBM’s Watson [1], Freebase [2], the Google Knowledge Graph [3], Apple’s Siri [4], YAGO [5], and DBpedia [6], the core reference structure for linked open data [7]. Wikipedia information has assumed a prominent role in NLP applications in word sense disambiguation, named entity recognition, co-reference resolution, and multi-lingual alignments; in information retrieval in query expansion, multi-lingual retrieval, question answering, entity ranking, text categorization, and topic indexing; and in semantic applications in topic extraction, relation extraction, entity extraction, entity typing, semantic relatedness, and ontology building [8].
Enhancing Wikipedia with semantic technologies
As the amount of content grows on the Web, there is an increasing need to provide greater search capabilities that produce relevant results. Users should be given the capability to execute complex queries in order to provide greater accuracy in their searching endeavours over the Web. The semantic Web promises to provide such a feature by making the concepts within data explicit.
Extending Linked Open Data Resources Exploiting Wikipedia as Source of Information
DBpedia is a project aiming to represent Wikipedia content in RDF triples. It plays a central role in the Semantic Web, due to the large and growing number of resources linked to it. Currently, the information contained in DBpedia is mainly collected from Wikipedia infoboxes, a set of attribute-value pairs that represent a summary of the Wikipedia page. The extraction procedure requires to manually map Wikipedia infoboxes into the DBpedia ontology. Thanks to crowdsourcing, a large number of infoboxes in the English Wikipedia has been mapped to the corresponding classes in DBpedia. Subsequently, the same procedure has been applied to other languages to create the localized versions of DBpedia. However, (i) the number of accomplished mappings is still small and limited to most frequent infoboxes, as the task is done manually by the DBpedia community, (ii) mappings need maintenance due to the constant and quick changes of Wikipedia articles, and (iii) infoboxes are manually compiled by...
Semantically Annotated Snapshot of the English Wikipedia
This paper describes SW1, the first version of a semantically annotated snapshot of the English Wikipedia. In recent years Wikipedia has become a valuable resource for both the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community and the Information Retrieval (IR) community. Although NLP technology for processing Wikipedia already exists, not all researchers and developers have the computational resources to process such a volume of information. Moreover, the use of different versions of Wikipedia processed differently might make it difficult to compare results. The aim of this work is to provide easy access to syntactic and semantic annotations for researchers of both NLP and IR communities by building a reference corpus to homogenize experiments and make results comparable. These resources, a semantically annotated corpus and a "entity containment" derived graph, are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and available from