Encoder¿Decoder Design for Feedback Control over the Binary Symmetric Channel (original) (raw)

VLSI Implementation of Encoder and Decoder for Advanced Communication Systems

Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes are an essential component of wireless communication systems.Present wireless standards such as Third generation (3G) systems, GSM, 802.11A, 802.16 utilize some configuration of convolutional coding. Convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding is a powerful method for forward error correction. The Viterbi algorithm is the most extensively employed decoding algorithm for convolutional codes which comprises of minimum path and value calculation and retracing the path. The efficiency of error detection and correction increases with constraint length. In this paper the convolutional encoder and viterbi decoder are implemented on FPGA for constraint length of 9 and bit rate ½.

Study of Encoders with data transmission binary channels without interference. Simulation of the Encoder functioning using the Electronic Workbench software PhD Lecturer IT Engineering

The paper aims to create and test a data transmission channel coder for binary channels with no interferences or with insignificant disturbances. These are the simplest types of data channels known in the theory of information transmission and encoding. We intend to test the encoder using the Electronic Workbench 5.12, software with simple graphical interface and enough libraries to simulate and test the functioning of most analogical and digital electronic circuits. We will use a message source that generates four distinct types of messages which occur with probabilities as negative powers of two, being encoded through four distinct code words, words which build a 4 sized-prefix code! It is very important because, once this type of encoder is built, we can make generalizations for the probability distributions of the source S with n messages type 1 2 1 − n , 1 2 1 − n being the probability of the least likely message in a sequence of n messages generated by the source.

IJERT-Front End To Back End VLSI Design For Convolution Encoder

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2012

https://www.ijert.org/front-end-to-back-end-vlsi-design-for-convolution-encoder https://www.ijert.org/research/front-end-to-back-end-vlsi-design-for-convolution-encoder-IJERTV1IS9197.pdf For many digital communication system bandwidth and transmission power are limited resource and it is well known that the use of feed forward convolution encoder plays a fundamental role to increasing power and spectrum efficiency. The development of error correction technique with increasing coding gain has a limit, arising from the channel capacity. Convolution code is channel code, which extensively used in communication system. The paper describes in three phases of Feed Forward convolution Encoder. System level design as first phase, containing trellis diagram and state table RTL vie of feed forward convolution encoder also explains timing waveform and parameter require for developing the convolution encoder. Circuit level design using MOS transistor as second phase and then Layout or Physical design of feed forward convolution encoder as third phase and finally explain the application and conclusion.

Implementation of Forward Error Correction Encoder for DVB-S2

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology -IJRASET, 2020

The FEC encoder for DVB-S2 systems consist of three blocks, the BCH encoder or the outer encoder, the LDPC encoder or the inner encoder, and the Bit Interleaver. This paper elaborates upon the design and implementation of FEC encoder for DVB-S2 systems. FECFRAMES, i.e., to generate an output of 64,800 bits. The design described here implements DVB-S2 frame structure for transport stream, single input with constant code rate of 1/2 and QPSK modulation, with a roll-off of 0.20. A Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA package XC5VFX130T board is used to implement this design as this FPGA is also available in radiation tolerant version.

Reducing the Bit Error Rate of a Digital Communication System using an Error-control Coding Technique

Digital communication systems have played a vital role in the growing demand for data communications. In communication systems when data is transmitted or received, error is produced due to unwanted noise and interference from the communication channel. For efficient data communications it is necessary to receive the data without error. Error-control coding technique is to detect and possibly correct errors by introducing redundancy to the stream of bits to be sent to a channel. In this paper error rate reduction is simulated and analyzed using hamming code in MATLAB/Simulink environment. It was found that the injected bit errors reduced considerably using a hamming code.

Design issues in the implementation of versatile, high-speed iterative decoders

European Transactions on Telecommunications, 2007

The ever increasing demand for high data rate communication, and the use of radio resource management techniques requiring frame-by-frame adaptive coding/modulation to match user demands and channel conditions, pose a number of crucial problems to the design of versatile, high-speed iterative decoders, for both turbo-like and low-density parity-check codes. Among them, we mention: The modification of the Soft-Input Soft-Output (SISO) algorithm in a way that permits its implementation using several parallel processors working independently on segments of the received frame.The collisions in the process of reading/writing into/from the memory by the parallel processors.The design of prunable interleavers covering a wide range of information and/or code words lengths while keeping good spreading properties.The design of codes yielding a wide range of code rates with good performance for the range of probability of error of interest. The paper will touch all the previous points, offering state-of-the art solutions and examples showing their performance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The modification of the Soft-Input Soft-Output (SISO) algorithm in a way that permits its implementation using several parallel processors working independently on segments of the received frame.The collisions in the process of reading/writing into/from the memory by the parallel processors.The design of prunable interleavers covering a wide range of information and/or code words lengths while keeping good spreading properties.The design of codes yielding a wide range of code rates with good performance for the range of probability of error of interest.