The legal framework for protected areas management in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia (original) (raw)

The legislative measures on natural resources protection and conservation in Serbian national parks

Zaštita prirode, 2018

Извод: Заштита и очување природних ресурса представља све актуелнију проблематику савременог друштва. Чињеница да национални паркови спадају у прву категорију заштићених природних добара од националног значаја, као и да је све израженије угрожавање њихових природних ресурса, определило нас је да у оквиру овог рада, на основу доступних података, законских аката и сопствених истраживања, укажемо на најзначајније мере за заштиту и очување природних ресурса националних паркова Србије. Одрживо коришћење природних ресурса и њихово очување представља један о приоритетних задатака целокупне друштвене заједнице. Потребно је дефинисати и поставити основни циљ садашњим и будућим генерацијама да се морају одговорно понашати према расположивим природним ресурсима како би се исти и у наредном периоду сачували.

Transboundary issues and cooperation in the domain of environmental protection in the legislations of Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine

The article discusses the normative framework of cooperation in the domain of environmental protection among four countries in the region of Southeastern Europe. One of the countries is an EU member (Croatia), two others have the status of a candidate country (Serbia, Montenegro), and the fourth one is in the process of receiving the status of a candidate country (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The introduction highlights the importance of transboundary issues in the domain of environmental protection and lays out the methodological remarks. The first part of the article is dedicated to the most significant international agreements of global, (sub)regional, and bilateral character on the basis of which these four countries have an obligation (and the right) to cooperate. In the second part of the article, we provide an overview of the most significant norms of domestic law in the domain of environmental protection (basic laws), which are related to transboundary issues and the obligation ...

Assessment the effectiveness of protected areas management in the Republic of Serbia applying the RAPPAM methodology

The Republic of Serbia is obliged to adopt and implement a framework for monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the effectiveness of protected areas management, as a signatory of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Success of protected areas management in Serbia is estimated using RAPPAM methodology (Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management) within the project conducted in 2009 in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and Mediterranean office of WWF in Serbia, with participation of representatives of three national parks (Kopaonik, Tara, Fruska Gora) and of 13 protected areas of other categories. Interactive workshop that involved managers in protected areas evaluation, the results analysis and further steps and priorities identification, was held in February 2009. RAPPAM questionnaire was translated into Serbian while the questions are tailored for Serbia, within workshop preparation. This was the first systematic and guided process of evaluating the success management of protected areas in Serbia, and of particular importance for the participants was the opportunity to present their own impressions, individually and collectively evaluate the condition and loudly suggest some possible solutions. WWF’s RAPPAM methodology is one of the most widely used methodology in Europe and around the world to assess the effectiveness of protected areas management. This paper presents the results of assessment the management effectiveness of protected areas in the Republic of Serbia, determined advantages and disadvantages of management, the effects of various pressures and threats, as well as the parameters of success management, based on the RAPPAM methodology. Keyword: protected areas, The Republic of Serbia, management effectiveness, RAPPAM methodology

Protected areas management in public enterprise "Vojvodinasume": Sources and areas of subsidies use

Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry

One of the most complex issues in a protected area (PA) management is the provision of adequate financial resources. Managers of PAs in Serbia are financed from several different sources: budget through the allocation of subsidies, fees for the PAs use, revenues generated through the business operating and management, funds provided for project implementation, donations, gifts, aids, etc. Public enterprise (PE) "Vojvodinasume" is the manager of 16 and the user of 19 PAs in the territory of Vojvodina. In this paper, two research goals are defined. The first goal refers to the determination of a statistically significant difference in the sources of subsidies according to the selected PAs, and those are special nature reserves: ?Obedska bara?, ?Koviljsko-petrovaradinski rit?, ?Bagremara?, ?Gornje Podunavlje? and ?Deliblatska pescara?. The second goal is the determination of a statistically significant difference in the areas of subsidising, related to the selected PAs. In th...

Krivičnopravna zaštita životne sredine u Republici Srbiji i njeno usklađivanje sa zakonodavstvom Evropske unije

Ecologica, 2021

Krivičnopravna zaštita životne sredine je instument zaštite životne sredine koji proizlazi iz međunarodnih dokumenata o zaštiti životne sredine, a naročito je prihvaćen i počeo je da se razija u okviru prava EU. Direktiva za zaštitu životne sredine putem krivičnog prava iz 2008. godine donesena je kao odgovor na sve teže oblike ugrožavanja i uništavanja životne sredine koje su zahtevale preciznu inkriminaciju i definisanje ekoloških krivičnih dela i određivanje krivičnih sankcija za počinioce krivičnih dela. Imajući u vidu da su direktive akti sekundarnog zakonodavstva Unije kojim se usklađuju nacionalna prava država članica ova direktiva je omogućila da krivična dela protiv životne sredine budu prihvačena, inkriminisana i procesuirana na isti ili sličan način u svim državama članicama Unije uz određivanje efikasnih, proporcionalnih i odvraćajućih krivičnih sankcija za pravna i fizička lica. Time su zagađenje vazduha, vode, zemljišta, flore i faune kao rezultat ispuštanja jonizirajućeg zračenja, neadekvatno upravljanje otpadom, rad postrojenja gde se odvija opasna delatnost, aktivnosti sa nuklearnim materijama, značajno narušavanje staništa unutar zaštičenih područja i radnje uništavanja ozonskog omotača, inkriminisana kao posebna krivična dela za koje je obavezna inkriminacija u nacionalnim krivičnim sistemima. Inkriminacija krivičnih dela protiv životne sredine u EU je uticala i na njihovo prihvatanje i unošenje u pravne sisteme država kandidata za članstvo. To proizlazi iz obaveze prihvatanja pravnih tekovina (acquis communautaire) EU tokom sprovođenja sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju pridruženih država, a posebno nakon dobijanja statusa kandidata i otvaranja pregovora za članstvo u okviru pregovaračkih poglavlja.

Creation of land fund for the purpose of land management in the Republic of Serbia

Survey Review, 2015

A surveyor deals with cartographic projections, equations, properties, and deformation characteristics, within the scope of Geodetic Cartography. Application of the cartographic projections assumes an overview of a user of surveying data and cadastral maps, through numerical determination of deformation distribution for the whole state territory. During introduciton of new geodetic datums and cartographic projections, it is necessary to respect experiences of other European countries, with maximal treatment of national interences and capabilities. The paper presents chronology of establishment of the state coordinate system of the Republic of Serbia (Bessel ellipsoid and Gauss-Krűger projection) and the state reference system for horizontal and vertical positioning over GRS80 ellipsoid and UTM projection. Particularly, the paper presents values of lengths deformation for the whole area of the Republic of Serbia in the existing projections. Also, the optimal scale factor is calculated.

Integrated border management in EU law and its implementation in the Republic of Serbia

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2020

The subject of research in this paper is the protection of the European Union's external borders by the establishment and implementation of The European integrated border management system. In addition to the implementation by the Member States, this system i.e., the adoption of the Union's (Schengen) acquis, is a priority for the candidate countries during accession negotiations. The process of negotiation for the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union and the opening of Chapter 24, entitled Justice, Freedom, and Security, obliges the Republic of Serbia to accept and implement the European legislation into the national legal system within the field of border security and control. The emergence of the European system of integrated management of external borders is connected with the abolition of internal borders within Schengen integration and designed as a system of protection shaped by European Council guidelines, EU Council conclusions and EU secondary ...