Therapeutic Use of Some Romanian Medicinal Plants (original) (raw)

Medicinal Herbs in Romanian Pharmacopoeias - 155 Years of History


155 years ago, in 1862, a team of doctors and pharmacists wrote the first Romanian Pharmacopoeia (RPh I). There will be another 9 pharmacopoeias and their supplements (1874-RPh II, 1893-RPh III, 1926-RPh IV, 1943-RPh V, 1943-RPh V, 1948-RPh VI, 1956-RPh VII, 1965-RPh VIII, 1976-RPh IX, 1993-RPh X). From the first edition until 1993, 289 medicinal plants (176 indigenous plants, 113 exotic plants) were described, their number decreasing from 180 (RPh I) to 48 (RPh X). The most common species in Romanian Pharmacopoeias are: Acacia senegal, Achillea millefolium, Aconitum Napellus, Aloe species, Althaea officinalis, Artemisia absinthium, Astragalus tragacantha, Atropa belladonna, Carum carvi, Chelidonium majus, Cinchona officinalis, Cinnamomum species, Datura stramonium, Gentiana lutea, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Hypericum perforatum, Juniperus communis, Lavandula species, Linum usitatissimum, Papaver somniferum, Pimpinella anisum, Ricinus communis, Sinapis nigra, Thymus vulgaris, Theobroma cac...

Romanian Aromatic and Medicinal Plants: From Tradition to Science

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants - Back to Nature, 2017

From ancient times, plants have been used by humans for food, fodder, fibre and medicinal purposes. Several plants were empirically considered as treatments for a large array of illness and medical conditions. Each community had specific natural remedies, based on the geographical area, environmental conditions and other factors. Thus, the use of plants can be considered as part of the intangible cultural heritage of each community. In the geographical area of today's Romania, the ancient inhabitants, Dacians, had very good knowledge regarding the use of plants for medicinal purposes, as presented by several historical sources. The present work describes protocols for the extraction and purification of natural extracts, analytical characterisation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of their potential applications as well as some practical examples of their application on selected Romanian native medicinal and aromatic plants. The presented results offer scientific support to their traditional use, suggesting in the same time some modern applications, for example in the nanotechnology field.

Valorization of Some Medicinal Plants Used Traditionally in the Romanian Houses, in Sibiu, Valcea and Bacau Counties

Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, 2023

Looking for pharmaceutical remedies that are cheaper, handy and gentle with the body, the villagers rediscover phytotherapy and practice a traditional medicine in which plants play a major role. Unfortunately, much of the knowledge about herbs has been lost in recent decades. With this study we try to save from loss some of the information of folk medicine (types of preparations, more common diseases, species of plants used). Of course, archaic knowledge passed down from generation to generation is mixed with contemporary knowledge from books, magazines, radio and television shows. Even so, Romanian folk medicine can still enrich modern medicine, as it possesses phytotherapeutic information not yet valued by pharmacists and biochemists.

Historical ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants used to treat children diseases in Romania (1860s–1970s)

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2020

Background Romanian ethnopediatrics has a long history of medicinal plant use. The main objective of the present review was to identify, collect, systematize, and prioritize the available bibliographical data related to medicinal plants traditionally used to treat various pediatric diseases in Romania during the 1860s–1970s. Methods Information was mainly obtained by manual systematic search in various relevant historical works focused on the traditional use of medicinal plants in Romania (1860s–1970s), found in the Archives of Romanian Academy Library and National Romanian Library. Results A total of 153 medicinal plants belonging to 52 families were identified as having ethnopediatric significance. The plant traditional indications, targeted body systems, parts used, and way of administration were provided. We have also proposed one index (expressed as percentage) in order to assess the ethnopediatric applicability area of species: ethnopediatric relative therapeutic versatility (...

The Current Stage of Biotechnological Approaches and Systematic Remarks on Some Spontaneous Medicinal Plants in Romania – Review of Literature


This review presents the current state of biotechnological approaches for some spontaneous medicinal plants in Romania based on literature published throughout the worlds during the last decade. From a total of 122 species that were listed in 2014 as strictly forbidden for collection, 47 species were selected for a biotechnological investigation (based on both in vitro and biochemical studies). For 13 species without such studies, some systematic remarks are presented. In addition to the medicinal aspects, some of these species have other scientific importance (endemics, relicts, etc.) or present other problems such as uncertain taxonomy, very restricted distribution area, low seed germination, etc. In Romania, in the last 5 years, the interest in the biotechnological characteristics of these species has increased. Because medicinal plants represent a valuable source of products, studies on genetic variability, micropropagation, induction and characterisation of desirable metabolites will be helpful to achieve a better management for their sustainable use and conservation. Rezumat În acest articol este prezentat stadiul abordărilor biotehnologice pentru unele plante medicinale spontane din România, pe baza literaturii din ultimul deceniu. Dintr-un total de 122 de specii enumerate în 2014 ca fiind strict interzise pentru colectare, pentru 47 din specii au fost publicate, în întreaga lume, diverse studii biotehnologice (studii in vitro și studii biochimice). Pentru 13 dintre aceste specii, nu au fost identificate astfel de studii; în cazul lor fiind prezentate câteva remarci sistematice. Pe lângă aspectele medicinale, unele dintre specii au și importanță științifică (endemice, relicte etc.) sau prezintă anumite probleme cum ar fi taxonomia incertă, zona de distribuție foarte limitată, germinația mică a semințelor etc. În țara noastră, în ultimii 5 ani, interesul biotehnologic pentru aceste specii a crescut. Deoarece speciile de plante medicinale reprezintă o valoroasă sursă de produse, studii privind variabilitatea genetică, micropropagarea, inducerea și caracterizarea metaboliților secundari vor fi de ajutor pentru o gestionare mai bună a utilizării și conservării durabile a acestor plante.


ABSTRACT- Medicinal plants have been used from the Vedic era. For thousands of years, they have been used to treat and prevent many types of diseases along with epidemics. Some medicinal plants also utilized as pleasant condiments, to flavor, to dye, for conserve food etc. Almost every portion of the plant has own medicinal properties. Different types of secondary metabolites found in the medicinal plants which play an important role in many kinds of diseases and also used for manufacturing medicines. A large number of the plants are also reported to possess many other activities like anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-insecticidal, anti-parasitic, antibiotic, anti-hemolytic properties etc, also used widely by the tribal people all over the world. The traditional medicinal uses of 23 plants species belonging to different families are reported in this review article. Key-words- Traditional medicine, Medicinal plants, Anti-oxidant, Medicinal plants

Ethnobotanical records of not yet documented therapeutic effects of some popular Bulgarian medicinal plants

Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2014

Despite the existence of many relevant publications, and of reliable records of the traditional empiric data about medicinal plants in Bulgaria, over the last few years we found quite a lot of hitherto undocumented data about the healing properties of plants. In order to test the contemporary status of the traditional knowledge about medicinal plants, we performed the study as a Rapid Ethnobotanical Appraisal in the way of structured interview based on fixed questions namely what plants are used against certain health disorders. We therefore interviewed 183 people during the summer of 2011: some whom we knew to be particularly interested in medicinal plants and traditional ways of healing, and also a random sample of people of different ages. These subjects were all over l8. The survey was called "Granny had a cure for this." (or "Granny knew how to cure this.") In this paper we present data for remedial properties of popular medicinal plants which have not been documented in the literature yet -Pulsatilla pratensis -fresh leaves used as compress against exostoses, Sambucus ebulusimmature fresh leaves used for compress in case of exostoses, Primula veris -leaves infusion used against vertigo and Nepeta nuda -application of decoction internally against cystitis and prostate gland inflammation as well as externally against wounds and on the stock udder against mastitis. Comparative analysis of relevant studies was also done.

Worldwide Importance of Medicinal Plants: Current and Historical Perspectives

There is no existence of life without plants. Plants are the essential foundation of medicine. Some important drugs that are still in use today are derived from traditional medicinal herbs. The hunt for new medicines has engaged ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology—a new route as an important source of knowledge, which led toward different sources and classes of compounds. Nowadays, studies on structure-activity relationships , and their impact on the design of novel drugs have rendered them one of the utmost valuable and thus significant accomplishments of pharmacochemistry, an advance constituent in the group of pharmaceutical sciences. In this paper, we have discussed the historical importance of medicinal plants, geographical importance throughout the world, some important historical observations of medicinal plants, and leading drugs of plant origin which are still being used to treat various ailments, with or without any structural modifications.

Medicinal Plants in Light of History: Recognized Therapeutic Modality

Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine, 2014

Medicinal plants have an unbelievable history in terms of serving humanity in almost all continents of the world. Traditional healers have transferred that incredible knowledge from generation to generation. Even modernity or cultural revolutions have not altered the in-depth wisdom of this natural medical paradigm. Pharmacological rationale in light of traditional uses followed by phytochemical studies could surely bring a new revolution in the treatment of diseases.

Os produtos naturais e a qu�mica medicinal moderna

Quim Nova, 2006

Recebido em 10/12/04; aceito em 29/6/05; publicado na web em 20/1/06 THE NATURAL PRODUCTS AND THE MODERN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. Natural products have been utilized by humans since ancient times and the relief and cure of their diseases was the first purpose for using natural products in medicine. The history of the oriental and occidental civilizations is very rich in examples of the utilization of natural products in medicine and health care. Chinese traditional medicine is one of the most important examples of how natural products can be efficient in the treatment of diseases, and it points to the importance of scientific research on natural products, concerning the discovery of new active chemical entities. The complexity, chemical diversity and biological properties of natural products always fascinated people, and during the last 200 years, this led to the discovery of important new drugs. In the last 30 years, the development of new bioassay techniques, biotechnology methods, bio-guided phytochemical studies, automated high throughput screening and high performance analytical methods, have introduced new concepts and possibilities of rational drug design and drug discovery. In this context, natural products have played an important and decisive role in the development of modern medicinal chemistry.