Entre la Coacción y el Consentimiento: Un Estudio sobre la Violencia Sexual Masculina en las Relaciones de Pareja Heterosexuales (original) (raw)
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Lack of consent is an essential characteristic of sexual violence. The present study was conducted to analyze the relation between sexual consent and the risk of perpetrating sexual aggression by men and victimization suffered by women in more depth. The sample consisted of 1681 heterosexual Spanish men and women aged 18-66 years. The participants completed an online survey containing the Spanish versions of the Sexual Consent Scale Revised and the Sexual Experiences Survey. The results showed that 70.2% of the women had been sexual victims, and 20.8% of men reported having perpetrated sexual violence.
Sexual violence in women: a review of the literature from psychology
Patriarchal tradition has long assigned man an "active" role in the social and sexual relationship between the sexes, while decreasing female sexuality to passivity and reproduction. If not, the woman was left the place of procreator and owner of the home, with the advent of feminism, the woman began to occupy important spaces, but still with many challenges. Thus, the maintenance of sexist speeches and violence against women, show a social symptom of rejection of women and control of bodies, as in sexual violence. In this sense, the objective of this research was to investigate the academic productions published in the field of psychology, in the databases (BDTD, SciELO and CAPES Periodical) in the period from 2010 to 2020, about sexual violence in women. What has Brazilian psychology produced, from the point of view of theoretical articulation about sexual violence in women and their psychic repercussions? As a result, we had 88 scientific materials that were analyzed, with only 16 of these data, included with regard to the research objective. With this systematic literature review, it was noticed that the area of psychology concentrates little volume of discussion in relation to sexual violence, in this space of a decade, and in relation to theories or approaches used by researchers to understand the phenomenon, the Social psychology has been widely used, while other aspects of psychology are rarely raised. In this way, this research adds up and also arouses the interest of psychologists and academics for the exploration and greater scientific discussions on this theme, since it is so current and pertinent for study.
Violence and Victims, 2005
There have been many studies on the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) on women's health, there being agreement on its detrimental effect. Research has focused mainly on the impact of physical violence on health, with few studies assessing the effect of sexual and psychological violence. Furthermore, there are many differences in the way violence experienced by women is assessed. While some researchers use available instruments, others develop their own questionnaires. This article gives detailed information about physical, sexual, and psychological violence, lifetime history of women's victimization, and aspects of women's behavior and feelings obtained with the questionnaire used in a Spanish crosssectional study. Our results corroborate that IPV is not homogeneous, it being necessary to ask women about each type of violence they have experienced. Furthermore, to accurately assess the impact of IPV on women's health, it is necessary to control for other variables that also have detrimental effects on health.
Are the Predictors of Sexual Violence the Same as Those of Nonsexual Violence? A Gender Analysis
Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2009
Violence manifests itself in such multifarious ways as sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. What has hitherto eluded the medical community, however, is whether sexual and nonsexual abuse share the same predictors. Aim. Drawing upon a representative sample of married men and women in the Iranian capital, Tehran, we aimed to determine: (i) the overlap between sexual abuse and physical and psychological violence, and (ii) the predictors that sexual violence victimization share with physical and psychological violence victimization. Main Outcome Measures. Victimization through any type of sexual coercion by the husband in the context of the current marital relationship, as determined via the conflict tactic scales-revised (CTS-2). Methods. In a cross-sectional survey in Tehran in 2007, 460 married Iranian men and women were selected via a multicluster sampling method from four different randomized regions. Independent variables comprised sociodemographic characteristics, subscores of psychological, and personality characteristics known to be allied with intimate abuse (personal and relationship profile), and dichotomus data on victimization history through all types of violence by the spouse including psychological aggression, physical assault, and sexual coercion (CTS-2). Results. In both genders, the experience of physical or psychological violence increased the likelihood of sexual violence victimization. In both genders, higher conflict was a predictor of sexual and psychological violence victimization. In addition, the common predictors of sexual and physical violence victimization were low self-control and high violent socialization in the men and women, respectively. Conclusions. Sexual violence victimization shares some factors with the victimization of nonsexual types of marital abuse, but this seems to be partially gender dependent. Mohammadkhani P, Forouzan AS, Khooshabi KS, Assari S, and Moghani Lankarani M. Are the predictors of sexual violence the same as those of nonsexual violence? A gender analysis. J Sex Med 2009;6:2215-2223.
Sexual assault and other types of violence in intimate partner relationships
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2012
Objective. To investigate whether sexual assaults are more likely to co-occur with some types of abuse rather than others in violent intimate relationships. Design. Cross-sectional study. Setting. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to all Norwegian women's shelters. Population. Women seeking refuge at Norwegian women's shelters in 2002 and 2003. Methods. Sexual assault and experiences of intimate partner violence were measured using the Severity of Violence against Women Scale (SVAWS) and psychological violence was measured using the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (PMWI). Main outcome measures. Student's t-test analyses were performed between the mean values of the different acts of reported violence, and linear regression analyses were used to examine the association between sexual violence and the other forms of violence reported. Results. Sexual violence correlated significantly with the other eight categories in SVAWS, and with violence directed at the pregnant woman's abdomen and psychological violence in PMWI. When we adjusted all categories for each other by linear regression analysis, sexual intimate partner violence was significantly associated with hair pulling, arm twisting, spanking or biting, dominance and isolation abuse and violence directed at the pregnant woman's abdomen. Conclusion. Sexual assaults are more likely to co-occur with some types of physical and psychological violence than with others. This knowledge may be important for improving our understanding of sexual violence in intimate partner relationships and in the efforts to detect intimate partner violence. Bruises, loss of hair and bite marks may suggest that sexual acts were committed against the victim's will.
This study aimed to characterize the prevalence of violence in intimate relationships between same-sex partners in Portugal using the Revised Confl ict Tactics Scales. The study included 168 participants, mainly women (76.2%), who were between 18 and 35 years of age with an average age of 22.5 (SD = 3.79). In terms of perpetration, the results showed higher rates for psychological aggression (70.2% mild and 29.8% severe), physical abuse that leaves no sequelae (26.8% mild and 9.5% severe) and mild sexual coercion (28%).Regarding victimization, a high rate of minor psychological aggression (69.2%) was also found. The men admitted to adopting more behaviours related to both minor and severe sex ual coercion. A positive and signifi cant relationship was found between the duration of an intimate relationship and victimization by minor psychological aggression. These results suggest the need to develop specifi c support interventions for different types of victims, as well as the need to implement more prevention efforts tailored to different situations. Este estudo procurou caracterizar a prevalência da violência nas relações íntimas entre parceiros do mesmo sexo em Portugal, recorrendo às Escalas de Táticas de Confl ito Revisadas. Participaram neste estudo 168 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 35 anos, cuja média de idade foi de 22,5 anos (DP=3,79), sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (76,2%). Em termos de perpetração, os resultados revelaram uma elevação da agressão psicológica (70,2% na ligeira e 29,8% na severa); uma ligeira elevação dos atos que não deixam sequelas (26,8% no ligeiro e 9,5% no severo) e, ainda, uma preponderância da coerção sexual ligeira (28%). Em relação a vitimação, constatou-se igualmente uma preponderância da agressão psicológica ligeira (69,2%). Os homens admitiram adotar mais comporta-mentos de coerção sexual, tanto na forma ligeira como severa. Foi ainda possível apurar a existência de uma relação positiva e signifi cativa entre a duração do relacionamento íntimo e a vitimação por agressão psicológica ligeira. Estes resultados apelam à elaboração de respostas de apoio específi cas para os dife-rentes tipos de vítimas, bem como a aposta na implementação de esforços preventivos mais contextua-lizados às diferentes realidades. Palavras-chave: Violência, relações íntimas, parceiros do mesmo sexo, prevalência.
Sexual Violence towards Men: Sexual Violence Judging from Individual Factors of Victims
This study aims to explore the gender characteristics of the victims of sexual violence, so thatcomprehensive understanding about determinants of sexual violence can be obtained. Gender characteristics allow society to evaluate gender as part of their social role that is devised and related to particular public view that men are seen as an individual with more physical strength and responsibility than women in many various contexts. This study involved five men as victims of sexual violence whom experienced it by their partner in context of intimate relationship. Data collecting used Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) questionnaire within in-depth interview. Result of this study was useful to provide a comprehensive description of mental dynamics according to the occurence of sexual violence. An understanding of sexual violence predictors was expected to reveal the phenomena of sexual violence towards men whereas lack of awareness in our society. Thus, considering the mental dynamics of ...
ijetrm journal , 2022
This paper deals with sexual violence against women. Violence against women is now well as recognized as a public health problem and the human rights violation of the worldwide significance. It is an important risk of factor for the women's ill health, with far reaching consequences for both them of the physical and mental health. This glossary aims to the describe various forms of the interpersonal violence that are the directed towards women and the girls. Clear definitions are needed to be able to compare the information across studies and to generate an knowledge base that will allow us to identify the various and overlapping ways in which the violence against women occurs and what actions may serve to prevent it and respond to the consequences. Sexual violence includes the forced sex through the use of the physical force, threats, and intimidation, forced participation in the degrading sexual acts as well as acts such as the denial of the right to use the contraceptives or to adopt measures to protect against the sexually transmitted diseases. Although much the sexual violence occurs in the context of the intimate partner in the violence it can also take place in the many other settings. A sample size of 1584 people were taken as samples for the research. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software and the acquired processed data were used for the empirical study. A woman can be sexually violated by one or the several people as in gang rapes. The Pearson chi square value is 0.00,which is less than the Pearson value 0.05.The independent variables are age, gender, education, occupation, income. The dependent variable is the sexual violence against women shall be strengthened through policies, legislative, programs and institutions and the women should also be given awareness to tackle against the sexual violence against them.