Killing of K562 cells with conjugates between human transferrin and a ribosome-inactivating protein (SO-6) (original) (raw)

Co-migration and internalization of transferrin and its receptor on K562 cells

The Journal of Cell Biology, 1983

The incorporation of iron into human cells involves the binding of diferric transferrin to a specific cell surface receptor. We studied the process of endocytosis in K562, a human erythroid cell line, by using tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-labeled transferrin (TRITC-transferrin) and fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled Fab fragments of goat antireceptor IgG preparation (FITC-Fab-antitransferrin receptor antibody). Because the antireceptor antibody and transferrin bind to different sites on the transferrin receptor molecule it was possible to simultaneously and independently follow ligand and receptor. At 4 degrees C, the binding of TRITC-transferrin or FITC-Fab antitransferrin receptor antibody exhibited diffuse membrane fluorescence. At 20 degrees C, the binding of TRITC-transferrin was followed by the rapid formation of aggregates. However, the FITC-Fab antitransferrin receptor did not show similar aggregation at 20 degrees C unless transferrin was present. In the presence of ...

Iron Release from Transferrin, Its C-Lobe, and Their Complexes with Transferrin Receptor: Presence of N-Lobe Accelerates Release from C-Lobe at Endosomal pH †

Biochemistry, 2003

Human transferrin, like other members of the transferrin class of iron-binding proteins, is a bilobal structure, the product of duplication and fusion of an ancestral gene during the course of biochemical evolution. Although the two lobes exhibit 45% sequence identity and identical ligand structures of their iron-binding sites (one in each lobe), they differ in their iron-binding properties and their responsiveness to complex formation with the transferrin receptor. A variety of interlobe interactions modulating these iron-binding functions has been described. We have now studied the kinetics of iron release to pyrophosphate from the isolated recombinant C-lobe and from that lobe in the intact protein, each free and bound to receptor. The striking finding is that the rates of iron release at the pH of the endosome to which transferrin is internalized by the iron-dependent cell are similar in the free proteins but 18 times faster from full-length monoferric transferrin selectively loaded with iron in the C-lobe than from isolated C-lobe when each is complexed to the receptor. The possibility that the faster release in the receptor complex of the full-length protein at endosomal pH contributes to the evolutionary advantage of the bilobal structure is considered.

Influence of conjugation of doxorubicin to transferrin on the iron uptake by K562 cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis

European Journal of Biochemistry, 1993

The influence of conjugation of doxorubicin to holotransferrin on the receptor-mediated endocytosis of and on the iron uptake from transferrin was studied using K562 cells. 125I-labelled transferrin and doxorubicin-transferrin conjugates were used in the binding, dissociation, and ligand-exchange experiments at 0 degree C, and 59Fe,125I-labelled (double-labelled) ligands were used in the endocytosis, iron uptake, and recycling experiments at 37 degrees C. The binding affinity of conjugates was about half of that of transferrin. Binding of 125I-labelled ligands was blocked by both unlabelled ligands to the same degree, however, it was not blocked at all by an 8000-fold excess of doxorubicin. After saturation bindings, slightly more 125I-labelled conjugates dissociated from the surface of cells than transferrin. Exchange of 125I-labelled ligands for unlabelled ligands resulted in different EC50 values (defined as the concentration of unlabelled ligand at which half as much radioligand is exchanged for unlabelled ligand as would be exchanged at infinitely high concentration of unlabelled ligand under similar assay conditions). While transferrin exchanged transferrin with an EC50 value close to the binding affinity, conjugates exchanged conjugates with much lower efficiency. The heterolog exchange experiments yielded EC50 values inbetween the two extrema. For studying iron uptake, K562 cells were loaded with the double-labelled ligands either at 37 degrees C (endosome-loading only) or at 0 degree C (surface-loading only). Results obtained for the endocytosis of, the iron uptake from, and the recycling of double-labelled ligands indicate that (a) the rate of iron uptake is smaller from conjugates than from transferrin, (b) there are at least two parallel recycling processes for both ligand.receptor complexes, and (c) each time constant characterizing the different steps of iron uptake via receptor-mediated endocytosis is smaller for conjugates than for transferrin (or, the half times characterizing the different steps are higher for conjugates than for transferrin). Endocytosis and iron uptake were unaffected by free doxorubicin (12.5 microM) or colchicine (1 mM). Benzyl alcohol (30 mM) slowed down the rate of both endocytosis and iron uptake, while dithiothreitol (5 mM) decreased the rate of iron uptake and increased the rate of endocytosis. N-Ethylmaleimide (1 mM) completely stopped both endocytosis and iron uptake. The results suggest that the binding of conjugates to the surface of cells is governed by the binding of the transferrin part of conjugates to the transferrin receptor. However, conjugation of doxorubicin to transferrin seems to influence all properties of transferrin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

Transferrin receptors and iron uptake during erythroid cell development

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1982

Experiments were performed to determine the level of transferrin receptors and rate of transferrin-bound iron uptake by various immature erythroid cell populations. Developing erythroid cells from the rat and mouse foetal liver at various stages of gestation were studied. In addition Friend leukaemic cells grown in culture were examined. The transferrin receptor level of Friend cells was similar to that of erythroid cells from the mouse foetal liver. During erythroid cell development the transferrin receptor level increased from about 300000 per cell at the early normoblast stage to reach a maximum of about 800000 per cell on intermediate normoblasts. Further maturation of intermediate normoblasts was accompanied by a decline in the number of transferrin receptors, reaching a level of 105 000 in the circulating reticulocyte. The rate of iron uptake from transferrin during erythroid cell development was found to correlate closely with the number of transferrin receptors. In each of the immature erythroid cell populations studied the rate of iron uptake was about 36 iron atoms per receptor per hour. These results indicate that the level of transferrin receptors may be the major factor which determines the rate of iron uptake during erythroid cell development.

Iron Acquired from Transferrin by K562 Cells Is Delivered into a Cytoplasmic Pool of Chelatable Iron(II)

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1995

The release of iron from transferrin (Tf) in the acidic milieu of endosomes and its translocation into the cytosol are integral steps in the process of iron acquisition via receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME). The translocated metal is thought to enter a low molecular weight cytoplasmic pool, presumed to contain the form of iron which is apparently sensed by iron responsive proteins and is the direct target of iron chelators. The process of iron delivery into the cytoplasmic chelatable pool of K562 cells was studied in situ by continuous monitoring of the fluorescence of cells loaded with the metal-sensitive probe calcein. Upon exposure to Tf at 37°C, intracellular fluorescence decayed, corresponding to an initial iron uptake of 40 nM/min. The Tf-mediated iron uptake was profoundly inhibited by weak bases, the protonophore monensin, energy depletion, or low temperatures (<25°C), all properties characteristic of RME. Cell iron levels were affected by the slowly permeating chelator desferrioxamine only after prolonged incubations. Conversely, rapidly penetrating, lipophilic iron-(II) chelators such as 2,2-bipyridyl, evoked swift increases in cell calcein fluorescence, equivalent to sequestration of 0.2-0.5 M cytosolic iron, depending on the degree of pre-exposure to Tf. Addition of iron(III) chelators to permeabilized 2,2-bipyridyl-treated cells, failed to reveal significant levels of chelatable iron(III). The finding that the bulk of the in situ cell chelatable pool is comprised of iron(II) was corroborated by pulsing K562 cells with Tf-55 Fe, followed by addition of iron-(II) and/or iron(III) chelators and extraction of chelator-55

The Mechanism of Iron Release from the Transferrin-Receptor 1 Adduct

Journal of Molecular Biology, 2006

We report the determination in cell-free assays of the mechanism of iron release from the N-lobe and C-lobe of human serum transferrin in interaction with intact transferrin receptor 1 at 4.3%pH%6.5. Iron is first released from the N-lobe in the tens of milliseconds range and then from the C-lobe in the hundreds of seconds range. In both cases, iron loss is rate-controlled by slow proton transfers, rate constant for the N-lobe k 1 Z1.20(G0.05)!10 6 M K1 s K1 and for the C-lobe k 2 Z1.6(G0.1)! 10 3 M K1 s K1. This iron loss is subsequent to a fast proton-driven decarbonation and is followed by two proton gains, (pK 1a)/2Z5.28 per proton for the N-lobe and (pK 2a)/2Z5.10 per proton for the C-lobe. Under similar experimental conditions, iron loss is about 17-fold faster from the N-lobe and is at least 200-fold faster from the C-lobe when compared to holotransferrin in the absence of receptor 1. After iron release, the apotransferrin-receptor adduct undergoes a slow partial dissociation controlled by a change in the conformation of the receptor; rate constant k 3 Z1.7(G0.1)!10 K3 s K1. At endosomic pH, the final equilibrated state is attained in about 1000 s, after which the free apotransferrin, two prototropic species of the acidic form of the receptor and apotransferrin interacting with the receptor coexist simultaneously. However, since recycling of the vesicle containing the receptor to the cell surface takes a few minutes, the major part of transferrin will still be forwarded to the biological fluid in the form of the apotransferrinreceptor protein-protein adduct.

Nonacylated human transferrin receptors are rapidly internalized and mediate iron uptake

The Journal of biological chemistry, 1990

The human transferrin receptor is post-translationally modified by the addition of a fatty acyl moiety. In earlier studies, transient expression in Cos cells of human transferrin receptors in which Cys62 or Cys67 was altered to serine provided evidence that Cys62 is the major acylation site of the receptor (Jing, S., and Trowbridge, I. S. (1987) EMBO J. 6, 327-331). To determine whether acylation of the receptor is required for high efficiency endocytosis and iron uptake, wild type and mutant human transferrin receptors have been stably expressed in chick embryo fibroblasts using a helper-independent retroviral vector. In marked contrast to Cos cells, both Cys62 and Cys67 of the wild type human transferrin receptor were acylated in chick embryo fibroblasts. Moreover, their modification to serine did not abolish palmitate labeling, implying that one or both of these serine residues could serve as alternative lipid attachment sites in these cells. The relative labeling of mutant recep...