The Great Second. William Whewell's role in the making of the "philosophy - physics" trading zone (original) (raw)
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One can notice a certain deficiency of conceptual resources in contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science. The popularity of post-positivist philosophy is dropping; and the postmodern studies have difficulty adapting to the analysis of scientific knowledge. In this regard, an amplified interest in the forgotten figures of the 19 century arises. Among them, the personality of William Whewell attracts special attention - the Cambridge philosopher, scholar, scientist, theologian, priest, polymath, a major reformer of university education, and father-figure of the British philosophy of science. In the article, the authors define his place in the 19th century philosophy as well as in the context of current discussions. Historical reconstruction of his concept of method of scientific cognition shows that it is hardly reducible to ideas by D. Hume or I. Kant and simultaneously possesses the essentially original features in comparison with the known concepts of his time by O. Comte and J.S. Mill. A comparison of Whewell's philosophy of science with the hypothetical-deductive method described by neo-positivists or with Karl Popper's falsificationism though grasps some similarities, still risks unwarranted modernization. His original method of synthesis of empiricism and rationalism in the understanding of scientific knowledge in fact lays the groundwork for a historically oriented philosophy of science long before the historical epistemology of the French school. Accessing the analysis of ideas of William Whewell and introducing them in philosophical turnover resurrects a unique cultural and intellectual context of formation of professional science in the Victorian era, contributes to the restoration of historical justice, leads to the revision of a number of historical and philosophical imprints, in particular, in assessing the positivism and analytic philosophy, and also provides up-to-date discussions in philosophy of science by the new empirical staff.
В статье феноменология Гуссерля рассматривается как определенный проект обоснования науки. Своеобразие феноменологического обоснования науки подчеркивается в ходе сравнения понимания науки у Гуссерля с некоторыми концепциями философии науки ХХ в. Выдвигается и обосновывается положение о том, что, несмотря на признание утопическим понимание науки в качестве развивающегося абсолютного знания, тезис Гуссерля об обосновании науки в жизненном мире остается и сегодня актуальным. / In the article the phenomenology of Husserl is regarded as certain project of justification of science. The peculiarity of the phenomenological justification of Sciences is emphasized in the process of the comparison of the understanding of science by Husserl with the basic concepts of the philosophy of science of the twentieth century. The author puts forward and justifies the position that despite the utopian understanding of science as an evolving absolute knowledge, Husserl's thesis about the justification of scientific knowledge in the lifeworld and today remains relevant.
Фернан Бродель и становление геоисторического метода в исследовании экономического пространства
Spatial Economics, 2013
Первоочередной задачей сегодня оказывается сближение социальных наук Ф. Бродель [2, с. 116] В очерке дан анализ той части научного наследия Ф. Броделя, которая посвящена становлению геоисторического метода как методологической платформы, позволяющей в том числе осуществить идеи междисциплинарного синтеза при исследовании экономического пространства. Особое внимание уделено анализу содержания монографии «Средиземное море и средиземноморский мир в эпоху Филиппа II», которая является знаковой работой не только для исторической, но и экономической науки, так как в ней впервые дано обоснование геоисторического метода.
"Зоны обмена" и технические науки - “Trade Zones” and technoscience
Горный журнал - Gorny zhurnal, 2023
The paper discusses problems of scientific communication, which draw attention of the Technical Council for Geomechanics. The positivist concept of the universal scientific language is outdated and cannot explain current developments of technoscience. Concepts that divided science into “paradigms,” “subcultures,” “layers” also failed to explain the possibility of communication in science. It is obvious that real interactions take place, that there are languages of scientific exchange, interlanguages of very different degrees of development. To interpret problems and to offer their possible solutions for technoscience, it is proposed to use P. Galison’s concept of “exchange zones.” It turns out that the concept allows describing the interactions of the participants at the initial stage of communication, when an interlanguage has not yet been created, and to trace the advance of the “zone” into a matured scientific discipline with its own full-fledged language. The “trade zone” is a space where not only common things are found, but differences are constantly maintained. A fullfledged interaction implies preservation of the most important features of the participants. Communication becomes possible locally despite fundamental global differences. At the initial stage, for the implementation f communication, it is not the unity and similarity of the contributors that are important, but their conceptual simplifications, limitations, disorder and disunity. Just these features give science strength and internal coherence. H. Collins proposes an extension of Galison’s concept, classifying “exchange zones” and discussing the development of intermediary languages. In 2017–2018 Russian philosophers of science organized a discussion about “trade zones” on the pages of philosophical journals. The concept seems to be quite popular today in the academic world. The most important “zones” are the interfaces between industrial and humanitarian discourses and digital technologies. - Рассказано о важнейшей области проблем современной технонауки – внутренней и внешней научной коммуникации. Показаны примеры рассуждений разных ученых о понимании науки и взаимодействия между разными сообществами с определенными знаниями и мировоззрениями. Отмечено, что развитию науки способствует скоординированность разных дисциплин и проведение дискуссий участников научных исследований.
В статье на материале утопического романа "Великая революция" немецкого фантаста Пауля Шеербарта (1863-1915) исследуется концепция космической революции. Шеербарт повествует о трансформации мировоззрения обитателей Луны, актуализируя исконный астрономический смысл слова "революция". Космическая революция на Луне фактически включает в себя несколько революций: оптическую, архитектурную и личностную. Ключевые слова: Пауль Шеербарт, революция, космос, телескоп, луна, планета, фантастика, утопия. Abstract: The paper deals with the concept of cosmic revolution in the utopian novel " The great revolution" by Paul Scheerbart (1863-1915), German expressionist and science fiction writer. Scheerbart actualizes the astronomic sense of the word "revolution" when he describes the transformation of the world view of the lunar people. The cosmic revolution can be devided into three types of revolutions: the optic, architectural and personal revolution. Keywords: Paul Scheerbart, revolution, cosmos, telescope, moon, planet, science fiction, utopia.
Михаэль Штифель (1487-1567) и теоретико-множественные представления XVI века
История науки и техники. – 2013. - № 10. – С. 11-16., 2013
Мощная волна Реформации возникла из гуманистических учений Возрождения. Новое мировоззрение, обращённое к внутреннему миру человека, признало действие мировых законов в малом и обыденном. Замечательным явлением математики стало рассуждение алгебраиста XVI века Михаэля Штифеля о бесконечном количестве рациональных и иррациональных чисел на единичном отрезке и их плотности.