Isolation, Identification and Screening for Nitrogen Fixing Activities by Azotobacter chroococcum Isolated from Soil of Keffi, Nigeria as Agent for Bio-fertilizer Production (original) (raw)

Phenetic Characterization of Nitrogen Fixing Azotobacter from Rhizospheric Soil of Southern Rajasthan

Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology

The present research was conducted to characterize the indigenous plant growth promoting (PGP) Azotobacter strains isolated from plant root interface of semi-arid regions of Rajasthan (India) and to study their potential to be used as bio-fertilizers. A total of 172 Azotobacter strains were isolated, purified and based on the morphological test i.e. gram staining, pigmentation, cyst formation, fluorescence etc, broadly classified as Azotobacter. Further the secluded strains were examined for biochemical analysis and plant growth promoting characters. All the isolates showed different biochemical characteristics and significant PGP traits. IAA activity of the Azotobacter strains ranges from 54.5-6000 µg/mL. Ammonia, HCN and siderophore was produced by 92.4%, 78.4% and 80.23% of the total isolates respectively. Solubilization of phosphate was observed in 97.6% of the total isolates. These strains were also characterized for qualitative and quantitative N2 fixation abilities and the re...

Characterization of free nitrogen fixing bacteria of the genus Azotobacter in organic vegetable-grown Colombian soils

Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology], 2011

With the purpose of isolating and characterizing free nitrogen fixing bacteria (FNFB) of the genus Azotobacter, soil samples were collected randomly from different vegetable organic cultures with neutral pH in different zones of Boyacá-Colombia. Isolations were done in selective free nitrogen Ashby-Sucrose agar obtaining a recovery of 40%. Twenty four isolates were evaluated for colony and cellular morphology, pigment production and metabolic activities. Molecular characterization was carried out using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). After digestion of 16S rDNA Y1-Y3 PCR products (1487pb) with AluI, HpaII and RsaI endonucleases, a polymorphism of 16% was obtained. Cluster analysis showed three main groups based on DNA fingerprints. Comparison between ribotypes generated by isolates and in silico restriction of 16S rDNA partial sequences with same restriction enzymes was done with Gen Workbench v.2.2.4 software. Nevertheless, Y1-Y2 PCR products were analysed usi...

Nitrogen Fixing Azotobacter Species as Potential Soil Biological Enhancers for Crop Nutrition and Yield Stability

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) refers to a microbial mediated process based upon an enzymatic “Nitrogenase” conversion of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonium readily absorbable by roots. N2-fixing microorganisms collectively termed as “diazotrophs” are able to fix biologically N2 in association with plant roots. Specifically, the symbiotic rhizobacteria induce structural and physiological modifications of bacterial cells and plant roots into specialized structures called nodules. Other N2-fixing bacteria are free-living fixers that are highly diverse and globally widespread in cropland. They represent key natural source of nitrogen (N) in natural and agricultural ecosystems lacking symbiotic N fixation (SNF). In this review, the importance of Azotobacter species was highlighted as both important free-living N2-fixing bacteria and potential bacterial biofertilizer with proven efficacy for plant nutrition and biological soil fertility. In addition, we described Azotobacter ben...

Nitrogen fixation capacity of Azotobacter spp. strains isolated from soils in different ecosystems and relationship between them and the microbiological properties of soils

Journal of Environmental Biology

The objectives of this study were to count and culture Azotobacter spp. in sampled soils, to determine the nitrogen (N) fixing capacity by Azotobacter spp. in pure culture and different soils, and to explore the relationships between N fixation capacity of Azotobacter spp. and microbiological properties of soils in Northern Anatolia, Turkey. Statistically significant relationships were found between the population of Azotobacter spp. in soils and microbial biomass C (C mic ), dehydrogenase (DHA), β-glucosidase (GA), alkaline phosphatase (APA) and arylsulphatase (ASA) activities. However, relationships between the population of Azotobacter spp. and basal soil respiration (BSR), urease (UA) and catalase (CA) activities were insignificant. The N fixation capacities of native 3 day old Azotobacter chroococcum strains added to Ashby Media varied from 3.50 to 29.35 µg N ml -1 on average 10.24. In addition, N fixation capacities of Azotobacter spp. strains inoculated with clayey soil, loam soil, and sandy clay loam soil during eight week incubation period were 4.78-15.91 µg N g -1 , 9.03-13.47 µg N g -1 and 6.51-16.60 µg N g -1 , respectively. It was concluded that the most N fixation by Azotobacter spp. was in sandy clay loam soils.

Phenetic and Molecular Diversity of Nitrogen Fixating Plant Growth Promoting Azotobacter Isolated from Semiarid Regions of India

BioMed Research International

In the present study, 24 Azotobacter strains were isolated from soils of different areas of southern Rajasthan and characterized at biochemical, functional, and molecular levels. The isolated Azotobacter strains were gram negative and cyst forming when viewed under the microscope. These strains were also screened for their plant growth promoting activities and the ability of these isolates to survive under abiotic stress conditions viz. salt, pH, temperature, and drought stress. All the isolates showed IAA, siderophore, HCN, and ammonia production, whereas seven Azotobacter strains showed phosphate solubilization. Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) revealed significant diversity among Azotobacter strains and the dendrogram obtained differentiated twenty-four of the strains into two major clusters at a similarity coefficient of 0.64. Qualitative and quantitative N2 fixation abilities of these strains were also detrained, and the amounts of acetylene reduced by Azoto...


Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2010

Bacteria with the ability to grow on nitrogen-free media and fixing atmospheric nitrogen were isolated from different locations in Egypt. Isolates were identified as Azotobacter chroococcum according to their morphological and physiological properties. Isolates were ovoid to rod shaped occurs in pairs, form cysts. Analysis with Random Amplified polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR) to compare the similarity pattern of the selected Azotobacter isolates and reference strain was used as an identification tool. Physiological characteristics of A. chroococcum such as acetylene reduction activity (nitrogenase enzyme) and production of some plant growth promoting substances such as Indol acetic acid (IAA), Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and Sidrophore production were also studied.

Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of efficient nitrogen-fixing Azotobacter strains from rice fields for crop improvement

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Isolation and characterisation of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria ( Azotobacter Sp.) from Tea field soil of Dooars and Darjeeling region of North Bengal, India

Different strains of Azotobactersp were isolated and charaterised morphologically, folowing their resistance activities against antibiotic and Nacl from Dooars and Darjeeling region of North Bengal.The soil sample studied were DS-1, DS-2 and DJ-1. DS-1 have 50 isolates, DS-2 have 45 isolates and DJ-1 have 50 isolates. Among morphlogical parameter colony colour, shape and size has been considered for this study. Most of the colony are white many shows colour, circular, colony diameter ranges from 1-4.5 cm. Four strains namely DS-1-18, DS-1-25,DS-2-10,DJ-1-45 shows resistance against anibiotic 35mg/l). Nacl tolerance activities of seveteen promising clone has studied, among them three strains namely DS-1-16, DS-1-17and DS-2-18 shows salt tolerance of upto 4.5%.Nitrogen fixing capacityof five strains has been carried out for highest antibiotic resistance starins, among them DS-2-10 shows maximum N 2 content (0.006 %)

Microbial Characterization of Azotobacter sp Isolates From West Kalimantan in Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency in Maize Plants (Zea mays L.) on Peatlands

JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis) : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

This study aims to characterize the microbial species Azotobacter sp from peat soil in West Kalimantan, which can bind N, dissolve nutrients P, K and produce indole compounds. This research was carried out in the plant pest and disease laboratory, agronomy laboratory and greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. This study used a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four levels of treatment. Inoculation of Azotobacter sp isolates was without inoculation of Azotobacter sp isolate (a0), inoculation of WH.3.2.d (a1) isolate, inoculation of Azotobacter sp isolate WH.2.4 (a2), inoculation of Azotobacter sp WH.3.1.l (a3). The study was carried out from September to November 2021. The results showed that Azotobacter sp inoculation significantly affected the parameters of vigor index, growth synchronously, primary root length, wet weight of normal sprouts, and plant height in the greenhouse. From the bioassay test results on seeds and growth testing ...