Biomass estimates by satellite data and ground measurements (original) (raw)
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Estimating leaf area index of mangroves from satellite data
Aquatic Botany, 1997
The relationship between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI) was modelled for mangroves growing on the Caicos Bank, Turks and Caicos Islands. NDVI values were used to predict LAI with this model and a thematic map of LAI produced from satellite data for the whole Bank. Mangrove LAI ranged between 0.8 and 7.0, with a mean of 3.96. LAI data, estimated from in situ measurements of canopy transmittance for a set of sites independent of those used to derive the LAI/NDVI model, were used to test the accuracy of this image. Accuracy was defined as the proportion of accuracy sites at which the LAI value (as estimated from field measurements) lay within the 95% confidence interval for the predicted value of LAI. The accuracy of this map was high (88%) and the mean difference between predicted and measured LAI was low (13%). Remote sensing is thus demonstrated as a powerful tool for estimating the spatial distribution of LAI for whole mangrove ecosystems. This information can be obtained rapidly compared to alternative methods of measuring LAI and can minimise the logistical and practical difficulties of fieldwork in inaccessible mangrove areas. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Status and distribution of mangrove forest of the world using earth observation satellite data
Global Ecology and Biogeography
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Use of Tree Height for Mangrove Species Classification
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Mangrove forests play an important role in the balance of biodiversity. However, they are threatened by agriculture, aquaculture, urbanization and global warming. That's why it is imperative to monitor this ecosystem and understand how it evolves in the face of these threats in order to better preserve it. The traditional methods are invasive and time consuming. Besides, it is often difficult to get into mangroves because of the particular structure of some species, so measurements cannot be taken in those areas. That's why it is very interesting to use aerial data provided by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) photos or airborne laser scanning systems (ALS). Moreover, some representative elements of mangroves are only a few tens of centimeters high. This is the case of pneumatophores. Traditional measurements would be much too long. In this case, it is interesting to use terrestrial laser scanning systems (TLS) to make measurements and to follow them. A research project began in 2021 to try to understand how urban mangroves develop in semi-arid regions, using remote sensing techniques (photogrammetry, airborne and terrestrial laser scanning). The purpose of this paper is first to present the project and the issues of monitoring mangrove forests. Then, it proposes a state of the art of the methodologies used to record mangrove. Finally, it presents the different acquisitions made as well as the first results of species classification based on photogrammetric point cloud processing. The assessment based on ground truth shows already promising results.
Remote Sensing of Environment
Temporal information on mangrove extent, age, structure and biomass provides an important contribution towards understanding the role of these ecosystems in terms of the services they provide (e.g., in relation to storage of carbon, conservation biodiversity), particularly given the diversity of influences of human activity and natural events and processes. Focusing on the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR) in Perak Province, Peninsular Malaysia, this study aimed to retrieve comprehensive information on the biophysical properties of mangroves from spaceborne optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to support better understanding of their dynamics in a managed setting. For the period 1988 to 2016 (29 years), forest age was estimated on at least an annual basis by combining time-series of Landsat-derived Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) and Japanese L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The NDMI was further used to retrieve canopy cover (%). Interferometric Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) X/C-band (2000), TanDEM-X-band (2010-2016) and stereo WorldView-2 stereo (2016) data were evaluated for their role in estimating canopy height (CH), from which above ground biomass (AGB, Mg ha −1) was derived using pre-established allometry. Whilst both L-band HH and HV data increased with AGB after about 8-10 years of growth, retrieval was compromised by mixed scattering from varying amounts of dead woody debris following clearing and wood material within regenerating forests, thinning of trees at~15 and 20 years, and saturation of L-band SAR data after approximately 20 years of growth. Reference was made to stereo Phantom-3 DJI stereo imagery to support estimation of canopy cover (CC) and validation of satellite-derived CH. AGB estimates were compared with ground-based measurements. Using relationships with forest age, both CH and AGB were estimated for each date of Landsat or L-band SAR observation and the temporal trends in L-band SAR were shown to effectively track the sequences of clearing and regeneration. From these, four stages of the harvesting cycle were defined. The study provided new information on the biophysical properties and growth dynamics of mangrove forests in the MMFR, inputs for future monitoring activities, and methods for facilitating better characterisation and mapping of mangrove areas worldwide.
Status and distribution of mangrove forests of the world using earth observation satellite data
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2011
Aim Our scientific understanding of the extent and distribution of mangrove forests of the world is inadequate. The available global mangrove databases, compiled using disparate geospatial data sources and national statistics, need to be improved. Here, we mapped the status and distributions of global mangroves using recently available Global Land Survey (GLS) data and the Landsat archive.
Canopy height is one of the strongest predictors of biomass and carbon in forested ecosystems. Additionally, mangrove ecosystems represent one of the most concentrated carbon reservoirs that are rapidly degrading as a result of deforestation, development, and hydrologic manipulation. Therefore, the accuracy of Canopy Height Models (CHM) over mangrove forest can provide crucial information for monitoring and verification protocols. We compared four CHMs derived from independent remotely sensed imagery and identified potential errors and bias between measurement types. CHMs were derived from three spaceborne datasets; Very-High Resolution (VHR) stereophotogrammetry, TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement, and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (TanDEM-X), and lidar data which was acquired from an airborne platform. Each dataset exhibited different error characteristics that were related to spatial resolution, sensitivities of the sensors, and reference frames. Canopies over 10 m were accurately predicted by all CHMs while the distributions of canopy height were best predicted by the VHR CHM. Depending on the guidelines and strategies needed for monitoring and verification activities, coarse resolution CHMs could be used to track canopy height at regional and global scales with finer resolution imagery used to validate and monitor critical areas undergoing rapid changes.