Pre-service Teachers’ Attitude towards the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities (original) (raw)

Attitudes of teachers towards the inclusion of students with disabilities


The Croatian education system encourages the inclusion of students with disabilities into the standard school system. However. The most important role in the success of these students is played by the teachers. Since the term disabilities includes congenital and acquired impairments it is extremely difficult for teachers to successfully conduct the inclusion because they are often not trained enough to work with students with disabilities. Therefore, the main tasks of this research were to determine how often teachers encounter students with disabilities, to evaluate the teachers varying degrees of satisfaction with working conditions and to determine the relevance of the different responses given by teacher based on their gender, school location, work experience, whether they are form or single-subject teachers, professional qualification and the number of students with disabilities in their classes. 109 teachers in four elementary schools in Split-Dalmatia County took part in this...

Attitudes of primary school teachers toward inclusion of students with different disabilities


Inclusive education can be defined as an education system that includes all students, and welcomes and supports them to learn, whoever they are and whatever their abilities or requirements. Inclusive education involves transforming the whole education system – legislation and policy, systems for financing, administration, design, delivery and monitoring of education, and the way schools are organized. Positive teacher attitudes are essential for success when children with special educational needs (SEN) are placed into mainstream classrooms. According to the new low for full inclusion in the education system of the Republic of Macedonia, the main goal of our study was to determinate the attitudes of teachers in regular primary school towards inclusion of children with different types of disabilities. 100 teachers in primary school from the city of Skopje were inquired with the teacher inclusion attitudes questionnaire. Data analysis indicates that in general teachers have positive a...

Attitude of Pre- Service Educators toward Including Children with Special Needs in General Classes Case study of Education Faculty – University of Jazan. K.S.A

The study conducted in Jazan university- faculty of education during academic year 2014-2015. The aims of study are to explore pre-service educator's attitudes about the inclusion disabilities with their typical peers in general classrooms. We used descriptive statistic methods. Researchers used The Teacher Attitudes to Inclusion Scale to measure pre-service educator's attitudes toward include students with disabilities in general classes. Study group include (420) pre-service educators from Education School. The research sample consisted of 100 pre-service educators from group sample. The data was analyzed by using SPSS program. The most important results are: The attitude of Pre-Service teacher toward including pupils with disabilities on general education class is positive. The number of pupils in class influenced on attitudes of Pre-Service education students toward inclusion. There are differences on attitude of pre-service education students toward inclusion according to disabilities in friend of family. There are no differences on attitude of pre-service education students toward inclusion according to desired school levels.

Attitudes and concerns of pre-service teachers regarding inclusion of students with disabilities into regular schools in Pune, India

Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 2009

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Attitudes of Elementary-Level and Secondary-Level Teachers toward Students with Disabilities//İlköğretim ve Ortaöğretimde Görev Yapan Öğretmenlerin Engelli Öğrencilere Karşı Tutumları

e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2014

Many studies focused on teachers’ attitudes toward the concept of inclusion, there are not many studies specifically focused on teachers’ attitudes towards students with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes of general education teachers toward their students with disabilities and how well teachers’ attitudes can be predicted by their personal attributes and professional characteristics. Total of 84 teachers were surveyed from both elementary-level and secondary-level schools in the southeastern United States. In terms of the results of the study, teachers’ attitudes toward students with disabilities were mostly positive. Multiple linear regression method did not yield statistically significant results which means that gender, age, years of experience, grade level taught, extent of contact with individuals with disabilities, whether or not teachers have received any training about teaching students with disabilities, and teachers’ perceptions toward th...


European journal of special education, 2021

The study explored teachers' opinion and attitude on the inclusion of students with special educational needs in Selected Basic Schools in the Atwima Nwabiagya District, Ghana. The study used qualitative approach with case study as the design. Ten (10) teachers were used as participants who were made up of six (6) females and four (4) male selected purposively from two schools. Semi-structured interview was used as an instrument to collect data for the study. The findings revealed that generally teachers accepted the philosophy of inclusive education. They however, showed unwillingness to accommodate children with emotional problems and behavioural disorders. The teachers avowed having limited knowledge and experience essential to educate varied learners. The teachers decried the fact that the inclusive education policy was not followed by appropriate measures such as specific training on how to teach effectively children with special educational needs.


Background: The notion of inclusive education has attained a great base in many countries around the world, so that we conducted this study to examine students’ attitudes toward including students with disabilities with their typical peers in general classrooms. Objective: The aims of this study are to verify attitude of education students toward including disabilities in general education classroom, and to examine the influence for GPA, level and age on attitude of education students toward inclusive. Methods: we used descriptive statistic methods. Questioner technique is used as method of data collection. Study group include (800) education students from Faculty of Education School and (120) students were selected randomly as study group sample. The data was analyzed by using SPSS program. Results: The attitude of students toward including disabilities in general education classroom is positive, and it is significant (p<0.05). The GPA influenced on attitudes of students toward inclusive. Conclusion: We demonstrated that an important factor in the success of inclusive education is dependent upon education students’ attitude, because these are future teachers.

Factors Associated with Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities

PLOS ONE, 2015

Teachers&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; attitudes toward inclusion are often based on the practical implementation of inclusive education rather than a specific ideology and understanding of inclusiveness. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with primary school teachers&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; attitudes towards inclusion of students with all disabilities in regular schools. Seventy four primary school teachers participated in a cross-sectional survey conducted in Western Australia. Teachers&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; attitudes and efficacy toward integration of students with disabilities were measured using the Opinions Relative to Integration of Students with Disabilities scale and Bandura&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s Teacher Efficacy scale respectively. Four teacher attributes-age, gender, teaching self-efficacy and training collectively explained 42% of the variability in teachers&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; attitude toward including students with disabilities. The current study further contributes to the accumulation of knowledge that can unpack the complex pattern of factors that should be considered to promote positive attitudes towards inclusive schools.

School Administrators' Attitudes toward Inclusion of Children with Disabilities In the General Education Classrooms

The purpose of this study was to find out school administrators' attitudes and the possible factors that might have influenced their attitudes toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular education classrooms. A customized questionnaire entitled the Principals' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education (PATIE) scale was used for the data collection. The study included 232 school administrators; principals and assistant principals from the public elementary and middle schools in Sakarya Province. The results of this study showed the overall attitude of the school administrators was significantly positive, and their attitude toward inclusion of children with disabilities in general schools were influenced by several independent variables; training related to special education, job position and the years of teaching experience in general schools. However, since the participants were limited in terms of teaching experience and training in special education and inclusive practices, this study emphasizes on the professional development through ongoing training related to the special education. This is due to the fact that ongoing training is one of the greatest factors in the formation of favourable attitudes among the school administrators toward inclusive education; and considered as a way of overcoming their lack of confidence while working with the children with disabilities.