Deformable registration of the planning image (kVCT) and the daily images (MVCT) for adaptive radiation therapy (original) (raw)

2006, Physics in Medicine and Biology

The incorporation of daily images into the radiotherapy process leads to adaptive radiation therapy (ART), in which the treatment is evaluated periodically and the plan is adaptively modified for the remaining course of radiotherapy. Deformable registration between the planning image and the daily images is a key component of ART. In this paper, we report our researches on deformable registration between the planning kVCT and the daily MVCT image sets. The method is based on a fast intensity-based freeform deformable registration technique. Considering the noise and contrast resolution differences between the kVCT and the MVCT, an 'edge-preserving smoothing' is applied to the MVCT image prior to the deformable registration process. We retrospectively studied daily MVCT images from commercial TomoTherapy machines from different clinical centers. The data set includes five head-neck cases, one pelvis case, two lung cases and one prostate case. Each case has one kVCT image and 20-40 MVCT images. We registered the MVCT images with their corresponding kVCT image. The similarity measures and visual inspections of contour matches by physicians validated this technique. The applications of deformable registration in ART, including 'deformable dose accumulation', 'automatic re-contouring' and 'tumour growth/regression evaluation' throughout the course of radiotherapy are also studied. , Reckwerdt P J and Mackie T R 2001 On the accuracy and effectiveness of dose reconstruction for tomotherapy Phys. Med. Biol. 46 943-66 Keall P J, Joshi S, Vedam S S, Siebers J V, Kini V R and Mohan R 2005 Four-dimensional radiotherapy planning for DMLC-based respiratory motion tracking Med. Phys. 32 942-51 Lam K L, Ten Haken R K, Litzenberg D, Balter J M and Pollock S M 2005 An application of Bayesian statistical methods to adaptive radiotherapy Phys. Med. Biol. 50 3849-58 A 2005 Initial experience with megavoltage (MV) CT guidance for daily prostate alignments Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 62 1517-24 Lester H and Arridge S R 1999 A survey of hierarchical non-linear medical registration Pattern Recognit. 32 129-49 Lewis D G, Swindell W, Morton E J, Evans P M and Xiao Z R 1992 A megavoltage CT scanner for radiotherapy verification Phys. Med. Biol. 37 1985-99 Likar B and Pernus F 2001 A hierarchical approach to elastic registration based on mutual information Image Vis.