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International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Caesar cipher is an ancient, elementary method of encrypting plain text message into cipher text protecting it from adversaries. However, with the advent of powerful computers, there is a need for increasing the complexity of such techniques. This paper contributes in the area of classical cryptography by providing a modified and expanded version for Caesar cipher using knowledge of mathematics and computer science. To increase the strength of this classical encryption technique, the proposed modified algorithm uses the concepts of affine ciphers, transposition ciphers and randomized substitution techniques to create a cipher text which is nearly impossible to decode. It also increases the range of characters which Caesar cipher Algorithm can encrypt by including all ASCII and extended ASCII characters in addition to alphabets. A complex key generation technique which generates two keys from a single key is used to provide enhanced security. This paper aims to propose an enhanced version of Caesar cipher substitution technique which can overcome all the limitations faced by classical Caesar Cipher.
Cryptography is an art and science of converting original message into non readable form. There are two techniques for converting data into no readable form:1)Transposition technique 2)Substitution technique. Caesar cipher is an example of substitution method. As Caesar cipher has various limitations so this talk will present a perspective on combination of techniques substitution and transposition. In this paper I have focused on the well known classical techniques the aim was to induce some strength to these classical encryption for that purpose I blended classical encryption with the some more techniques. my proposed method showed that it is better in terms of providing more security to any given text message. In our experiments I took Caesaer Ciphers as representatives of Classical Techniques. To make it more secure I have used some techniques like I have used multiple level Row Transposition Ciphers, encryption with same key at each level and encryption with different key at each level.
Caesar cipher is an ancient, elementary method of encrypting plain text message into cipher text protecting it from adversaries. However, with the advent of powerful computers, there is a need for increasing the complexity of such techniques. This paper contributes in the area of classical cryptography by providing a modified and expanded version for Caesar cipher using knowledge of mathematics and computer science. To increase the strength of this classical encryption technique, the proposed modified algorithm uses the concepts of affine ciphers, transposition ciphers and randomized substitution techniques to create a cipher text which is nearly impossible to decode. It also increases the range of characters which Caesar cipher Algorithm can encrypt by including all ASCII and extended ASCII characters in addition to alphabets. A complex key generation technique which generates two keys from a single key is used to provide enhanced security. This paper aims to propose an enhanced ve...
Enhancement Caesar Cipher for Better Security
Cryptography is an art and science of converting original message into non readable form. Fast progression of digital data exchange in electronic way, information security is becoming much more important in data storage and transmission. Cryptography has come up as a solution which plays a vital role in information security system against malicious attacks. In this project, encryption will be implemented information that makes it hard to be readable and secure. For that matter, encryption method known as Caesar cipher, one of the simplest and most widely used encryption techniques. In this encryption, it uses the three methods in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by some fixed number of position down the alphabet. The result from this project is a data which is encrypted and be decrypted to its readable form. As a conclusion, Caesar cipher algorithm can be implemented in many encryption projects to make data secure and better.
Using Letters Frequency Analysis in Caesar Cipher with Double Columnar Transposition Technique.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
In this paper we have some modification in Caesar Cipher Technique. We have proposed a method to enhancing the Caesar cipher for more efficient and secure. We use Relative Frequency of Letters in Alphabets. We arrange the sequence of letter according to the frequency in increasing ordered. And then we have made use of a Modified Caesar cipher technique with double Columnar Transposition Technique.
Modified Caesar Cipher Using Rectangular Method for Enhanced Security
Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science, 2016
The most challenging area in today's era is security over the network because now days all the industrialists, corporate sectors shares their precious information through internet. Researchers have designed various encryption techniques like Caesar cipher, play fair cipher, hill cipher, one time pad cipher, alpine cipher etc. to secure the information. Caesar cipher gets easily affected from any brute force attacker. By considering the cons of the existing Caesar cipher, a new technique is proposed in this paper which enhances its strength and puts stronger impact on the cipher text result which makes difficulty for a brute force attacker to determine the original plaintext back.
Cryptography is an art and science of converting original message into non readable form. There are two techniques for converting data into no readable form:1)Transposition technique 2)Substitution technique. Caesar cipher is an example of substitution method. As Caesar cipher has various limitations so this talk will present a perspective on combination of techniques substitution and transposition. In this paper I have focused on the well known classical techniques the aim was to induce some strength to these classical encryption for that purpose I blended classical encryption with the some more techniques. my proposed method showed that it is better in terms of providing more security to any given text message. In our experiments I took Caesaer Ciphers as representatives of Classical Techniques. To make it more secure I have used some techniques like I have used multiple level Row Transposition Ciphers, encryption with same key at each level and encryption with different key at each level.
An Improved Caesar Cipher (Icc) Algorithm
In this paper, we have introduced some novel improvements to the traditional Caesar cipher algorithm, which completely eliminates its fundamental weaknesses. First we have eliminated spaces from the ciphertext and secondly the process of creating the ciphertext by the Improved Caesar Cipher (ICC) now involves two steps; encryption and scrambling of the letters in the ciphertext, so even if it is decrypted the result would be gibberish. This fact was proven by some specific demonstrations.
Few days back, WhatsApp introduced " end-to-end encryption " for his daily users. This encryption not only secures messages but also calls. Sign of relief for users. What does this depict? Not only high profile authorities but also common man is worried about his/her privacy. Earlier, it was not matter of concern, but today very one wants secrecy. In this paper we will take a review on caesar cipher, a methodology for protecting data from third parties.
Enhanced Caesar Cipher algorithm with variable length key and increased cipher complexity
For every organization information is one of the most important assets. We put many efforts to protect systems and networks to achieve confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Its is necessary to implement a secured wrapper around the data, that is none other than encryption. " Encryption is the process of transforming plain text into the cipher text where plain text is the input to the encryption process and cipher text is the output of the encryption process ". The process of decryption is transforming cipher text back into the plain text and this plain should be the same text which was sen by the sender before encryption. In this technological world cyber security still remains a hot topic in research because of the importance of information security. There is a huge demand for an algorithm to encrypt the data which take nearly infinity time to brute force with a single machine. Character substitution algorithms were the first encryption algorithms that came into existence. Even though they are considered as less secured, there were still research going on to increase it complexities in various aspects. We propose the following approach to achieve a strong character substitution algorithm with less time complexity when compared to other algorithms providing the same level of security covering all the required outcomes of encryption.