Wave Velocity Dispersion and Attenuation in Media Exhibiting Internal Oscillations (original) (raw)

Residual homogenization for elastic wave propagation in complex media

Geophysical Journal International, 2014

In the context of elastic wave propagation, the non-periodic homogenization asymptotic method allows to find a smooth effective medium and equations that correspond to the wave propagation in a given complex elastic or acoustic medium down to a given minimum wavelength. By smoothing all discontinuities and fine scales of the original medium, the homogenization technique considerably reduces meshing difficulties as well as the numerical cost associated with the wave equation solver, while producing the same waveform as for the original medium (up to the wanted accuracy). We present here a variation of the original method, allowing to homogenize the difference, or residual, between an original medium and a reference medium. This makes it possible to, for example, homogenize some specific parts of a model or to leave unchanged a specific interface while homogenizing the rest of the model. We present two examples of applications, one implying a complex geological shallow structure and the other involving the combination of deterministic and stochastic elastic models.

Modeling wave dispersion and band gaps in heterogeneous elastic media

Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2007

In this paper we report recent developments and results concerning validation of the homogenization approach applied in modeling waves in strongly heterogeneous elastic media. The homogenization limit model is obtained for stationary waves, but can also be used to estimate dispersion properties for long guided waves propagation. Band gaps distribution depends on the material contrast and on the geometrical arrangements in the microstructure. Similarity between discrete structures and heterogeneous continua is used to demonstrate the dispersion phenomena. The modeling approach has been extended to the piezo-phononic materials, which may be useful in designing smart materials. Also problems of optimal shape design at the microscopic level were pursued.

A first-order k-space model for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous media

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2011

A pseudospectral model of linear elastic wave propagation is described based on the first order stress-velocity equations of elastodynamics. k-space adjustments to the spectral gradient calculations are derived from the dyadic Green's function solution to the second-order elastic wave equation and used to (a) ensure the solution is exact for homogeneous wave propagation for timesteps of arbitrarily large size, and (b) also allows larger time steps without loss of accuracy in heterogeneous media. The formulation in k-space allows the wavefield to be split easily into compressional and shear parts. A perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition was developed to effectively impose a radiation condition on the wavefield. The staggered grid, which is essential for accurate simulations, is described, along with other practical details of the implementation. The model is verified through comparison with exact solutions for canonical examples and further examples are given to show the efficiency of the method for practical problems. The efficiency of the model is by virtue of the reduced point-per-wavelength requirement, the use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to calculate the gradients in k space, and larger time steps made possible by the k-space adjustments.

Effective medium modeling of quasi-elastic medium


The objective of this study is to account for squirt flow in the computation of effective elastic parameters of a heterogeneous rock. We review the existing rock physics models that consider fluid interaction during wave propagation and then describe a new effecting medium modeling keeping in mind the limitations of the previous theories. The new model is based on the Eshelby’s inclusion model and the differential effective medium (DEM) theory. We have shown a numerical example to model a complex heterogeneous medium using the modified DEM theory. The new model predicts well the elastic properties of CO2-squestered carbonate and sandstone rocks that vary in textures and are prone to chemical reactions with the CO2-rich water.

Generalized Multiscale Finite-Element Method (GMsFEM) for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous, anisotropic media


It is important to develop fast yet accurate numerical methods for seismic wave propagation to characterize complex geological structures and oil and gas reservoirs. However, the computational cost of conventional numerical modeling methods, such as finite-difference method and finite-element method, becomes prohibitively expensive when applied to very large models. We propose a Generalized Multiscale Finite-Element Method (GMsFEM) for elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous, anisotropic media, where we construct basis functions from multiple local problems for both the boundaries and interior of a coarse node support or coarse element. The application of multiscale basis functions can capture the fine scale medium property variations, and allows us to greatly reduce the degrees of freedom that are required to implement the modeling compared with conventional finite-element method for wave equation, while restricting the error to low values. We formulate the continuous Galerkin and discontinuous Galerkin formulation of the multiscale method, both of which have pros and cons. Applications of the multiscale method to three heterogeneous models show that our multiscale method can effectively model the elastic wave propagation in anisotropic media with a significant reduction in the degrees of freedom in the modeling system.

Multi-scale modelling of elastic waves Theoretical justification and numerical simulation of band gaps


We consider a three-dimensional composite material made of small inclusions periodi- cally embedded in an elastic matrix, the whole structure presents strong heterogeneities between its different components. In the general framework of linearized elasticity we show that, when the size of the microstructures tends to zero, the limit homogeneous struc- ture presents, for some wavelengths, a negative mass density tensor.

Validity of the acoustic approximation for elastic waves in heterogeneous media


The acoustic approximation of elastic waves is a very common approximation in exploration geophysics. The interest of the acoustic approximation in the inverse problem context lies in the fact that it leads to a much lower numerical cost than for the elastic problem. Nevertheless, the earth is not an acoustic body, and it has been found in the past that this approximation is not without drawbacks mainly because of P-to-S energy conversion and that anisotropy cannot be easily modeled. We studied a different issue of this approximation related to small heterogeneities with respect to the minimum wavelength of the wavefield. We first numerically found that elastic and acoustic waves behave differently with respect to small-scale heterogeneities, introducing differences in amplitudes but also in phase between elastic and acoustic signals. We then derived physical and mathematical interpretations of this phenomenon, developing the different nature of elastic- and acoustic-wave propagatio...

Non-conforming spectral approximations for the elastic wave equation in heterogeneous media

Non-conforming techniques as the Mortar spectral Element Method (MSEM) or the Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method (DGSEM) are variational approaches to discretize partial differential equations, that rely on a spectral finite element approximation of a non-overlapping subdomain partition of the computational domain. In this contribution we compare and analyse MSEM and DGSEM, giving more details on the algorithmic aspects of the two non-conforming approaches, and we address their applicability and flexibility to handle seismic wave propagation problems. The numerical strategies are implemented in the spectral elements based code GeoELSE [14].

Accurate solution of wave propagation problems in elasticity

Computers & Structures, 2021

The accurate solution of wave propagations in general two-and three-dimensional solids is still difficult and frequently impossible to achieve with the current computational schemes and computers available. We present in this paper a solution scheme that has much promise for the accurate solution of wave propagations in general solids. The procedure is based on the use of ''overlapping finite elements" and direct time integration. The overlapping finite elements are effective because the spatial dispersion error is relatively small and can be monotonically reduced using a finer mesh. Similarly, the time integration dispersion errors can also be reduced monotonically as the time step becomes smaller. Hence the key property of the solution scheme is that the total dispersion error in the simulation of multiple waves traveling through solids is monotonically reduced as the spatial discretization and time stepping become finer. We summarize the ingredients of the solution scheme and illustrate the characteristics in the solution of some wave propagation problems that are difficult to solve accurately. These solutions may be benchmark solutions to use in the evaluations of other computational schemes.

A discrete representation of material heterogeneity for the finite-difference modelling of seismic wave propagation in a poroelastic medium

Geophysical Journal International, 2018

As recently demonstrated the most advanced finite-difference (FD) schemes are sufficiently efficient and accurate numerical-modelling tools for seismic wave propagation and earthquake ground motion especially in local surface sedimentary structures. The key advantages of the explicit FD schemes are a uniform grid, no matter what positions of material interfaces are in the grid, and one scheme for all interior points, no matter what their positions are with respect to the material interfaces. Efficiency and accuracy is determined by the grid dispersion and discrete representation of a material heterogeneity. After having developed discrete representations for the elastic and viscoelastic media, we present here a new discrete representation of material heterogeneity in the poroelastic medium. The representation is capable of subcell resolution and makes it possible to model an arbitrary shape and position of an interface in the grid. At the same time, the structure and thus the number of operations in the FD scheme are unchanged compared to the homogeneous or smoothly heterogeneous medium.