the effect of various percentage of flyash on the fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete

The aim of this research is to study the effect of using the fly ash to the fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete. Self compacting Concrete (SCC) is a new category of concrete which flows under its own weight. It does not require any external vibration for compaction. Due to many advantage of this concrete, it is appropriate for the case where the reinforced concrete used in congested area. In this study the self compacting concrete is improved by adding various percentages of fly ash, 20%, 25% and 30% by weight of cement as partial replacement of cement. Experimental results indicated that, The fresh properties for different mixes which tested with The slump flow, T50 time, V-funnel time and L-box height ratio tests shows better by increasing the fly ash contents and that will led to improving the flow and passing abilities. However, the compressive and splitting tensile strengths decreased by the tests results at 28 days and 90 days for SCC samples.

Behaviour of Self Compacting Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash

IJETSR, 2016

Fly ash, also known as flue-ash, is one of the residues generated in combustion, and comprises the fine particles that rise with the flue gases. Ash which does not rise is termed bottom ash. The Self Compacting Concrete is an engineered material consisting of cement, aggregates, water and admixtures with several new constituents like colloidal silica, pozzolanic materials, Portland fly ash (PFA), ground granulated blast furnace slag(GGBS), micro silica, metakaolin, chemical admixtures to take care of specific requirements, such as, high-flow ability, compressive strength, high workability, enhanced resistances to chemical or mechanical stresses, lower permeability, durability, resistance against aggregation, and passing ability under dense reinforcement conditions. In the present study, it is focussed to determine the passing ability and filling ability of fresh SCC with fly ash partially replaced for cement. Fly ash is replaced by 30%, 40% and 50% of cement and tested for flowing ability by slump cone test and passing ability by J ring test. The EFNARC codal provisions is followed to obtain the mix design for SCC production with fly ash. The compressive strength of the hardened concrete is also determined after curing for 7 days, 14 days, 28 days and 56 days. The optimum percentage of replacement of fly ash in self compacting concrete is determined by these studies.


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) represents a milestone in concrete research. SCC is a highly flow-able, non-segregating concrete that can spread in to place, fill the formwork and encapsulate the reinforcement without any mechanical vibration for consolidation. SCC was originally developed at the University of Tokyo, Japan during the year 1986 by Prof. Okamura and his team to improve the quality of construction and also to overcome the problems of defective workmanship. Concrete technology has made significant advances in recent years which results in economical improvement of the strength of concrete. This economical development depends upon the intelligent use of the locally available materials. Important constituent of self-compacting concrete (SCC) is natural sand and filler material which is expensive and scarce. This necessitates that a suitable substitute be found. The cheapest substitute for natural sand is quarry dust and for filler material is fly ash. Quarry dust, a by-product from the crushing process during quarrying activities is one of the materials being studied and fly ash is an artificial pozzolanic material, a finely divided pozzolana form compounds which have cementitious properties, when mixed with hydrated lime and alkalis. In this work, the fresh and compressive strength properties of self compacting concrete when the sand is partially replaced with stone dust , when the filler materials is increased by adding fly ash in % of the total powder content and when both substituent's are implemented simultaneously. Optimization of stone dust and fly ash is also obtained. The results indicated that the incorporation of quarry dust into the self compacting Concrete mix as partial replacement material to natural sand resulted in higher compressive strength and optimization of sand replacement is 40%. Optimization of addition of fly ash in total powder content is 30%.

Effect of Quarry Waste on Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Binary Cementitious Blends of Fly Ash and Cement

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016

This paper presents the results of the experimental work conducted to study the effect of quarry waste on self-compacting concrete containing binary cementitious blends of fly ash and cement. For this purpose nine trial mixes were prepared, where the percentage replacement of river sand by quarry waste was 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 70%, and 100% to study the flowability characteristics of SCC. In all, 108 cube samples and 54 cylindrical samples were cast to study the strength parameters of SCC with and without quarry waste. The water to binder ratio was maintained at 0.36% while the dose of chemical admixture was 2.2% by weight of cement. For all trial mixes the fly ash percentage replacement to cement was kept constant at 30%. Based on the standard flowability test a visual stability index has been provided to all the trial mixes. Quarry waste replacement showed the desirable results that can suggest the usage in self-compacting concrete as well as in normally vibrated concrete.

Comparison of Self Compacting Concrete (SSC) containing Fly Ash, Ground Granulate Blast Furnace Slag

— This research work includes the comparison of compressive strength of two different mineral admixtures namely Fly ash and blast furnace slag. It also comprises of comparison of workability of both the mineral admixtures. This is obtained by performing slump test, L box test, U box test and T50 test. The method adopted to perform the workability is by replacing 30%, 40% and 50% of Portland cement with the particular mineral admixture and then compared. The influence of these mineral admixtures on the properties of these mixtures is also investigated. The mix proportion is made as per the guidelines of European federation of contractors and producers for structure. The mixture comprises of Ordinary Portland cement (grade 43). Local rivers were used to obtain the sand lying under zone 2 was used. The specific gravity of the sand is kept 2.65 and that of cement 3.15. Coarse aggregates of nominal size of size 12.5mm conforming IS 383-1970 were used. The specific gravity of coarse aggregate being 2.77. The size of the coarse aggregate is to be checked in order to check that it does not cause a blocking effect in self compacting concrete. In case of self compacting concrete the ratio of coarse aggregate is much lower than that in case of ordinary Portland cement. Fine aggregate ratio in self compacting concrete is kept higher in comparison to Ordinary Portland cement so that flowing viscosity is high and the stability of the mixture is maintained and also bleeding is kept at bay and segregation of coarse material is also avoided (Boukendakdji et al., 2009). The specific gravity of the sand is kept 2.65 and that of cement 3.15. Fly ash being industrial by product was obtained from Uttarakhand Power Corporation, Dehradun whereas Ground Granulate Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) was obtained from local vendors for cheap prices. From this view point it can be incorporated that the cost of self compacting concrete can be considerably reduced by replacing Portland cement with industrial by-products and also reducing the amounts of chemical admixtures and hence their cost.


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to flow under its own weight, completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of congested reinforcement. The hardened concrete is dense, homogeneous and has the same engineering properties and durability as traditional vibrated concrete. Complex shape of concrete structures and densely arranged bars make it more difficult to use a vibrator. Vibratory compaction is noisy and deleterious to the health of construction workers, as well as an annoyance to people in the neighbourhood. In remote areas it is difficult to find skilled workers to carry out the compacting work at construction sites. This paper presents the progress of the research on different harden properties of Self Compacting Concrete using the Ordinary Portland Cement "Ultratek" made and low-calcium fly ash from Birala Glass, Kosamba, Gujarat, as binder materials in making the concrete mixes along with other ingredients locally available in Gujarat. the hardened properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength are found in experimental work and are compared with M25 grade of concrete. In the present context the Self Compacting Concrete can be proved as boon to construction industry.

Performance Studies on Potential Aspects of Self Compacting Concrete With Manufactured Sand and Fly Ash

Self compacting concrete (SCC) has been developed by using cement, fly ash and manufactured sand and coarse aggregate as main ingredients. Basics tests on SCC with various proportions of cement and fly ash have been performed and found that the values of slump flow, V-funnel, U-Box, L-box and J-ring are within the limits prescribed by EFNARC, Performance studies such as water absorption, sorptivity, sulphate resistance, shrinkage and Rapid chloride penetration resistance have been carried out for all the SCC mixes. Various physicochemical properties such as diffusion, permeability and absorption have been evaluated as per The French Association of Civil Engineering. It can be concluded that SCC with manufactured sand and fly ash will be a good candidate for all applications in the construction sector.

Experimental Study On Fresh & Hardened Properties Of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Manufactured Sand & Fly Ash

Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) requires more quantity of powder content and fines for its cohesiveness and ability to flow without bleeding and segregation. In this investigation, cement and sand are partly replaced by mineral admixture Fly ash and manufactured sand to produce M40 grade Self Compacting Concrete which reduces the overall cost of SCC. The various replacement levels of cement by fly ash were0%, 30% and 40% and natural sand by manufactured sand were 0%, 50% and 100%. The total number of trial mix proportions is 18, and for each trial mix, fresh concrete properties were studied such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance through slump flow test, slump flow test, V-funnel test and L-box test. The satisfied trial mixes in fresh state were cast for the study of hardened concrete properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength. The Revanasiddappa Madihalli, Basavaraj Saunshi, Rajendra J Thakai :: Experimental Study On Fresh & Hardened Properties Of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Manufactured Sand & Fly Ash cube compression tests, flexural tests and split tensile tests were carried out at 3, 7 and 28 days of curing periods. The complete replacement of MS with NS satisfies good fresh properties when compared to NS & for partial replacement. A mean compressive strength of 43.7MPa were produced using a 50% proportion of both NS and MS for 30% Fly ash replacement whereas with the same proportion of constituent material, a mean compressive strength of 37.11MPa was achieved on 100%NS and 41.12MPa was achieved on 100% MS indicating that the suitable proportion of NS and MS would result in improved compressive strength.



This paper presents the details self compacting concrete (SCC) developed by using fly ash and manufactured sand. Characterization studies of all the ingredients of SCC have been carried out. SCC containing different proportion of fly ash have been tested for Slump flow, V-funnel, U-Box, L-box and J-ring and found that the values are within the limits prescribed by EFNARC. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity have been evaluated as per Bureau of Indian Standards. It is observed from the studies that the compressive strength and split tensile strength decreases with the increase in replacement of cement by fly ash. The modulus of rupture values are slightly decreasing with the increase of % replacement of cement by fly ash. Further, it is noted that IS: 456 underestimates the flexural strength compared to corresponding experimental observations. Static modulus of elasticity has been computed for all the SCC mixes and is found to be less than the value computed by using IS: 456-2000. The reason for the same modulus of elasticity for all SCC mixes may be attributed to presence of large contents of mineral admixtures, make the SCC mix denser, which will increase in stiffness. It can be concluded that SCC with manufactured sand and fly ash can be used for all applications in the construction sector.