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Study of Issues Governing to Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing system selection is a multi-criteria problem which includes both qualitative and quantitative factors. In order to select the best manufacturing system it is necessary to study different manufacturing system between substantial and non substantial factors some of which may conflict. When capacity constraints exist, this problem becomes more complicated as, in these circumstances, authority should decide two problems, which manufacturing system is the best and how much should be produced from each selected manufacturing system. There are various issues governing to the manufacturing system are Lead time, Service level, Quality, Cost, inventory Planning, Flexibility, Sustainability, Supplier Management and Customer Satisfaction, studies in this paper.
Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis
Springer eBooks, 2011
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
An Integrated Approach for the Analysis of Manufacturing System States
Industrial and Systems Engineering Review, 2017
With advancement in the manufacturing technology and rise in the purchasing ability, demand for newer products is increasing continuously. This is forcing manufacturing companies to persistently look for new techniques to improve the productivity of a manufacturing system and ensure optimum utilization of all the elements of a manufacturing system, including facility layout. Traditional research had viewed facility layout, material handling and productivity improvement as separate activities. Researchers depending on their area of specialization focused on either the production aspects of a company, the material handling aspects or facility layout. However, to ensure productivity, this study proposes a new theory to analyze the current state of the system with an integrated approach of production system and material handling system. In this study, the current state of the system is classified into three different states and a methodology is proposed to identify the current state of the system. This new theory can be used by manufacturers to identify appropriate strategies for improving productivity. The identification of the state of the system is necessary for effective improvement of the system.
An Overview of the Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Survey
Lecture notes in production engineering, 2023
To date manufacturing industries aims at achieving a growing variation of tailored, superior, high excellence and quality products in flexible sets. The transition from traditional machine systems to current reconfigurable machine (RM) requires consistency in achieving the requirements brought by the changes on the market demand, product life cycle and flexibility. This manuscript presents a literature review about the manufacturing system. The paper highlights the concepts of RM, dedicated machine (DM) and flexible machine (FM). It also highlights the application areas as well as the methodology and tools, by existing works. The search of the articles was conducted by inserting search strings in scientific search engines and academic databases to find relevant contributions on the analysed topic. The trend of the literature shows a gradual shift from dedicated machines to flexible machines and now reconfigurable machines. The findings of this work provide an insight into the requirements for the development of sustainable and reconfigurable manufacturing systems.
Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2013 Editorial
Nowadays manufacturing companies are coerced to become more flexible to adapt their internal processes quickly and economically to the volatile external situations. In this paper, we develop a cost model with respect to the capacity envelope concept. Generic flexibility measures are used and described by numerous influence factors and constraints. Furthermore, the cost model will be demonstrated as a mixed-integer linear model and is finally integrated in a decision support system for mid-term production planning. The resulting problem can be solved with commonly available standard solvers. Finally, we will show numerical results from practice. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor Pedro Filipe do Carmo Cunha
Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems
, when Jan van Doremalen gave me the opportunity to carry out my master's thesis at CQM. My supervisors Simone Resing and Ivo Adan played an important role in my decision to continue the research in a PhD project. I am greatly indebted to a number of people. First, the great enthusiasm and support of my supervisor Ivo Adan was essential throughout these years, I really enjoyed our collaboration. Onno Boxma and Koos Rooda have my gratitude for their constructive comments which led to a lot of improvements in my thesis. This research was carried out in the STW-project Effective Process Time. I would like to thank STW for funding my PhD position and the users of the STW-project for their inspiring ideas and interest in the results. The remaining members of the STW-project: Pascal Etman, Ad Kock and Erjen Lefeber have my gratitude for the many interesting discussions about the effective process time. Further I would like to thank all members of the Stochastic Operations Research group at Eindhoven University of Technology for creating a pleasant working environment and especially my officemate Erik Winands for the pleasant collaboration and the many lively discussions. Also, I want to express my gratitude to my friends and family for their presence in my life. Boudewijn and Monique, for their support during my defence. My parents and brother, for their love, enthusiasm and interest. Lastly, Claudia, without you I wouldn't be where I am now.
Lecture Notes in Manufacturing Systems Design and Manufacturing Process Organisation
This volume includes a number of key chapters from the fields of facilities planning, factory design and manufacturing enterprise organisation as compiled lecture material, conceived as the lecture- accompanying scriptum. All chapters are given a common framework which provides for both, embracing all the included chapters in uniform notation and giving a solid base for future research and scientific work. All contents may be easily extended by new methods, the structural set up holds for a lot of future trends and research results to be incorporated. The final chapter on Cyber Manufacturing is a valid proof for this statement. Moreover, I hope that other intentions as fostering exciting accesses to field of manufacturing and manufacturing systems and to provide a solid formal base are met as well by the text.
Ranking of Manufacturing System Criteria
A high-quality manufacturing system should be capable to meet the company goals. Moreover, it is essential for any organization that its manufacturing system should be aligned with company’s strategy. There is always a potential for improvement in components of manufacturing systems but it is also essential to identify the particular areas of the components that need improvement. In this paper, we have discussed the most appropriate criterion for good manufacturing systems with the help of a survey that indentified the importance of seven different criteria according to the experts experience and we ranked them accordingly.
Modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems: a review of existing models
International Journal of Product Development, 2010
Manufacturing system models with unreliable machines and buffers have received much attention in the past five decades. While the first studies considered only two machines and one buffer in series, the most recent ones can consider much more and present various configurations (parallel, assembly/disassembly, rework path, feed-forward path or any combination of these). By using indicators-such as the global production rate, probability of idleness and average buffer level-to evaluate the performance of such systems, it may give one the opportunity to determine the buffer sizing. This paper presents an overview of analytical manufacturing system models, starting from a two-machine-one-buffer model towards a complex manufacturing system integrating assembly/disassembly networks, rework loops and feed-forward loops.