Ibn al-Athir. Year 562 AH (1166-1167AD) (original) (raw)
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Hadis Al-Machadi (1689- 1770) and His Manuscript Collection
This paper presents an overview of the private manuscript collection of Hadis al-Machadi (1689-1770), examined and partially digitized during the archaeographic expedition funded by the RSF grant No. 22-18-00295 "Electronic library of Arabic-language manuscripts from archival, library, museum and private collections of Russia" in the summer of 2023. The collection, notable for its thematic and chronological diversity, spans several centuries and encompasses materials in Arabic from various sources, including manuscripts directly associated with Hadis al-Machadi, those of his descendants, and other scholars from the village of Machada in the Shamilsky district of the Republic of Dagestan. Notably, the library includes works by Sufi authors and a significant corpus of letters, documents, legal records, and court decisions, offering fertile ground for further scholarly exploration. Among the manuscripts are rare or unique pieces such as "Silsilat al-masnuʻat" by Ahmad Zirikhgerani and "Hashiya ʻala Charpardi". Moreover, the inclusion of works from the 19th and 20th centuries, likely acquired through the Gidatlin Ulama, underscores a tradition of continuity of Arab-Muslim studies in the region.
Ибрахим ибн Саййар ан-Наззам (Ibrahim ibn Sayyar an-Nazzam)
Книга содержит реконструкцию и исследование религиозно-философской концепции видного деятеля басрийской школы мутазилизма Ибрахима ибн Саййара ан-Наззама (ум. 845/846). На основании дошедшего до нас материала автор стремится не только предельно полно описать биографию и учение известного мыслителя, но и дать общее представление о ранней стадии формирования дискурса классического этапа исламского калама. Книга будет полезна как специалистам-арабистам и философам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся историей средневековой арабской культуры. Книга-лауреат международной премии "Книга года: ислам и Иран в русскоязычном пространстве" в номинации "ислам" (2016).
Devatāsūtra in the Arabic Compendium of Chronicles of Rashīd al-Dīn (Arabic text)
Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom 38(3): 237–254, 2020
In the Compendium of Chronicles (Jāmi‘ al-tawārīkh) of a famous medieval scholar, physician, and influential vizier at the Ilkhanid court Rashīd al-Dīn Hamadhānī (1249/50–1318) that was compiled on the basis of the works of the court historian Abū-l-Qāsim Qāshānī (died after 1323/4), one finds the History of India (Tārīkh al-Hind wa’l-Sind), which contains a lengthy section about the Buddha and Buddhism. Among the Arabic sources on Buddhism, this work of Rashīd al-Dīn is considered to be the most important. One of the chapters in this section is a version of the famous Buddhist sutra adapted for the Muslim reader, in which the Buddhist teachings and ethical principles are presented in the form of questions-riddles addressed by a heavenly being to Buddha and his answers given to them. The article provides a survey of the Asiatic versions of this work that were in use in Buddhist cultures in the Middle Ages, as well as a comparison of the Muslim and Buddhist interpretations of this sutra presented in the Arabic version of the Compendium of Chronicles. The article is followed by an edition of the Arabic text of the sutra based on the only preserved manuscript from the London collection Khalili MSS 727, and its Russian translation.
Meʿmārbāshis of the Nasirid Court (1848- 1896)
Soffeh, 2022
The Qajar period, especially the times of Nasir al-Din Shah’s reign (1848- 1896), is a critical period, and in a sense is the beginning of the modern era in the history of contemporary architecture in Iran. However, there is not a clear picture of how architects worked in this period. Despite the abundance of documents about the ‘meʿmārbāshis’ of the Nasirid court remained from that time, we know little about the seminal guild at the court. Employing a historical approach, the present paper aims to study meʿmārbāshis of the Nasirid court’s works and lives, duties and responsibilities, and the evolution of the position ‘meʿmārbāshi’ in this period. Written documents of the period indicate that five people held the position ‘meʿmārbāshi’ during the Nasirid period: ʿAbd Allāh Khān, Mohammad Taghi Khān, Mohammad Ebrāhim Khān, Hāji Abol-Hasan, and Hosein ʿAli Khān the meʿmārbāshis. They had a diverse series of duties and responsibilities, but their main remit was to manage technical affairs related to the royal constructions simultaneously. The increasing number of royal constructions during 1866- 1883 resulted in the formation of the ‘chief-mason’ role and the increasing power of senior architects. The consequences resulted in a rotation in the position of meʿmārbāshi and, after several years of interruption, led it to be possessed by expert architects again. With the development of bureaucracy came a clarification of labour division between the meʿmārbāshi and holders of other roles and positions. These changes could be considered as a sign of modernity in the professional architecture organisations of the Nasirid court.
The publication is a commented translation from Arabic into Russian of an extract from the book by Hilal al-Sabi (Abū'l-Ḥusayn Hilāl b. Muḥassin b. Ibrahīm al- Ṣābi 969–1056 AD) “Kitāb al-Wuzarā’ ” (The Book of Wazirs. The extract comprises an account about the circumstances and conditions of a lease agreement between the wazir of the Caliph al- Mu‘tadid billah (r. 892–902 AD) and a certain Muhammad at-Tai concerning the fertile lands of Central and Southern Iraq. The translation is introduced by a preface, which outlines the political and economic situation in the caliphate in the year of the accession of the caliph al-Mu‘tadid to the throne and explains the reasons for the emergence of the tax-farming deals during the rule of the Abbasid caliphs. The extract also provides the description of the circumstances of the agreement as well as provides the actual text of the document. Altogether they describe the relations between the government officials and the tax-farming dealers i...
Sultan Barquq and his time (1382-1399)
The publication is based on published Arabic sources and one unpublished Arabic manuscript as well, as on classic and contemporary works of Russian and foreign scientists. The article is concerned with the period of Barquq’s rule (1382-1389). In 1382 the last Bahri sultan Hadji was disposed. Within the next seven years all political life in Mamluk Sultanat was concentrated round opposition between Barkuk's supporters and the opposition between those who attempted to return the power to a family Qalawun and those who supported Barquq. In 1389 began a revolt. Haji was declared a sultan again. In some months Barquq returned himself a throne, having finally fixed for the Circassian mamluks the right to the power in the sultanate.
The Massaria Book of Caffa of 1441–1442; Книга Масарії Кафи 1441–1442 рр.
Ucrainica Mediaevalia, 4, 2021
This paper is an archaeographic publication of an updated and expanded transcription of the accounting book of the Treasury of the Genoese Caffa for 1441–1442. This document preserves the earliest evidence of that time of the founder of the Crimean khan dynasty – Hacı Giray (1441–1466) and his fierce struggle for the throne of Crimea with rivals, namely khan Seyid Ahmet II ben Beq Sufi (1432 (?) –1455) and a well-known member of the Cingizid family – Kasim ben Uluğ Muhammed. The document also contains numerous data on various aspects of the economic life of the most important Genoese trade factory in the Black Sea – Caffa. This document significantly expands the source base to the history of late medieval Ukraine.